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Posted: 1/2/2007 11:48:49 AM EDT
I'm getting all 4 pulled on Friday. So whats it like?
Hopefully I can get recovered enough before I leave for college
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:49:47 AM EDT
I didn't feel a thing really. I was a little sore the day after but no biggie. The taste of blood got a little old though. I had all four removed plus a little bone that was wedged in there
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:50:51 AM EDT
I was knocked out right before they began. I woke up as one of my teeth was shattering from the pliers. I didn't feel any pain but it was weird. They put me back under and I went home doped up with a bottle of painkillers. No real pain to speak of, just a little soreness.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:51:07 AM EDT
Had all 6 (yes SIX) of mine removed not too long ago.
Did not feel a thing during the op but for the next 2-3 days after I was miserable.
New pain.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:51:35 AM EDT
fuckin' HURT. novacaine/lydocaine (however you spell it) has never worked well on me. mine were impacted so the dentist really had to lever on them and eventually just broke them into smaller pieces. then you can't drink or smoke for several days. it was a real pain in the ass.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:51:44 AM EDT
Double tap.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:51:52 AM EDT
If you don't have painkillers for afterwards, it can be the worst pain imaginable.

With painkillers, you're on cloud 9 for 3-5 days.

Make sure you get a minimum of 5 days prescription for painkillers.  I only got 3, mine ran out and I had a lot of pain before I was able to get new meds.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:52:08 AM EDT
I had mine done just as they started to grow... so i didn't have much pain.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:53:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:53:21 AM EDT
Let your best bud kick you in the nuts with work boots on, while your girlfriend sticks a hot poker up your ass...
It wont feel anything like that
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:53:47 AM EDT
I was out when they pulled mine and I was hopped up on Tylenol 3's for the rest of the weekend.

Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:55:42 AM EDT
Go to an oral surgeon and get knocked out.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:59:16 AM EDT
It didn't hurt at all.  I drove a couple of hours that night and partied at the Hard Rock in Nashville.  But, everybody's different.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:59:57 AM EDT
I was in and out in 45 min and within 36 hours I was eating solid food.  Hardly any swelling.  No bruising or naseua.

Mind you I came from the factory with only 3 and the roots never got past the cartilage stage.

I was what the doctor discribed as a "rare case"

Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:01:58 PM EDT
Without anesthetic?  It's got to hurt like a bitch!

With anesthetics, and some pain killers for a couple days, you might feel like someone punched you in the jaw yesterday.  

I had all four of mine out a couple years ago, under sedation.  My whole face was numb afterwards... and that hydrocodone really helped.   Not much discomfort at all.  
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:01:59 PM EDT

Go to an oral surgeon and get knocked out.

I should have had mine removed over 18 years ago. I'm going to look for a really good oral surgeon and go the gas route. Mine start to grow every 4 or 5 years and hurt like a bitch for about a week. Good luck. And according to my friends, don't leave the Dr. without 5 days worth of hydrocodone (sp?).
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:03:22 PM EDT

I didn't feel a thing until after the novocaine wore off.

But the sounds of breaking and cracking and crunching in my jaws was a little unnerving.

+1 !

That was the worst part for me.

I was fine after the surgery... I didn't even use the painkillers I was prescribed.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:04:07 PM EDT
Surprised nobody has mentioned "dry sockets" yet.

Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:04:29 PM EDT
Felt really good, until the anesthesia wore off.  Then it felt like I got kicked in the jaw.  Two of mine were impacted, and they had to cut into the jaw a bit, so that was probably why it hurt like it did.  Only had bad pain for about 1-2 days as I recall.  Wasn't allowed to eat anything crunchy like carrots, peanuts, etc for 3 months or something like that.  Started to think the whole thing wasn't that bad, until......

