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Posted: 8/10/2007 3:04:13 PM EDT
I remember hearing about the big hole in the ozone when I was a kid. Of course back then I believed it, that was before I was old enough to really understand the whole liberal/conservative deal.
I imagine global warming will seem just as stupid in 20 years. Anyway, is that big whole still up there? is it going to end life on earth as we know it? |
Dont forget in the 1970s everyone was running around saying the Earth couldn't feed the population in 10, 20 and 30 yerars out.
Nobody bought into it, so they went with the global warming thing. When it becomes pase' they will come up with something new. My prediction is the seas becoming too saline to support life.
I hope I live long enough to see Algore Jr. selling salt credits. |
I always wondered why the hole was over Antarctica. It's not like gravity pulled it down there. Maybe it's the LACK of CFCs there and the rest of the planet's ozone is safe because of what's emitted from the populated and industrialized parts of the world.
I always wondered why it was ok for NASA to emit them in large quantities, but not ok for me to use R-12? |
Upcoming Ice Age.
Everyone will need to understand binary and hexadecimal math so they can program computers. Nuclear Winter. (as a result of worldwide nuclear war) Upcoming world economic crash. Swine Flu. (Nobody died from swine flu, but many elderly died from the shots) Overpopulation/starvation. Peak Oil. Electromagnetic radiation from power lines. Acid rain. Styrofoam. (as a pollutent) Africanized bees. Multiple chemical sensitivity. Frogs disappearing. Species going extinct. ETA: Alar on apples. Antibiotics and hormones in meat. Pork, beef, eggs will give you a heart attack, so eat Oatmeal instead. Ozone hole. Break dancing was going to solve the gang violence problem. When gangs met up, instead of shooting, they'd settle their differences with who could break dance the best. Amazon rain forest (that's jungle to you and me) disappearing due to clearcutting. Spotted owl. (used to stop logging in the Northwest) The Big Bands are coming back. (some local high school with a jazz band program) Snail darter. (used to stop a dam being built) Mad cow disease. Global warming. Cell phones will give you brain cancer. Bird flu. Global climate change. |
I remember "acid rain is destroying the forests of Europe" back in the 80's.
Don't remember what idiot reporter said it. |
It's more like, OMG we are all going to die unless you do as we say!!! Steve |
Y2K Global Thermonuclear war Paving over the world (see Silent Running) Alar on apples Detergents killing water Bees going extinct Golden cheeked warblers going extinct Horse power race during muscle car days. Arm race. And, the single thing democrats hate most of all, human race. DDT CIA, NSA, MGB-GT |
And of course lets not forgets 'cop killer bullets' and OMG the AWB can't expire we're all going to die!
But you guys knew that. I am still trying to figure out how it is even possible that a planet full of such stupid shit stains can have accomplished so much. |
Thanks, Mike. I was adding Alar just as you posted yours. Globalnuclearwar... yes, which would cause Nuclear Winter. Detergents... the phosphates in detergents, or the runnoff from hog farms (because we eat too much bacon) caused algae to grow out of control, sucking up all the O2 in the water, thus killing the fish. And causing the "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico. And I forgot the paving and bees. Thanks. |
Save the Whales.
Save the Seals, stop clubbing baby seals. ------ After all of the above, young people wonder why us "old fogies" just don't care. |
Ya know another one I thought of is the HUGE problem of people drinking bottled water. We are going to run out of room in landfills to bury them all in. We are so screwed.
I remember science class with the topic of radiation. Sounds like microwave ovens scared the hell outta people for a period of time. They cant even cook crispy french fries, but nukes will get them extra crispy! (or vaporized!) So why bother?
