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Posted: 2/2/2011 7:51:02 AM EDT
Am I totally confused?

Watching an otherwise great Military Channel show, "US Marines: First to Fight" part 2. Looking at an MEU on the USS Bonhomme Richard and they got to an expose' on the current AV8B saying that it used a 20mm Vulcan. I thought the Harriers were equipped w/ 2 30mm single barrel cannon. Much like the RAF Tornado.

Am I muchly screwed up?

ETA...it seems I am...maybe. globalsecurity.org, circa 2006 lists the AV8B as having a 25mm "gun system" in the fuselage. Hmmm

Link Posted: 2/2/2011 7:55:47 AM EDT
Looking up some stuff, it seems that all or most of the Brit ones had 2x 30mm ADEN cannons, and the American ones have 1× GAU-12 Equalizer 25mm Gatling guns.

Link Posted: 2/2/2011 7:59:08 AM EDT
The Marine Corps Harrier has had the 20MM since the inception of the AV8B... gun on the left, ammo on the right...Never worked on AV8-A/C so no idea what the old harriers used..
Link Posted: 2/2/2011 8:01:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/2/2011 8:07:15 AM EDT
Thanks guys...must have had the UK/US versions confused.

Love the 'behind the scenes' info...
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