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Posted: 8/16/2007 1:33:30 PM EDT
As some of you may recall, I teach at-risk kids (druggies, gang-bangers, etc).  Classes begin 8/27.

From your life experiences, what are the characteristics that cause people to fail at home, at work, and with family and friends?

I am looking for characteristics, personal habits, and/or beliefs that limit a person's success.

I look forward to your thoughtful contributions.  I plan to discuss these with my students throughout the year.  Because many of you are younger than I am, I welcome your more youthful perspective.  Thanks in advance.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:39:46 PM EDT
Being a Democrat.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:40:37 PM EDT
Strictly OPINION and not fact:

I believe the number one cause for failure in life and most criminal behavior is LEARNINIG DISABILITIES.

Caught early enough many can be corrected.  I'm a gambler Will and would bet large money that many of your at-risk students suffer from LD.

LD's lead to lower of self esteem and lower confidence.

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:40:40 PM EDT
That's a tough one.  All of us have characteristics that would easily lead us to disaster if we were unable to recognize or otherwise harness them to our advantage.

Personal integrity (or lack of) would be my number 1 choice.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:41:10 PM EDT
being a hippy.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:42:09 PM EDT
Lack of structure and lack of goals.

Also, lack of self respect and self responsibility.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:43:21 PM EDT

Strictly OPINION and not fact:

I believe the number one cause for failure in life and most criminal behavior is LEARNINIG DISABILITIES.

Caught early enough many can be corrected.  I'm a gambler Will and would bet large money that many of your at-risk students suffer from LD.

LD's lead to lower of self esteem and lower confidence.


Sometimes learning disabilities are just low confidence/self esteem disguised as being slow
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:43:29 PM EDT
Integrity and motivation.

Single parent households and lack of belief in God.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:45:13 PM EDT
I am looking mostly for personal characteristics that a person has control over.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:45:21 PM EDT
The Seven Sins contribute the most IMHO - some more than others.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:45:56 PM EDT

I am looking mostly for personal characteristics that a person has control over.

I'll add greed and envy then.

Rap music glorifies both.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:46:56 PM EDT
A shitty personality.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:47:06 PM EDT
Alright, a sense of entitlement.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:47:22 PM EDT
Being an A-hole. If may get you far, but your coffee will be flavored with urine.

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:47:24 PM EDT
It all comes back to lack of loving parents in the  first few years of life.
There are some who can escape the cycle however.

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:48:10 PM EDT

Believing the big lie that the deck is stacked against you and you can’t succeed.


Defining success in terms of material crap. Economic success is about being able to offer a better future for your children and grandchildren. Not having a fancy car diamond encrusted teeth to impress… impress… Well, to impress whatever kinds of idiots are impressed by those things.


A good woman makes life worthwhile but a bad woman will destroy your life.


Child support payments.


Any expectation that you aren’t going to have to work hard for everything you get in life. Successful people may have had to spend decades busting their ass with little reward to get successful.


Being a criminal. Felony convictions will screw up your life.



Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:50:06 PM EDT

I am looking mostly for personal characteristics that a person has control over.

Be on time, if your not early you are going to be late someday.

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:50:53 PM EDT
lack of accountability and personal responsibility
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:51:53 PM EDT
Inability to cope with personal failures and insecurity.  I think this causes people to lash out violently, withdraw or adopt false personalities.

Lots of misguided youth just don't know that it's okay to not be the richest or baddest dude.  They compensate with destructive behavior--violence, alcohol and drug abuse, etc.

Of course, pop culture doesn't help in this regard.  

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:53:09 PM EDT
Lacking vision, morals, and ethics.

Without vision, laziness is sure to follow. As someone has already mentioned, success takes a lot of hard work, over a long period of time. It won't just happen overnight, even if it looks like the drug dealer down the street is an overnight millionaire. Point out to them what his future holds in terms of being alive and free.

They don't need to believe in god to have morals and ethics - it's plain common sense that stealing is wrong, murder is wrong, etc.

Oh, and their street cred is only holding them back. They won't make it to the land of milk and honey until they elarn to simply walk away, and let the other deadbeat loser crow about how tough he is.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:55:00 PM EDT
Being myopic.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:05:24 PM EDT

I am looking mostly for personal characteristics that a person has control over.

Their mouth is the #1 reason.

Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:07:07 PM EDT
At what point does the use of sarcasm become a personal stumbling block, assuming it is?
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:07:44 PM EDT
Either giving up to soon or not learning when to quit...  