......2 weeks later, they really started to f-ing hurt.  After the surgery, they will give you antibiotics.  TAKE THEM AND DON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE ALL GONE!  I was in high school, and like all high schoolers, I knew it all, and stopped taking them after about 4 days when all of the pain and soreness from surgery went away.  Big mistake, got an infection with all sorts of swelling and fever, felt like I had the surgery all over again, without the benefit of anesthesia or painkillers.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:07:41 PM EDT
I was knocked out for a day and a half. Wasn't bad at all, I just rinsed the sockets with water and had to pack them with gauze for a little while.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:08:27 PM EDT

I'm getting all 4 pulled on Friday. So whats it like?
Hopefully I can get recovered enough before I leave for college

Are yours buried or exposed?

Honestly I've heard a ton of different replies. It's different for everyone...

I had mine out this past May. I was out for the surgery and my pain was managed well, though I just bore it for the most part (it wasn't too bad ... I have a somewhat high threshold for pain) because the stuff they gave me (vicodin) didn't do anything for me.

I was swollen for a few days and that was it. I had the surgery on a Friday and went to work for a half day on Monday (wasn't intentional - i needed to rest)

MAKE SURE you do what they tell you to do - rinse out with salt water carefully and regularly. I did and still got an infection.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:11:06 PM EDT
'We will knock you so far out, you won't remember a thing.'
I actually believed them     I should add that I never felt any pain during the procedure.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:11:12 PM EDT
Mine hurt like hell.  Partially impacted.  

Even the Vicodin didn't take the edge off.  They only took two the first time...Said the other one "shouldn't cause any problems" (only one developed on my top).  Last visit the dentist said it's gotta go...

I'm not looking forward to it.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:11:35 PM EDT

I'm getting all 4 pulled on Friday. So whats it like?
Hopefully I can get recovered enough before I leave for college

Mine went something like this:

Poke! ow.

crunch....crUNCH....CRACK! POP! shtup! Hmmm...

crunch....crUNCH....CRACK! POP! shtup! ohhhh...

crunch....crUNCH....CRACK! POP! shtup! Hm.

crunch....crUNCH....CRACK! POP! shtup! Thats it?

The whole thing took about 15-20 minutes. The longest part was letting the novicaine work. My dentist is a true artist. I've since let him fill cavities WITHOUT anesthesia. No pain.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:12:34 PM EDT
I diddn't really have any pain, but I bled like a champion for a few days.  Waking up initially after being knocked out was the best high ever.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:15:40 PM EDT


I'm getting all 4 pulled on Friday. So whats it like?
Hopefully I can get recovered enough before I leave for college

Are yours buried or exposed?

Honestly I've heard a ton of different replies. It's different for everyone...

I had mine out this past May. I was out for the surgery and my pain was managed well, though I just bore it for the most part (it wasn't too bad ... I have a somewhat high threshold for pain) because the stuff they gave me (vicodin) didn't do anything for me.

I was swollen for a few days and that was it. I had the surgery on a Friday and went to work for a half day on Monday (wasn't intentional - i needed to rest)

MAKE SURE you do what they tell you to do - rinse out with salt water carefully and regularly. I did and still got an infection.

all of them are exposed, but the bottom two are canted in alot
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:16:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:18:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:19:54 PM EDT
Had my procedure done on a Friday before returning to college on a Monday.

I had them knock me out, though. No way in hell was I gonna sit there under merely novacaine and go through that.

I took loads of Tylenol that weekend and lived on strawberry Blizzards from Dairy Queen.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:23:29 PM EDT
Got all 4 of mine pulled during my freshman year of college.  Mine were already out (I guess I have a big mouth) so it was simple extractions for all of them.  8 shots- one on each side of each tooth, and yanked 'em out with pliers.  The worst thing was the sound... it sounded like trees falling in my head.

For a few days after you can't use a straw or eat anything will small pieces (like cottage cheese, nuts, etc.)

They gave me some Vicoden at the time, but I never used it- it really wasn't that bad.  Then again, I have a pretty high tolerance for pain.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:25:26 PM EDT


Make sure you get a minimum of 5 days prescription for painkillers.  I only got 3, mine ran out and I had a lot of pain before I was able to get new meds.


