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Posted: 8/13/2011 10:59:04 AM EDT
Here's the thing a lot of Republicans are missing: if just another
status quo "Republican" is on the general ballot, lots of Republicans
will not vote for him/her. They will stay home, vote third party,
whatever. Democrats will still vote Democrat. Third-party supporters will vote for their party.

OTOH, if Ron Paul is the Republican candidate, how many Republicans won't vote for him? How many Libertarians won't vote for him? In fact, most third-party supporters would vote for him, just because he really does represent change. Lots of Democrats would too, for the same reason.

If Ron Paul is the Republican on the general ballot, he will win by a landslide. The mainstream media knows it, which is why they try to ignore him.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 11:10:57 AM EDT
If Ron Paul is the Republican on the general ballot, he will win by a landslide. The mainstream media knows it, which is why they try to ignore him.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 11:18:43 AM EDT
Ron Paul is the only hope America has to save herself. Everybody else just wants to take a degree or two turn when we need to go completely in the opposite direction were heading in which is just not damn good enough when the ship is sinking as fast as it is.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 11:20:11 AM EDT




If Ron Paul is the Republican on the general ballot, he will win by a landslide. The mainstream media knows it, which is why they try to ignore him.


Yep, they will vote for him too. Ron Paul on the ballot is a guarantee that Obama is gone.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 11:20:25 AM EDT
Not the only hope, but the biggest-name one out there right now.


Ron Paul is the only hope America has to save herself.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 11:30:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 11:33:45 AM EDT
What you don't get is that the man only gets votes from people going to vote.

The machine wins elections.  O wins elections because he has buses running people to the poll booth,s and maybe other buses running those same people to other toll booths, and maybe then another bus running those people to another state's poll booth.

Ron Paul does not have the machine behind him and does not appear to have the balls to call the dems out on voter fraud charges.  You can bet the dems will be charging the Rep. cnidate with every bogus voter fraud charge they can dream up.

If Paul is the nomineee it just promises that the Dems will win by fruad and not be contested from where I sit.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 11:34:57 AM EDT
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

It might just be time for Ron Paul.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:21:49 PM EDT
I'll say it again: only republicans will vote for a Rick Perry or a Mitt Romney, and not even all of them. People who otherwise vote for third parties would vote for Ron Paul, as would even quite a few Democrats who are mostly Democrat because they are anti-war or anti-War On Drugs. The end result is that Ron Paul would win.

If you are a Republican and you vote for Ron Paul in the primary and he loses, what have you lost? You can still vote for whomever did win, in the general.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:23:31 PM EDT
botbotbotbotbotbotbotbotbotbotbot................please continue.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:26:03 PM EDT


I'll say it again: only republicans will vote for a Rick Perry or a Mitt Romney, and not even all of them. People who otherwise vote for third parties would vote for Ron Paul, as would even quite a few Democrats who are mostly Democrat because they are anti-war or anti-War On Drugs. The end result is that Ron Paul would win.

If you are a Republican and you vote for Ron Paul in the primary and he loses, what have you lost? You can still vote for whomever did win, in the general.

Oh please, please! Vote for Ron...please vote for him because you do not know how great it would be if he won...you are too stupid to understand politics, therefore Ron Paul will help this country and you dumb, ignorant, stupid people, who cannot understand what he says when he speaks.

Dude...really? Do you not think we can see and hear him just fine and make our decisions based on that?

Grab your bong and head over to DU, there are 2 threads lamenting the greatness of Paul and how even democrats will love him.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:27:32 PM EDT
As much as I like the guy, and I really do, he will never win an election.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:27:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:30:06 PM EDT
the middle/undecided determines who is president. the middle/undecided do not vote for 'odd' candidates. ron paul is an oddity with a number of good ideas and a shitpile of wacko ideas. the middle at best stays home, at worse they vote for the person who is obviously not delusional.

the paul true believers are a breed apart with some delusional ideas of their own.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:33:32 PM EDT

Just the condescending "What most Republicans don't realize"??? Really you think there is a better way to call us stupid and we not know it?

