So, 3 economies contracted today, bombings, bombings, bombings. Iraq, North Korea, etc., etc. I don't want to sound like chicken little, but what is your take on what may happen next and how bad will it get before it get's better?
I say, you won't see a lot happen here, unless there is an actual civil war between liberals and conservatives when the liberals aren't getting their way, and not too much else cause the terrorists know we are on to them here. Unless you know something I don't. But that's why the bombing will stay else where. And I see in my crystal ball, the stock market rising a for a while, then taking another big dump. And it'll be at least a year before things start to get better. The start will be when the AWB dies a violent death [beer] and Schumer and Feinstein have a heart attack over it [wave], all while Hitlery stands there looking for some place to hide her latest criminal act! [spank]
So what's your take, how bad will it get or are we starting on the way back up from here? Talk among yourselves...