After my pills ran out, I was in teary-eyed, screaming agony and all they would do was put some gauze soaked with clove oil in the socket.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:28:01 PM EDT
I had problems with mine.  1st They got compacted and infected.

The following week I go back and I wasn't completly sedated when the Dr. went to work.  It was very interesting watching them pull out the first two.  The top two were easy.  Then it started to hurt like as I could hear the Dr. breaking the third bottom tooth then digging out the roots.  OMG I can still hear the crunching.

It took about two weeks before the swelling went completely down.  I looked like a chimpmunk.

About six months after, the bottom sockets became infected again and swelled up big time.  Then did it again about a year later.

That was sixteen years ago and while the sockets don't swell up any more they do get irritated from time to time.

Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:29:22 PM EDT
For me it was no big deal.  I was a bit dopey afterward.  I was eating sloppy joe meat that night.  The next day I felt fine.  I had to watch what I ate for a couple days but that was all.

For my brother it was hell.  His were impacted.  He was nauseous from either the anesthesia or the taste of blood.  Then he would vomit, which would cause him to bleed.  After a while the taste of blood made him nauseous again and the cycle would repeat.  He was laid up in bed for 2 or 3 days.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:30:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:32:32 PM EDT

The top two were removed by a guy named Dr. Payne.  Really.  No biggie, went great.

The bottom two were jackhammered out by some son of a bitch who cracked my jaw on the right side.  I never even knew until a couple years later when I got x-rayed by a friend of mine who is my dentist here.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:40:46 PM EDT
Don't remember anything about the extractions (all 4). The worst part was when I got a "dry socket" or what ever the hell it was called a few days later and I went to the doctor.  That hurt, real bad, especially when they changed out the gauze and packed in new.  I still remember the tear running down my check, as if forced out of me!

The worst part is when they pulled the last of the gauze out they apparently left one in by accident.  Well about 3-4 days later it began to get infected.  Not knowing what the hell was up (besides my bad breath and rotten taste in my mouth), I took matters into my own hand and searched and found the gauze and pulled it out.  Immediately blood began pouring out.  Grabbed the table salt and warm water and gargled for awhile and it stopped.  

Those two events are the only times that I ever remember tearing up due to pain !

The best part was the Mepergan cocktail, one of them and two beers and you are RELAXED!!!!  Normally I can't take most pain meds due to nasuea, mepergan has the anti-nasuea stuff in it.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:40:59 PM EDT
All four of mine were impacted,  they came in with what should have been the grinding surface pointed straight forward and none ever came close to emerging.  I went to an oral surgeon who said he would take two out on the first visit and I could return two weeks later to get the other two removed.  I went in and got the gas and five hours later I woke up with both sides of my jaw swollen and hurting like hell.  I asked the doc why I was sore on both sides and he told me that the wisdom teeth had been impacted much worse than the xrays had shown, and he had decided to go ahead and remove all four at once because "With as much pain as you are going to endure, you would never have come back for a second procedure" I was 17 at the time and my father agreed with his opinion,  and about four days later so did I;  Thank god that is a one time procedure
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:43:11 PM EDT



I'm getting all 4 pulled on Friday. So whats it like?
Hopefully I can get recovered enough before I leave for college

Are yours buried or exposed?

Honestly I've heard a ton of different replies. It's different for everyone...

I had mine out this past May. I was out for the surgery and my pain was managed well, though I just bore it for the most part (it wasn't too bad ... I have a somewhat high threshold for pain) because the stuff they gave me (vicodin) didn't do anything for me.

I was swollen for a few days and that was it. I had the surgery on a Friday and went to work for a half day on Monday (wasn't intentional - i needed to rest)

MAKE SURE you do what they tell you to do - rinse out with salt water carefully and regularly. I did and still got an infection.

all of them are exposed, but the bottom two are canted in alot

I'd say you're going to be good to go. *should be* a pretty easy extraction.

Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:44:57 PM EDT

I was knocked out right before they began. I woke up as one of my teeth was shattering from the pliers. I didn't feel any pain but it was weird. They put me back under and I went home doped up with a bottle of painkillers. No real pain to speak of, just a little soreness.

Me too, except the waking up right when they broke one. I never felt a think, woke up, went home was a little sore is all. I never needed to use the pain meds. Just do what they tell you after you get them pulled, I hear a dry socket is the worst.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:50:09 PM EDT
I was knocked out for mine (4, all pretty deep, 1 impacted).  I woke up and began to flirt with the nurse, apparently. Was prescribed hydrocodone and did fine.  Very minor discomfort and that was about it.  Drove to my girlfriend's 30 miles away the same day.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:58:47 PM EDT
I had all four of mine, which were impacted, yanked when I was 14.

Some people come out of it and are pretty much fine that day.

Other people who are sissies, like me, get their ass kicked by it and have their face swell up and look like Richard Nixon.  I was on the couch for four or five days.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 1:06:05 PM EDT
Mine felt like a guy was wedging my fucking (impacted) teeth out of my jaw with a flathead screw driver... which he was.

I was out of work for 5 days.

Have fun and be sure to take your meds.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 1:15:28 PM EDT
All four of mine were impacted.
If you have a tolerance to alcohol and or pain meds be sure to tell the doctor.
I came out of the anesthetic during the procedure and was less than happy with what was going on. The nurse had to jump on top of me and pin my arms down.
+ a lot on getting more than three days of pain meds.


Link Posted: 1/2/2007 1:22:57 PM EDT
3 of them in one sitting....

If they use enough Novacaine you'll not feel a thing...the sensation is kind of disturbing, that and seeing the Dentist straining with all his might to pull them. The stitches are not too bad, the bleeding was not too bad either. YMMV
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 1:25:23 PM EDT
Tell the dentist it's Demerol or adios. They don't give you medals for pain. They plugged me in and the bamboo print wall paper started to sway in the breeze. Afterwards he gave me many pills and told me to start taking them as soon as I got home and finish the bottle. "Pain is easier to prevent than to defeat."

The only pain I felt is when I wrote a check for my portion of the deal. I did have a couple of black eyes that changed to chartreuse.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 1:25:48 PM EDT

I'm getting all 4 pulled on Friday. So whats it like?
Hopefully I can get recovered enough before I leave for college

Im getting mine pulled 2morow I ll let you know how it goes
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 1:42:38 PM EDT
Whats it like- its like there is a party in your mouth- and everyones coming...oh wait....

Probably more sore from holding that cocksucker wide open for two hours.....oh wait....

aw hell, nevermind....
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 1:58:33 PM EDT
I've had ONE taken out, and only because it had a cavity in it and wasn't worth filling.

I was totally out under general when it was done...by request.   I'm not a particularly good
patient in a dentist's chair even for a routine cleaning.     Dangerous, actually.

There was so little residual soreness for me that it was really almost nothing to worry about.

I've had hangnails that hurt a lot worse.

The weirdest thing about it was that the absorbable sutures they used on me started to
STINK after a few days.    I was glad when they fell out on their own after having done
their job.  Those little threads that I spat out were really quite ripe.  

Link Posted: 1/2/2007 2:04:58 PM EDT
They give you some fun drugs.  Don't take them, sell them to your friends, use proceeds to buy more ammo.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 2:06:30 PM EDT
I was awake for the procedure, but didn't feel a thing.

Excellent doctor.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 2:09:57 PM EDT
I was smart, and did one of them thar "studies" for pain meds.  Free teeth pullin!  Woo Whoo!  NOT!  I got the placebo.  I have a small mouth, I had to have two permanent teeth pulled so the others would have room.  I wore braces for 6 years.  It is not good to hear the surgeon say, "hmm, nice roots".  My face swelled up 4x it's normal size.  And for the icing on the cake, I was alergic to the pain meds prescribed.  Face swollen like some sort of Quasi Moto thing and puking my guts up for a week was not fun.  Good wieght loss program though.  
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