You paulbots come off as desperate and disenfranchised with reality.

Good Lord this has to be a record for the most insane post about Rupert Paul..gotta be a record and it has'nt changed one mind.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:33:38 PM EDT
Paulbots seem willing to back a candidate with no viable chance of winning a general election....and therefore helping the communist incumbent finish killing off their nation.....solely on the istaken belief that Paul will legalize their dope.

See...dope doesn't make you stupid.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:33:45 PM EDT
That's the thing about Ron Paul. As RP talks, you go from saying F!!K YES!, to GODDAMN HE'S A RETARD, every 17 seconds. His great moments can't overcome his derp moments.

Dan_Gray 8/13/2011
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:33:57 PM EDT



I'll say it again: only republicans will vote for a Rick Perry or a Mitt Romney, and not even all of them. People who otherwise vote for third parties would vote for Ron Paul, as would even quite a few Democrats who are mostly Democrat because they are anti-war or anti-War On Drugs. The end result is that Ron Paul would win.

If you are a Republican and you vote for Ron Paul in the primary and he loses, what have you lost? You can still vote for whomever did win, in the general.

Oh please, please! Vote for Ron...please vote for him because you do not know how great it would be if he won...you are too stupid to understand politics, therefore Ron Paul will help this country and you dumb, ignorant, stupid people, who cannot understand what he says when he speaks.

Dude...really? Do you not think we can see and hear him just fine and make our decisions based on that?

Grab your bong and head over to DU, there are 2 threads lamenting the greatness of Paul and how even democrats will love him.

Great. When did I say any of that?

This thread is a response to the ARF threads that claim a vote for Ron Paul is a vote thrown away. I'm saying a vote for Romney or Perry guarantees that it will be a very close race, like the last half-dozen elections have been.

How about you go back to DU, where you obviously have already been? And if there are, as you say, 2 threads over there talking about how even Democrats like Ron Paul, doesn't that kinda' prove my point?

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:38:00 PM EDT



I'll say it again: only republicans will vote for a Rick Perry or a Mitt Romney, and not even all of them. People who otherwise vote for third parties would vote for Ron Paul, as would even quite a few Democrats who are mostly Democrat because they are anti-war or anti-War On Drugs. The end result is that Ron Paul would win.

You are simply wrong and history proves it.

Moderates are not going to vote for Paul. They will vote for obama, just like last time.

Where do y'all come up with this stuff?

Politicians move to the center to get elected. They start off either conservative or liberal in the primaries and then lessen the rhetoric when the general come around.

Only 30 or 40% of the people are going to like what Paul says. That means obama in the WH.

Paul wasn't on the general ballot last time.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:39:23 PM EDT
Another election season Paulbot.  How delightful.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:43:33 PM EDT
It is astounding how little some of y'all understand politics.

Ron Paul will not get elected, because there is one thing most of ARFCOM doesn't get, even mostly conservative gun owners can't agree on one single issue, yet y'all want a candidate that YOU want and expect everyone will vote for him or her.

The so called RINOs y'all bitch so much about are the only people that stand a chance.

There aren't enough conservatives in the country to get elected. Moderates settle the elections. If the moderates vote for the more conservative choice, a republican gets the office, if they vote for a more liberal choice, a demo gets the office.

Just because YOU want a strictly conservative guy doesn't mean everyone will. In fact it is pretty much a fucking lock that the majority won't.

The people who decide elections are in the middle on issues. Get used to it. Ignore it at your peril.

Barack Hussein Obama disagrees
John McCain shares your beliefs
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:44:45 PM EDT




I'll say it again: only republicans will vote for a Rick Perry or a Mitt Romney, and not even all of them. People who otherwise vote for third parties would vote for Ron Paul, as would even quite a few Democrats who are mostly Democrat because they are anti-war or anti-War On Drugs. The end result is that Ron Paul would win.

If you are a Republican and you vote for Ron Paul in the primary and he loses, what have you lost? You can still vote for whomever did win, in the general.

