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Not anymore; at least not their .22s.
I've bought two new Marlin rimfires in the past year. While not completely up to previous standards in terms of finish, they shoot well and are solid where it counts.
I don't have a Marlin from the immediate aftermath of the Remington takeover so I don't know first-hand how bad it was back then, but both of these are decent guns for what I paid.
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The last 2-3 years have been decent
But prior to that it was terrible
I'd say 1 out of every 10-12 had a major issue(s)
Guns so rough Hercules could not cycle them
Guns locked shut
Guns locked open
Crooked barrels or sights
Missing sights
Screws chewed to shit
Broken /chipped stocks
Stocks beat into place and obviously stressed and ready to break
Stocks contoured too fat or thin
Wood/metal gaps of 1/4" or better