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Posted: 12/30/2006 7:41:20 AM EDT
It seems as if this story vanished the week before Christmas.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:44:49 AM EDT
I heard on the radio he won't be voting anytime soon, they also said his prognosis isn't clear.
No one has said how damaged he may be mentally.

He also cancelled his skydiving classes.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:46:18 AM EDT
Senator Johnson Showing Improvement

South Dakota Senator Tim Johnson marked his 60th birthday Thursday, still in critical condition in the intensive
care unit at a Washington D.C. hospital.

He underwent emergency brain surgery two weeks ago.  A neurosurgeon says Johnson's overall general medical condition has improved and he's opening his eyes and responding to his wife, Barbara.

The senator has been sedated since surgery to recover and rest, but doctors say he's slowly being brought out of that.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:46:48 AM EDT
One would think the status of the Senator would be front page news.
His destiny could be the Nation's destiny.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 8:17:47 AM EDT
  If he isn't there to vote when the Senate opens in January, could the Republicans vote to stay in power of things ? Or does the sheer number of Senators elected set who has the Majority ?

 This is all in theory, because the Republican RINO senators like McCain & Graham would never go along with a power grab.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 8:21:42 AM EDT
I think it's pretty heartwarming how suddenly the Liberals value the life of the medically incapacitated, after seeing them ghoulishly cheer for the killing of Terry Schiavo in 2005.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 8:35:10 AM EDT

I think it's pretty heartwarming how suddenly the Liberals value the life of the medically incapacitated, after seeing them ghoulishly cheer for the killing of Terry Schiavo in 2005.

Yep. They are an interesting bunch
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 8:36:18 AM EDT
It isn't about him voting, but him staying in the Senate. As long as he is there, the Dems control the comittee leaders.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 11:49:56 AM EDT
He could finish out this term and get re-elected to another without leaving the ICU.

"Weekend at Bernie's" is now the #1 rental among democrats.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 12:16:36 PM EDT

I think it's pretty heartwarming how suddenly the Liberals value the life of the medically incapacitated, after seeing them ghoulishly cheer for the killing of Terry Schiavo in 2005.

Schiavo was braindead for what, 15-20 years?  With no hope and no ability to do anything.

I guess you'll be voting for Jeb Bush in '08 for his courage in harrassing, uh, I mean "investigating" Michael Schiavo and whether he called the ambulance in time, months after finally pulling the plug on his wife.

Sadly for your kind, nobody else will be voting for him.  You'll be wasting your vote.  Maybe you should switch to voting Libertarian so you won't be throwing your vote away.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 7:50:23 AM EDT
Repub's do it too. How able was Strom Thurmond in his last years?
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 8:54:00 AM EDT

Repub's do it too. How able was Strom Thurmond in his last years?

Well he was awake at least sometimes and not a potted plant.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 8:55:09 AM EDT


I think it's pretty heartwarming how suddenly the Liberals value the life of the medically incapacitated, after seeing them ghoulishly cheer for the killing of Terry Schiavo in 2005.

Schiavo was braindead for what, 15-20 years?  With no hope and no ability to do anything.

I guess you'll be voting for Jeb Bush in '08 for his courage in harrassing, uh, I mean "investigating" Michael Schiavo and whether he called the ambulance in time, months after finally pulling the plug on his wife.

Sadly for your kind, nobody else will be voting for him.  You'll be wasting your vote.  Maybe you should switch to voting Libertarian so you won't be throwing your vote away.

Well most Democrats are brain dead by definition... so...
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 8:56:58 AM EDT


I think it's pretty heartwarming how suddenly the Liberals value the life of the medically incapacitated, after seeing them ghoulishly cheer for the killing of Terry Schiavo in 2005.

Yep. They are an interesting bunch

History for liberals and Dems begins with each days sunrise.  Don't confuse todays issue with yesterdays precedence.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 9:05:59 AM EDT
If he can't vote, South Dakota'ns can sue for loss of representation in the Senate. Its conceivable he could be compelled to resign.

That is a million to one shot though
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 9:56:03 AM EDT

One would think the status of the Senator would be front page news.
His destiny could be the Nation's destiny.

Hey! You don't think "they" killed Pres. Ford to take the publics mind off the Senator, do ya? [whacko]
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 10:01:56 AM EDT
It is a amazing how fast the media have forgotten about him.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 10:17:17 AM EDT


I think it's pretty heartwarming how suddenly the Liberals value the life of the medically incapacitated, after seeing them ghoulishly cheer for the killing of Terry Schiavo in 2005.

Schiavo was braindead for what, 15-20 years?  With no hope and no ability to do anything.

I guess you'll be voting for Jeb Bush in '08 for his courage in harrassing, uh, I mean "investigating" Michael Schiavo and whether he called the ambulance in time, months after finally pulling the plug on his wife.

Sadly for your kind, nobody else will be voting for him.  You'll be wasting your vote.  Maybe you should switch to voting Libertarian so you won't be throwing your vote away.

You must be another ones of those people who have to remove the human characteristics of people to feel comfortable with the killing another human being. I see this all the time with abortion too ("Oh its just a ball of cells" Like that "ball of cells" has a chance to come out as a dog or a cat or some other animal). Why don't you guys man up some and stop fooling yourself to keep your conscience clear? Sheesh.

I've yet to meet a single person who wanted Terry dead (why? I dunno) who was able to admit that what happened in the end was that a living human being was starved to death.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 10:21:57 AM EDT

  If he isn't there to vote when the Senate opens in January, could the Republicans vote to stay in power of things ? Or does the sheer number of Senators elected set who has the Majority ?

Only 49 Republicans got elected. So with or without him the Dems have enough votes.  

It's only by the Rep gov of SD replacing him with a Rep that gets to a 50-50 split with the VP breaking the tie.
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