Oh please, please! Vote for Ron...please vote for him because you do not know how great it would be if he won...you are too stupid to understand politics, therefore Ron Paul will help this country and you dumb, ignorant, stupid people, who cannot understand what he says when he speaks.

Dude...really? Do you not think we can see and hear him just fine and make our decisions based on that?

Grab your bong and head over to DU, there are 2 threads lamenting the greatness of Paul and how even democrats will love him.

Great. When did I say any of that?Your condescending title that most Republicans do not understand. We do understand, we are not in college and hoping to be able to buy reefer on the corner legally.

This thread is a response to the ARF threads that claim a vote for Ron Paul is a vote thrown away. It is, he cannot get 2% of the national vote.

I'm saying a vote for Romney or Perry guarantees that it will be a very close race, like the last half-dozen elections have been. The last 3 Presidentials have been close but the previous 3 before them were not. Perry can and will beat Obama..Paul would lose 50 states if he won the Rep. primary..no worries, he won't.

How about you go back to DU, where you obviously have already been? And if there are, as you say, 2 threads over there talking about how even Democrats like Ron Paul, doesn't that kinda' prove my point? I don't think I would be proud of Obama supporters liking your candidate..it proves our point. Paul is un-electable, anyone with 2 brain cells not influenced by hemp realizes that. You paulbots even further diminish any credibility that RuPaul has by spamming every board on the internet..it may seem cool and fun to do, but the adults have decisions to make, and voting for a tired old kook is not among them.

Take a hit and pass this advice along to the cult gathering...stupid is not spoken here.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:45:03 PM EDT

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:47:33 PM EDT
I like Ron Paul but he doesn't have a chance in hell at winning so I won't ever vote for him.

I'm not stupid enough to throw away my vote on principal.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:49:19 PM EDT
I can agree with the premise of what the OP is saying.  Look back at 2008.  The Democrats registered all kinds of new voters, and the voter turnout was supposed to be huuuuge that year.  But in the end, the only actual increase in voter turnout was just a small amount due to population growth.  So if the Democrats had so many new voters, why didn't the total number of voters increase?  Because a lot of conservatives who voted for Bush in the past were tired of the same old shit and decided to stay home in 2008.

I really do think the Republican party would do well to select someone who is more conservative than your average RINO, especially regarding economic policy.  Although, I don't think Ron Paul is the right man.  I don't know who the right person would be, but it ain't him.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:50:35 PM EDT


Paulbots seem willing to back a candidate with no viable chance of winning a general election....and therefore helping the communist incumbent finish killing off their nation.....solely on the istaken belief that Paul will legalize their dope.

See...dope doesn't make you stupid.

Oh? Where do you get that? I personally have no horse in the "dope" issue. I back Ron Paul because he stands for stopping the infringement of my right (not paid, taxed privilege) to keep and bear. Also, the tax issue. Also, the economic issue in general: Ron Paul stands for Austrian school economic theory.  Also because I have read Ron Paul's statements throughout his political career, and very much unlike Rick Perry, he has always said the same thing, no matter what is currently popular. Then I research what he says, and lo and behold, I find that it is backed by the Constitution.

All you people who think everything was peachy-keen before Obama, and will be again if we can just put Rick Perry in office, make me go:

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:51:34 PM EDT
Ron Paul is as divisive as Palin.

Romney and Perry will bring centrists, while at the same time potentially losing their core to apathetic attrition.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:54:21 PM EDT


It is astounding how little some of y'all understand politics.

Ron Paul will not get elected, because there is one thing most of ARFCOM doesn't get, even mostly conservative gun owners can't agree on one single issue, yet y'all want a candidate that YOU want and expect everyone will vote for him or her.

The so called RINOs y'all bitch so much about are the only people that stand a chance.

There aren't enough conservatives in the country to get elected. Moderates settle the elections. If the moderates vote for the more conservative choice, a republican gets the office, if they vote for a more liberal choice, a demo gets the office.