The ozone hole at the south pole happens every year. See, what the enviro-nuts conveniently forget to mention to people is the fact that ozone is created when sunlight strikes the earth's atmosphere... so during periods of the year (winter) when there is little to no sunlight hitting the south pole, guess what? Ozone hole. Spring comes, and the ozone hole goes away. It's been doing it forever. But telling it like it is wouldn't help Al Gore sell carbon offsets or any other liberal tax/spend/regulate ideas, so they prefer to just twist the facts into propaganda instead. |
Well, generally all the stupid shitstains died of disease, starvation, their own stupidity, or pissing someone off because of their stupidity, historically speaking. It was only in the 19th century that we started sheltering dumbasses from cold, harsh reality. Notice when Marx and company started showing up; leftist dipshits have been plaguing us ever since then. Prior to that, the vast majority of people were intelligent and went out and accomplished shit. "I'll put together a building that will last over a thousand years." "I'm going to circumnavigate the world." "I'm going to burn your village and make slaves of your children." "I'm going to develop a new mathematical formula." "I'm going to compose a song." "What if I made this crossbow, like, big enough to knock down WALLS?" |
Swindle, I'm going to use that one...and of course, cite the source |
Dang, you mentioned almost every one that I would have. You must be a child of the '60s and '70s. ETA: Ooops. You missed Love Canal and the "hazardous waste in your backyard" scares. And Three Mile Island, where I clearly remember one egghead hysterically proclaiming -- on national TV -- that within a year there would be an epidemic of cancer throughout the eastern US. |
Most complete list Evar! |
He forgot getting too close to your TV. |
Thank you, guys. And we left out cow flatulance. Which is all McDonald's fault. And styrofoam, also McD's fault. You see, you order a hamburger, which causes MickeyD's to order more meat, which makes the ranchers breed more cattle, which eat more grass, and fart, producing methane, which causes global warming. And they put that hamburger in a styrofoam package to keep it warm, which goes into landfills and screws up the environment for a gazillion years. And speaking of McDonald's, the clearcutting of the rainforest (Brazillian jungle) was also their fault... it was being cleared by ranchers to grow cattle to be sold to McDonald's. While Chilean shepherds high up in the Andes were getting cancerous sunburns and going blind from the UV coming in through the ozone hole. We left out all the birds dying from (a) Hitting windmills generating pollution-free electricity. (b) Flying into microwave towers, being confused by the microwaves. (c) Getting their necks caught in plastic 6-pack rings or (d) Getting entangled in monofiliment line. That's if the ducks don't die from eating all that lead shot. And the eagles that don't die from DDT will eat fish with lead poisoning from fishing weights. And I forgot all those little children eating lead paint chips. You'd think they'd have eaten all the lead paint by now and not be hungry anymore. Lead in gas. The pumps still say "unleaded". Hell, there hasn't been any leaded gas for sale for many years. One crisis after another!!! Oh, my!!! Hey, one of my kids, when in elementary school, wanted to start a ecology awareness club to Save the Earth. School brainwashing. I told her, "That's great. But with all such endeavers you need to start small and work your way up. "First thing you do is Save your Room. Go get that cleaned up. "Next you can Save our Yard. Then you can go over and save Ms. Jones yard... she's getting kind of old and would appreciate the help. "Then you can move on up from there. "Awww, Dad!!!!" "Hey, why do you expect all the adults to clean up the environment, pass a bunch of laws we have to obey or else, when you can't even clean up your room?" That was the end of Save the Earth around our house. |
Screwed-up frogs: caused by a natural parasite, IIRC
Nuclear winter: The hypothesis came from the TTAPS report (early 1980s, IIRC). The "S" in TTAPS was Carl Sagan, who predicted that the Gulf War oil fires would cause global cooling (oops). Food shortages: might have actually happened, except that most grain crops are now "uber-grains," if you will, having been genetically engineered for MUCH larger yields, insect resistance, etc. than the crops of 100 yrs ago. Acid rain: honestly, we always were told this was responsible for F'ing up the paint job on my grandmother's '89 Ford Taurus. Haven't heard anything about acid rain in a long time, though. Pre-Posting add-on: Coal-fired plants are using Flue gas desulfurization (FGD), which apparently cuts down on sulfur emissions and reduces acid rain. I guess they largely fixed this problem. |
Did you read about the elementary school kid who did a little undercover reporting for the school rag?
They had been fussed at to make sure they correctly separate garbage in the lunchroom... paper here, plastic there, food scraps in this one. We must recycle to SAVE THE EARTH. Well, they had all that drilled into them. Turns out after lunch all that separated trash was tossed into one big garbage truck and dumped in the landfill. No recylcing was going on. It was all for nothing. And they got mad at the kid for exposing this crap. |
Power plants installed SO2 scrubbers, mitigating the problem. |
I forgot one!!!
Environmental Racism. OK, you have to follow me here, it's complicated. I didn't make this up... Big oil or whoever wants to build a refinery or chemical plant, so they build it where property is cheapest... which is naturally near where poor people live... specifically poor black people. So, the poor black people who are near those plants can't afford to move away from the pollution, so they suffer the most from it. Therefore, "environmental racism." You can't do this, build that, whatever because of its affect on the spotted owl, the snail darter, eagles, the children, the poor. And we forgot the most important crisis of all time... come on, you know it... yeah, right on the tip of your tongue. If not for a little luck, since we all live paycheck to paycheck, if we lost our job due to the racist, capitalist economy, we'd end up out on the street... HOMELESS!!! Well, when I was a kid, our Dad's would drive us around, point at those guys down alleys... "You see that bum? that wino? that drunk? that junkie? If you don't straighten up your act you'll end up on the street just like him." But now they are no longer bums, winos or junkies. Now they are the poor downtrodden "homeless". All they need is a home. They used to be wall street stock traders, real estate agents, accountants, autoworkers, who lost their jobs and they now are homeless!!! There but for the Grace of God go you and I. We could be homeless with just a little bad luck like they had. Any day now, thousands upon thousands of people living under bridges and overpasses, in old refrigerator boxes, all because of Reaganomics. He's the devil that caused this. |
Some famous libtard lies/scams from the past I remember growing up.
