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Posted: 3/14/2011 9:03:29 AM EDT
I have hazel eyes and they change with mood from brown to green.  I have only seen this happen one other time. In college under all the stress of finals one year.

The last two months have been hell. I was in the ER 4 times in 5 days with heart attack symptoms, stroke symptoms, pulmonary embolism symptoms, nervous system disorder symptoms. Numbness of extremities. Chest pains. Tingling in my head. Lightheadedness. It was awful

Turned out to be....we think...a hiatal hernia.  The last month+ I have not had the hiatal hernia problem, I managed to follow a hiatal hernia diet and massage techniques to pop it back in place, but I have been having anxiety attacks with my health because I was so freaked out that I was dying.  I have not been able to work out because I would get my heart rate up and freak out that it would never go back down or I would have a heart attack.

It messed my head up pretty good.
On top of that, work has been stressful, money has been tight, and my overall stress level has been sky high.

Anyway, I am almost completely back on the good. Starting to work out again. Anxiety attacks getting less severe and further apart. My roomate finally moved in and now I get rent money, and I got a raise at work.

But the stress did this:
It will probably go back to normal in a week or two.

Left half blue, right half green
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:04:43 AM EDT
Body Thetans.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:05:01 AM EDT
You know how we know you're crazy

ETA: I have hazel eyes that change color as well. Chicks dig it. Chill out guy.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:05:01 AM EDT
Zombie infection.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:05:30 AM EDT
Radiation sickness.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:05:50 AM EDT
I once had a girlfriend whose eyes would change color depending on her uh mood.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:06:50 AM EDT
You know how we know you're crazy

It's been documented that some people with multiple personalities will change eye color based on which "person" that they are at the time.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:07:09 AM EDT
You're a quart low
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:07:34 AM EDT
Dibs on ammo, firearms, optics
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:07:50 AM EDT
Werewolf.  You caught it and the super moon is coming.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:08:35 AM EDT
You are a Rage virus carrier.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:10:30 AM EDT
Zombie infection.

Your symptoms mimic this. Stay away from ARFCOMers as they will be prone to shooting you in the face or splitting your head open with an axe. Good luck!

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:15:13 AM EDT
Mine have changed back and forth between green and blue-ish a few times...
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:19:11 AM EDT
You know how we know you're crazy

ETA: I have hazel eyes that change color as well. Chicks dig it. Chill out guy.

My gf loves my eyes and the fact they change color.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:22:13 AM EDT

Damn you! I worked myself into a panic looking up symptoms online for all the crap I was going through.

My vision appears unaffected.  The blue is actually starting to fade it seems. I was hoping it would stick around longer. Glad I got a pic.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:24:05 AM EDT
Dibs on everything cool you have
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:25:09 AM EDT
My eyes go back and forth between green and blue.  Right now they are really blue.  A couple commented on it last week.  Its weird how they do it.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:25:11 AM EDT
Mine fluctuate from green to bluish.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:27:02 AM EDT
You have caught "it". Or maybe bot flies. But i'm no doctor.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:28:02 AM EDT
Yep, mine will do that as well - they go from green to brown.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:30:25 AM EDT


Damn you! I worked myself into a panic looking up symptoms online for all the crap I was going through.

My vision appears unaffected.  The blue is actually starting to fade it seems. I was hoping it would stick around longer. Glad I got a pic.

hey, i'm no doctor. Its just some stuff I googled. Dont go crazy.

Ask a real doctor.

Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:33:33 AM EDT
Do you really need a Dr to tell you that you caught the gay?  
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:37:48 AM EDT
When I was a kid, my eyes were dark chocolate brown.  They are now hazel/brown.  When I'm tired, they get more hazel, but normally a greenish brown.

Sounds like you have Walleye-vision.  You need a double-pupil-pupiloptomy.  Gotta go through the rectum.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:42:49 AM EDT
Its a tumor.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:43:49 AM EDT


Damn you! I worked myself into a panic looking up symptoms online for all the crap I was going through.

My vision appears unaffected.  The blue is actually starting to fade it seems. I was hoping it would stick around longer. Glad I got a pic.

hey, i'm no doctor. Its just some stuff I googled. Dont go crazy.

Ask a real doctor.


Na. 3 weeks ago I might have freaked out about it. But I am fine. I know it is fine. it has happened to me before. It will go back. And even if it stayed that way, I sent my gf a pic and she liked them.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:46:10 AM EDT
Its a tumor.

It's not a tumor!!


Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:47:28 AM EDT
Are your other senses getting stronger?
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:49:34 AM EDT
I read somewhere that ingesting large amounts of semen will cause that.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:49:42 AM EDT
When were you bitten?
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:51:00 AM EDT

mjohn3006 SMASH!
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:52:34 AM EDT


I once had a girlfriend whose eyes would change color depending on her uh mood.

That could be useful.....  Green eyes, stay home, enjoy pie.  Red eyes, go out drinking with friends.

Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:53:36 AM EDT
Sauron, is that you?
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:55:22 AM EDT
Mine go from blue to red. A good nights sleep usually cures it..

Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:55:41 AM EDT

Could be worse:

Link Posted: 3/14/2011 9:57:14 AM EDT
Zombie infection.

Link Posted: 3/14/2011 10:04:20 AM EDT
Mine are usually gray, but sometimes turn blue.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 10:06:19 AM EDT
It happens to cats as well.  

Diagnosis:  you are turning into a cat.  Maggie will have a new playmate.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 10:08:47 AM EDT
Reminded me of Blair Witch

Link Posted: 3/14/2011 10:11:07 AM EDT
Not to worry, it just means your not as full of shit as you normally are.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 10:15:50 AM EDT
You need more of the spice.

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that
brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass
over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face
fear's path, and only I will remain.

Link Posted: 3/14/2011 10:24:07 AM EDT
I have hazel eyes. They change color all the time. Yellow, blue, green, grey, brown or anything in between. Mostly due to what I am wearing. Never had one eye change, or 1/2 of an eye change though. They got me my hot wife and more than 1 gf before her. People used to think I wore colored contacts. Most days they are greenish, but they do change.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 10:24:53 AM EDT
My girlfriend's eyes change color depending on the season. Summer is light brown, and winter they're green.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 10:27:32 AM EDT
Take photos of your eyes as they change color.  Document it.  Just because it's REALLY cool.

I only have two possible eye colors:  Green and black.  But I've never HAD a black eye. Fortunately.


Link Posted: 3/14/2011 10:38:39 AM EDT
Seriously. Your symptoms sound a lot like anxiety. If it turns out to not be a hernia, I'd check into that. Panic attacks feel like you are dying. Your body starts dumping adreniline at every little bit of stress and it can manifest in a lot of different ways,
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 10:58:10 AM EDT
Zombie infection.

Yeah, hate it when that happens. Now hold still.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 11:06:11 AM EDT
My eyes change from blue to green also, but that shit is freaky!
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 11:09:09 AM EDT
Mine go from shit brown to.... even darker shit brown.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 11:13:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 11:19:23 AM EDT
Mine change from green to blue.

They used to be really green.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 11:23:13 AM EDT
dibs on optics.
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