Just because YOU want a strictly conservative guy doesn't mean everyone will. In fact it is pretty much a fucking lock that the majority won't.

The people who decide elections are in the middle on issues. Get used to it. Ignore it at your peril.
I agree with a t-sip, what a day!

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:55:10 PM EDT



Paulbots seem willing to back a candidate with no viable chance of winning a general election....and therefore helping the communist incumbent finish killing off their nation.....solely on the istaken belief that Paul will legalize their dope.

See...dope doesn't make you stupid.

Oh? Where do you get that? I personally have no horse in the "dope" issue. I back Ron Paul because he stands for stopping the infringement of my right (not paid, taxed privilege) to keep and bear. Also, the tax issue. Also, the economic issue in general: Ron Paul stands for Austrian school economic theory. Also because I have read Ron Paul's statements throughout his political career, and very much unlike Rick Perry, he has always said the same thing, no matter what is currently popular. Then I research what he says, and lo and behold, I find that it is backed by the Constitution.

All you people who think everything was peachy-keen before Obama, and will be again if we can just put Rick Perry in office, make me go:

Bless your heart pumpkin...your guy is a nutcase to the enth degree. Give it up already..we don't need to read anything, we are perfectly fine at watching him live. He's just not gonna do it..no matter how many spam threads about liberty, freedom, taxes, dope, arabian horses..it does'nt matter. He has lost. And the race just started...he will miraculously come out with 5 million votes in the straw poll tonight, because once again you followers paid money to buy them.

It is over.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:56:24 PM EDT


Ron Paul is as divisive as Palin.

Romney and Perry will bring centrists, while at the same time potentially losing their core to apathetic attrition.

That's what they said about McCain, but his campaign wasn't doing so well until he picked Palin.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 12:59:57 PM EDT
Ron Paul is as divisive as Palin.

Romney and Perry will bring centrists, while at the same time potentially losing their core to apathetic attrition.

How McCain of them!

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:00:44 PM EDT
I'm going with Governor Perry.

The issue is the economy and Governor Perry has a solid economy going in Texas. That means he can unseat the sumbitch in the White House. He has also been solidly pro-gun, solidly pro-life and is saying all the right things about government and the environment. He's the best choice out of the those available.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:03:25 PM EDT


Ron Paul is as divisive as Palin.

Romney and Perry will bring centrists, while at the same time potentially almost certainly losing their core to apathetic attrition.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:04:08 PM EDT


Ron Paul is the only hope America has to save herself. Everybody else just wants to take a degree or two turn when we need to go completely in the opposite direction were heading in which is just not damn good enough when the ship is sinking as fast as it is.

Ron Paul will get us attacked here at home by terrorists

He says iran should be able to build a nuke weapon if they so desire.

FUCK RP he's a fucking nut case

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:05:22 PM EDT
Here's the thing a lot of Republicans are missing: if just another status quo "Republican" is on the general ballot, lots of Republicans will not vote for him/her. They will stay home, vote third party, whatever.

Bullshit.  Where did you dream this crap up?
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:05:39 PM EDT



Ron Paul is the only hope America has to save herself. Everybody else just wants to take a degree or two turn when we need to go completely in the opposite direction were heading in which is just not damn good enough when the ship is sinking as fast as it is.

Ron Paul will get us attacked here at home by terrorists

He says iran should be able to build a nuke weapon if they so desire.

FUCK RP he's a fucking nut case


Hasn't happened with Obama.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:06:42 PM EDT



Here's the thing a lot of Republicans are missing: if just another status quo "Republican" is on the general ballot, lots of Republicans will not vote for him/her. They will stay home, vote third party, whatever.

Bullshit.  Where did you dream this crap up?

Watching many previous elections. Case in point, the last one.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:15:35 PM EDT



Paulbots seem willing to back a candidate with no viable chance of winning a general election....and therefore helping the communist incumbent finish killing off their nation.....solely on the istaken belief that Paul will legalize their dope.

See...dope doesn't make you stupid.

