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Posted: 5/5/2003 12:44:00 AM EDT

1. "When criminals shoot at cops, the cops will shoot back".    REALLY!!!!

2. "In his alcoholic stupor, the DUI driver can't see ANYTHING!!!" (3 minutes of footage showing the chasee dodging other vehicles)

etc. etc.  Got his head up John Walsh's a**.

Link Posted: 5/5/2003 12:47:14 AM EDT
Bad guys always get caught, always, so dont even try to run.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 12:48:28 AM EDT
Its not just hair, ITS A HELMET!
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 1:14:55 AM EDT
I've learned that my nearly daily trips to 80mph on the highway are actually DEATH DEFYING INSANELY HIGH SPEED SUICIDE RUNS.  Here I thought I was going with the flow of traffic, apparently I could leave cops in the dust at this speed, and provide for at least 10 minutes of entertaining footage for the folks at home.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 1:47:14 AM EDT
That guy is a clown.  Multnomah County SO wasn't sorry to see him go, from what I hear.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 3:00:24 AM EDT
LA, CA is the car chase capital.

And Chief Moose takes the shooting of kids personal but not adults.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 4:17:08 AM EDT
Not even the SUPER HIGH speed motorcycle can out run the radio.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 5:10:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 5:20:47 AM EDT
That if the car chase actually occurred at speeds of 20 mph, you can speed up the tape to make it look like a DEATH DEFYING INSANELY HIGH SPEED SUICIDE RUN.

(Memo to self..must remember to blank out the time display on the tape)
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 5:27:02 AM EDT
All helo pilots/reporters in helos have the SAME VOICE!

Link Posted: 5/5/2003 5:52:22 AM EDT
Apparently, everything is a cop's worst nightmare, leading one to assume that most cops are functional narcoleptics.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 6:15:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 6:33:17 AM EDT
1.  One can prolong their TV career by using the same stock footage over and over, just in a different order and rotated through several episodes.

2.  If you can't cut it as a cop, you can always play one on TV.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:24:38 AM EDT
That as a cop, you can royally screw up and almost kill yourself or someone else, but if you survive, it is because of your "highly skilled police training!"
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:30:20 AM EDT
That it would stop a car chase faster if you shoot the engine block with a 45-70 Gov't than by taking out the tires.[BD]
Of course this is what I would do not them!

Cars with no tires left on them makes lots of sparklies![:D]

Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:30:50 AM EDT
All helo pilots/reporters in helos have the SAME VOICE!

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EXACTLY! (Plus that the idiot thinks no one but him can see what's happening!)
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:26:56 PM EDT
[b]1,[/b] That what you and I think is just a normal passenger car, pickup truck, SUV, or sports car, ect. ect....when in the hands of a criminal...becomes a "[b]POWERFUL and DANGEROUS SPEED MACHINE[/b]"

[b]2,[/b] That, somewhere along the line...Kalishnikov evidently made a line of [b]AK 47 ASSAULT RIFLES[/b] that look [b]EXACTLY[/b] like an [b]SKS, AR15,[/b] or [b]10/22[/b]
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:45:58 PM EDT
All helo pilots/reporters in helos have the SAME VOICE!

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I was thinking the same thing.  Its amazing how the helo guy can be following a chase in Californistan then be following another one clear across the country.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 9:00:25 PM EDT
* All guns are POWERFUL assault rifles.
* When it suits the situation, "These officers appreciate ANY help they can get!", said after a samaritan assisted in an apprehension.
* When it suits the situation, "This samaritan is TRYING to help, but all he DOES is GET in the WAY of these officers, ALWAYS let the officers do their JOB!", said after a samaritan assisted in an apprehension.

That guy's an asshole.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 9:08:05 PM EDT
Big Teeth.

We have a retired LAPD Sargent out here that flies in a helo in L.A. this guy is GREAT...

Rod Bernsen. He is VERY pro 2nd. He has defended gun issues MANY times AND he is a stand up guy. THis is the guy they NEED for Cop shows.

Nah. On second thought I am afraid Hollyweird may ruin a great man.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 7:46:08 AM EDT
That cops are a**holes!
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 8:10:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 8:16:09 AM EDT
When criminals drive fast, they show [b]reckless disregard for human life![/b]

Link Posted: 5/6/2003 10:25:19 AM EDT
I've learned that Fox has never lost money by underestimating the intelligence of their viewers.  They have not yet, despite years of effort, come up with a show too dumb for people to watch.  Maximum Exposure is much better than Fox's "When Animals Attack Child Geniuses Who Want To Be A Millionaire In Scary Police Chases."

Max X doesn't talk down to you in a smarmy morality lesson.  It's more like, "Dude- check out the cool videos."
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 10:33:41 AM EDT
High speed pursuits involving the PIT manuever are "like performing high speed surgery".

Who exactly has perfromed "high speed surgery"? Please tell me it isn't an eye doctor doing a laser vision correction, PLEASE.

Max-Ex is definielty funnier esp. the commentator. Of course during their frequent police videos, look out when he says "they ain't havin' none of that".  
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 10:35:42 AM EDT
to watch where i step..............

so help me, i SWEAR that i read in the paper that he and his wife were hiking and he fell of a damn ledge and died??????

if it wasnt him then who the hell am i thinking of?
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 10:39:21 AM EDT
Apparently, everything is a cop's worst nightmare, leading one to assume that most cops are functional narcoleptics.
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Hory shit, Batman!   That was funny!
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 10:42:25 AM EDT
to watch where i step..............

so help me, i SWEAR that i read in the paper that he and his wife were hiking and he fell of a damn ledge and died??????

if it wasnt him then who the hell am i thinking of?
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Peter Stojonvich(sp) one of the creators of cops.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 10:44:29 AM EDT
ah, must have killed that brain cell

Link Posted: 5/6/2003 11:35:21 AM EDT

What a funny thread.  Thanks guys, I needed a laugh today. [:D]
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 1:08:13 PM EDT
Minivans can go 150mph recklessly on the 405
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 6:18:05 PM EDT
Hey, is it me, or are police barricades ALWAYS set up in spots open enough that you could drive a cement truck around on each side of the squad car?
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 8:38:13 PM EDT
Not even the SUPER HIGH speed motorcycle can out run the radio.
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When I heard this story, he outran the Cessna too, but they caught him at the gas station.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 8:59:17 PM EDT
I can't watch the show. That guy grates on my nerves sooooooooo bad. What a dickhead.
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 6:34:03 PM EDT
Anyone remember Broderick Crawford on "Highway Patrol"?  I loved hearing those tires squeal as he rounded the bend on dirt & gravel roads.

I think the present-day "Surreality" shows like the good Sheriff's have the same Foley artists.  

Or else the sound effects guys are having a good time and laughing their asses off at what they can slide by the dim-bulb, helmet-haired star.

We need a new show:  "Mall Security"
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 6:50:17 PM EDT
I've learned the John Bunnell is an assclown and a drama queen.

I've learned that all gunfire on their BS show is dubbed and frequently to sound full auto.
Remember the purple Camaro scene with the rounds coming out of the passenger window?  Not full auto, but the ROF on the sound track was about 850rpm.

John Walsh and John Bunnel should form a circle jerk with Geraldo Rivera as the pivot man and Bill (the sensible socialist) O'Reilly as the rag boy.  
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