the comming ice age overpopulation Poverty causes crime Guns cause crime Catalytic convetors and "smog" pumps to curb polution DDT scares Nuclear power disasters to ruin the ecology mass transit systems to eliminate traffic/polution in major cities recreational drug use doesnt hurt any one. I guess from what I have heard from the left over the years to be a liberal is like being a weatherman --you can be wrong 100% of the time and still keep churning out the BS on a daily basis with no repercussions. |
I guess posting on ARFcom is like being a weatherman. You can.... well, you get the point |
Duponts patent for R-12 ran out. That's why the Ozone scare was created. |
Most of the above in your reply is baloney but I will only address the issue of DDT because it is the grandfather to the other false crisis addressed in this thread. DDT was not the cause of the bald eagle and many other species almost becoming extinct that is myth and has been shown to be wrong. The bald eagle was driven to near extinction by mostly indiscriminate shooting of bald eagles, the bald eagle up until the 1950-60s was considered a scavenge and a threat to small farm animals (chickens, rabbits, ect.) and small game they were routinely shot on sight by famers and many hunters. Almost as soon as bald eagles were given increased legal protection from these type shootings the populations began to increase. Bald eagle populations were decreasing long before DDT was first used and after the eagles got protection bald eagle populations were increasing long before DDT was banned all you have to do is look at US Fish and Wildlife Service data to confirm this. We now know egg shell thinning was caused by other pollutants not DDT. What banning DDT did accomplish is to kill 25-40 MILLION PEOPLE who died from malaria that DDT controlled. DDT is once again being used to try and get a grip on malaria.
The article you posted seems kinda Junk to me. It hardley even metions DDE which is what causes the egg shell problem. As of 2000 the mechanism has been found....look it up. It stops calcium fixation. Also, they mention DDT in the breast milk when in fact DDE is ONLY secreted in breast milk as it is stored in fat. Imagine that, an article on junk science is actually junk. |
Face it bro, you got fuckin owned. |
Bullshit. |
You gonna back that up????? Because NASA disagrees with you. |
And we all know NASA is infallible, right? |
Which I'm sure was perfectly followed in every country on Earth, correct? Every powerplant, THEY ARE BUILDING EVERY WEEK, in China has the shit, right? |
So you are more qualified?? I am just curious as to what instrument you currently have in your house, you know, since you can observe the Ozone layer and all. |
I am qualified to realize that NASA is not god and they are not infallible. I am qualified to see that you like to take a position of authority, yet no one here knows anyone else, so why should anyone listen to you? |
So we've established that CFCs break down O3 right? Well then, the next time we have an ozone action day I'm busting into my stash of pre-ban 80s hair spray and fixing the problem.
I guess being a public school student means you don't think for your...... well you get the point. |
So NASA was wrong the whole time? They literally made the whole thing up??? Let me get this straight. You think NASA is soooo incompetent that they literally messed the WHOLE ozone thing up??? Nobody forces you to listen to me, or respond to my posts for that matter. |
NASA has been taken over by libs and bureaucrats. Remember the guy that spoke out about GW and got beat down and had to retract? |
I make sure to help out by mowing my lawn on really hot days. And fueling my car during the same time peroid. That IS what they mean by ozone alerts isn't it? There isn't enough ozone in the sky. |
NASA is a bureacracy that has to fight for money. Dire Earth killing causes get money thrown at them. |
OK, but that doesnt make the data any less incorrect. The original poster asked about the ozone hole and it IS still there. As to what effect it is having on climate or anything else....I have no idea. Is it caused by CFC's? probably. Is there maybe some natural aspects that may cause it? Probably. Your political affiliation doent mean anything in science. Only when you get into the political aspects. Not the actual data. As a side note: I often wonder if a republican canidate was as outspoken as Al Gore about GW, and if Al Gore didnt exist, how ARFCOM would approach GW. I imagine it would be MUCH different. So in a way I guess I do kinda see your point that political affiliation does control your scientific thoughts, only not in the way you were trying to show. |
Why totally discount the warnings just because the media blows them way out of proportion?
If it bleeds it leads right? Well the media wants to tell you how you will die tommorow so you watch their story tonight. that does not make the science shit. It just means the media overstated (shocker) the actual danger. |
I get the sarcasm, but it was still funny. Probably because there are people that actually think that. |
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