Oh? Where do you get that? I personally have no horse in the "dope" issue. I back Ron Paul because he stands for stopping the infringement of my right (not paid, taxed privilege) to keep and bear. Also, the tax issue. Also, the economic issue in general: Ron Paul stands for Austrian school economic theory. Also because I have read Ron Paul's statements throughout his political career, and very much unlike Rick Perry, he has always said the same thing, no matter what is currently popular. Then I research what he says, and lo and behold, I find that it is backed by the Constitution.

All you people who think everything was peachy-keen before Obama, and will be again if we can just put Rick Perry in office, make me go:

OK, tiger....I'll lay it out for you....Ron Paul has zero executive experience...he's a Doctor. Perry has years of executive experience as CEO of the 13th largest economy in the world. If you actually believe Ron Paul has the political 'stroke' to make the type of 'hard bargains' fixing this country mandates...with all the Dummycraps in Congress...you're being naive.

Paul can espouse all the 'Austrian school economic theory' he wants...the Congress has the purse strings. Without the ability to broker tough deals in an adversarial environment...it won't mean shit to a tree. All the POTUS can do is veto....and broker tough deals.

As far as Paul's stand on 2nd Amendment rights...he's shown nothing more than Perry has...so that's a wash....except, and just for what it's worth...I haven't seen Perry stand up and say that Iran should be allowed to develop nukes without outside intervention.

Paul's 'isolationist' views smack of the pre-WW2 mentality that allowed Hitler to kill 6 million people and Stalin to slaughter 30 million human beings ...while we turned a blind eye until attacked.

Ron Paul is a good man...with some great ideas....he's just not POTUS grade.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:20:22 PM EDT




Paulbots seem willing to back a candidate with no viable chance of winning a general election....and therefore helping the communist incumbent finish killing off their nation.....solely on the istaken belief that Paul will legalize their dope.

See...dope doesn't make you stupid.

Oh? Where do you get that? I personally have no horse in the "dope" issue. I back Ron Paul because he stands for stopping the infringement of my right (not paid, taxed privilege) to keep and bear. Also, the tax issue. Also, the economic issue in general: Ron Paul stands for Austrian school economic theory. Also because I have read Ron Paul's statements throughout his political career, and very much unlike Rick Perry, he has always said the same thing, no matter what is currently popular. Then I research what he says, and lo and behold, I find that it is backed by the Constitution.

All you people who think everything was peachy-keen before Obama, and will be again if we can just put Rick Perry in office, make me go:

OK, tiger....I'll lay it out for you....Ron Paul has zero executive experience...he's a Doctor. Perry has years of executive experience as CEO of the 13th largest economy in the world. If you actually believe Ron Paul has the political 'stroke' to make the type of 'hard bargains' fixing this country mandates...with all the Dummycraps in Congress...you're being naive.

Paul can espouse all the 'Austrian school economic theory' he wants...the Congress has the purse strings. Without the ability to broker tough deals in an adversarial environment...it won't mean shit to a tree. All the POTUS can do is veto....and broker tough deals.

As far as Paul's stand on 2nd Amendment rights...he's shown nothing more than Perry has...so that's a wash....except, and just for what it's worth...I haven't seen Perry stand up and say that Iran should be allowed to develop nukes without outside intervention.

Paul's 'isolationist' views smack of the pre-WW2 mentality that allowed Hitler to kill 6 million people and Stalin to slaughter 30 million human beings ...while we turned a blind eye until attacked.

Ron Paul is a good man...with some great ideas....he's just not POTUS grade.

And what has electing the same old "POTUS grade" candidates over and over gotten us?

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:28:58 PM EDT


And what has electing the same old "POTUS grade" candidates over and over gotten us?

Well, until Obummer...the most prosperous and free nation in the world.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:30:16 PM EDT

If Ron Paul is the Republican on the general ballot, he will win by a landslide. The mainstream media knows it, which is why they try to ignore him.


Yep, they will vote for him too. Ron Paul on the ballot is a guarantee that Obama is gone.

