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Posted: 2/25/2001 10:45:22 AM EDT
Here's a list you may add or include others.
My favorite has been USGI (of course) but lately I've started collecting some of these others. Surely, there's got to be some fans of one or another pattern besides USGI.
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 11:48:59 AM EDT
You may not think so, but plain old Olive drab works pretty damn good, too.
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 11:50:37 AM EDT
I like swiss, but I think they went overboard on the whole red thing.

yeah, it is an important color in nature, but not 30% important.
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 1:22:54 PM EDT
I agree, Swiss is cool. The red is good for safety when hunting since you'll stand out a bit for other hunters but not to game, with the exception of turkey hunting where the birds have super keen eyesight.
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 1:58:20 PM EDT
u.s. three color day-desert for bdu's or the tan (dunkelgelb?) mit panzer grey tiger stripes done on ww2 german tanks.

Link Posted: 2/25/2001 2:06:18 PM EDT
I thought the Canadians wore either USGI style or the Brit Disruptive pattern?
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 2:16:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 2:17:04 PM EDT
Rhodesian.  Because you can't get it anymore and I have 3 sets, 1 never been worn.
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 2:30:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 2:45:31 PM EDT
Strictly from a hunter's point of view:

There are two types that work well for me.

Advantage camo which works great here in the Pa. woods.
And my two styles of Shaggie. For when there is no cover and then I create my own.

Link Posted: 2/25/2001 2:56:32 PM EDT
Tiger strip, not the issue during Vietnam, worked well.
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 2:59:20 PM EDT
my $.02 says that predator is the finest camo made. if you have ever tried it u know what i mean. biggest thing about making camo work is to not move.

Link Posted: 2/25/2001 3:44:51 PM EDT
Going simply with the coolness factor, I would have to say that Desert Tiger Stripe is the greatest looking camo out there.
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 3:58:46 PM EDT
Mossy Oak Break-up works well in the woods here in AR.  Not in use by the military though.
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 4:48:09 PM EDT
mossy oak SHOULD be used by the us military. it's the most 'real' looking camo out there. agree CIB?
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 5:01:28 PM EDT
In the summer woods of the north eastern US, Tiger stipe disappears.  Woodland you can pick out quite easily.

Link Posted: 2/25/2001 5:03:31 PM EDT
Mossy Oak for me .... and I'll NEVER understand why the military has not adopted it in some fashion.   -- Les
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 5:08:29 PM EDT
Gunrunner - you're kinda, er, umm cute!  [:O]

Link Posted: 2/25/2001 5:22:59 PM EDT
Ghillie, and if you've ever used one you would know. They aren't the most comfortable, but if you want to be invisible get a ghillie for the type of area you will be hiding in. A summer woods ghillie wont do in fall woods and limestone rocks present their own challenge. I have had deer and deer hunters pass close without a clue. Never had to hunt men in mine and hope I never have to but based on past experiences I would put my trust in the ghillie.IMHO ¤¤¤¤¤
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 5:33:42 PM EDT
Worn blue denim and a T shirt... I blend right in with the thousands of others. Virtually indistingishable from the background.
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 5:34:26 PM EDT
I use USGI "woodland" I find it hides me well.  I started with tiger stripe but I find woodland suits the land better.  I play paintball against a friend who uses swiss and that stuff is invisible in the Missouri woods in the fall.  It is not bad for summer either.
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 5:48:01 PM EDT
#1 Tiger Stripe
#1 Austrian
#1 Flecktarn (luckily our neo's haven't adopted it yet.)
#10 Sky Camo
#10 Orange Camo
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 6:36:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 6:49:38 PM EDT
I've gotta jump on the Mossy Oak bandwagon here; it's by far my favorite camaflauge.  Does a great job of breaking up your outline here in the VA woods.

As far as military I like USGI woodland.  Don't really know why, just do!

Link Posted: 2/25/2001 7:01:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 7:09:09 PM EDT
Reddog.  We canadians have our own pattern it is sort of a cross between the Brit and your BDU...Go figure!!

I prefer the Brit....however looking at that Danish Pattern,,,,,,I would just love to get my hands on a set of those!!  Anyone know where they can be found?

Of course the old German SS is another long time favorite....
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 7:10:45 PM EDT
DK.....the danish is coolkinda looks like a darkerverson of the new USMC camo,wonder if it had any influence.......for me its either OD or woodland.....but in most ways the ''hunter'' camo is supeior,looking at the advantage hard wood patteren myself
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 7:46:19 PM EDT
TimberGhost works in any neck of the woods.

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