If California can't legalize marijuana (Prop 19) with a vote, there is no way drug supporters can decide a national election.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:35:07 PM EDT
This settles then, for me!

I'm voting for Perry! He makes Dem's and Ronulans crap their pants. It's a win-win.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:36:58 PM EDT
The thing about Iran and the nukes is that the only possible way the US can prevent them having nukes is to go over there, start a war with them, and occupy the country. Where are we gonna get the money to do that? In case you haven't noticed, we are just about bankrupt. When the US becomes bankrupt, who is gonna keep our enemies out then?

Ron Paul is not calling for dismantling the military; he is calling for not starting a war with Iran.

There is a very big difference between having a nuke and having a missile that can get it over here. Yeah, I know: they can deliver one over here in a shipping container. Well, guess what: they can already do that. There are lots of nukes in the world, and we don't know where the vast majority of them are.

But we don't have to worry about missile-delivered nukes. We have had the ability to effectively intercept them for a long time, and the ability to hammer the place it came from.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:39:20 PM EDT


The thing about Iran and the nukes is that the only possible way the US can prevent them having nukes is to go over there, start a war with them, and occupy the country. Where are we gonna get the money to do that? In case you haven't noticed, we are just about bankrupt. When the US becomes bankrupt, who is gonna keep our enemies out then?

Ron Paul is not calling for dismantling the military; he is calling for not starting a war with Iran.

There is a very big difference between having a nuke and having a missile that can get it over here. Yeah, I know: they can deliver one over here in a shipping container. Well, guess what: they can already do that. There are lots of nukes in the world, and we don't know where the vast majority of them are.

But we don't have to worry about missile-delivered nukes. We have had the ability to effectively intercept them for a long time, and the ability to hammer the place it came from.

We could just honor our commitment to Israel....and get it done by proxy.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:41:53 PM EDT


This settles then, for me!

I'm voting for Perry! He makes Dem's and Ronulans crap their pants. It's a win-win.

Just another RINO. If he gets the nomination, and then Obama wins by 300 votes, don't blame Ron Paul supporters.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:43:53 PM EDT
Was this posted at 4:20?
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:44:17 PM EDT




If Ron Paul is the Republican on the general ballot, he will win by a landslide. The mainstream media knows it, which is why they try to ignore him.


Thank you for helping Obama get re-elected next year.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:46:25 PM EDT



The thing about Iran and the nukes is that the only possible way the US can prevent them having nukes is to go over there, start a war with them, and occupy the country. Where are we gonna get the money to do that? In case you haven't noticed, we are just about bankrupt. When the US becomes bankrupt, who is gonna keep our enemies out then?

Ron Paul is not calling for dismantling the military; he is calling for not starting a war with Iran.

There is a very big difference between having a nuke and having a missile that can get it over here. Yeah, I know: they can deliver one over here in a shipping container. Well, guess what: they can already do that. There are lots of nukes in the world, and we don't know where the vast majority of them are.

But we don't have to worry about missile-delivered nukes. We have had the ability to effectively intercept them for a long time, and the ability to hammer the place it came from.

We could just honor our commitment to Israel....and get it done by proxy.

If they start getting close to having nuke missile capability, Israel will certainly deal with them rather than being within range of it.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:47:48 PM EDT


Was this posted at 4:20?

Did you just do a shot of heroin?

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:49:34 PM EDT
Ron Paul will never win a national election in the United States.  Shut up and go away.  You and your vote are not needed in the primary and they are not needed in the general.  Your opinion is not needed and wanted.  I'm sick of this shit.  Go away.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:49:47 PM EDT
Yeah, I know: they can deliver one over here in a shipping container. Well, guess what: they can already do that. There are lots of nukes in the world, and we don't know where the vast majority of them are.
But we don't have to worry about missile-delivered nukes. We have had the ability to effectively intercept them for a long time, and the ability to hammer the place it came from.

Not so much, nucs are actually not that widely available and those who have them understand how traceble to the maker they are to make sure they don't end up here.  

The problem is the trully bat shit crazy type who welcomes a US response getting them.
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