Victim mentality and narcism go along way towards turning out self absorbed loosers.  Lack of respect for your fellow citizens, no empathy towards others..Unwillingness to learn something ... sometimes just fear of new things can really limit people or people who decide they will fail before they start..so wont even bother to try
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:10:16 PM EDT
1) Education level of parents and immediate family

2) Attitude towards education; the value place upon it

3) Exposure to as many ideas and concepts as possible; teaching children that there is more than just the people I know and block I live on out in the world.

4) Number books in the house.

5) Age and marital status of the parents when the child was born.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:12:35 PM EDT
1. Lack of Integrity.   because:
    a. Whether you call it Kharma or Justice you will reap what you sow.
    b. Most positions of success are positions of leadership. If your actions do no match your words your followers WILL notice and it WILL make a difference.

2. Negative Attitude.
    If you think you can, you may be wrong. If you think you can't you are certainly right.

3. Laziness.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:13:53 PM EDT
what I see in todays YOUTTSS and have for the last 10 years or so, being an old fat white guy that has hired 100's of prospective Super Stars..
hers is what I wont hire..

someone who drags thier heels when they walk,,scuffing away not a care in the world..
if your too lazy to pick up your feet,,you too lazy to succeed.

someone who cant keep a shirt tail tucked in

dirty hands and nails

dirty shoes

unpressed clothing

BO soap is cheap  free in most public bathrooms.

unbrushed teeth, a willow branch will act as a tooth brush, even aborigines use a stick to clean thier teeth.

uncombed hair

tardiness for an interview apt.

I intentionaly have left a ball of paper or even a sheet of paper on the floor to see if they will stoop to pick it up or even notice its presents.

eye contact, not a staring contest, just straight on full face in answering a question
no dog eyes, not looking at the ground or at the stars..
I have even turned around during an interview and ask what they are looking at.

basiclly any sign of sloth, lack of self respect, lack of respet to Me...no worries, wont be working for me...

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:14:49 PM EDT
November 1996 I had 125 bucks in my pocket and had just gotten laid off from work. I was driving a 20 year old car with electrical problems, and needed to move out of the place I was staying within a few weeks. Some 11 years later I have a savings account in the 6 digits, a house almost paid for, a family of my own, and a pretty good small business of my own. I've learned, in my travels, it all boils down to one thing-


I dont depend on anyone to bail my ass out of any situation. I think that has alot to do with why Im a gun nut, I depend on myself for the safety of my family.  Does that make sense?
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:15:03 PM EDT

a sense of entitlement.

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:15:44 PM EDT
Tagged for later. Very good questions.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:17:25 PM EDT

a sense of entitlement.


The only ones you are in control of are Low expectations and acceptance of crappy  performance by people in authority.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:19:09 PM EDT
...the expectation that working hard, learning, taking hard hits for the team and the betterment of the company, subsuming your own opinions & values, & then actually expecting to do well & get ahead.

In reality the only way to get ahead in life is to kiss ass.

Remember:  You heard it here first.

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:20:34 PM EDT

I am looking mostly for personal characteristics that a person has control over.

Then you will leave as you came.  Unknowing.


But at least you had enough sense to ask.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:22:08 PM EDT

...the expectation that working hard, learning, taking hard hits for the team and the betterment of the company, subsuming your own opinions & values, & then actually expecting to do well & get ahead.

In reality the only way to get ahead in life is to kiss ass.

Remember:  You heard it here first.

Wow, that's got to be the worst (and the most erroneous) outlook on life I've seen of late.

Remember, you saw it here on AR15.com first!

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:22:42 PM EDT

I don't understand your statement.  Would you please clarify?
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:39:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:43:07 PM EDT

Strictly OPINION and not fact:

I believe the number one cause for failure in life and most criminal behavior is LEARNINIG DISABILITIES.

Caught early enough many can be corrected.  I'm a gambler Will and would bet large money that many of your at-risk students suffer from LD.

LD's lead to lower of self esteem and lower confidence.


I only point this out because as typos go, this is pretty funny.

To the topic:

Instill a belief in personal as well as social responsibility. Personal for the obvious reasons. Social so they understand the basics of the unwritten social contract. To wit, you do not cheat, steal, etc., which violates the social contract that predates laws...
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:50:17 PM EDT

Strictly OPINION and not fact:

I believe the number one cause for failure in life and most criminal behavior is LEARNINIG DISABILITIES.

Caught early enough many can be corrected.  I'm a gambler Will and would bet large money that many of your at-risk students suffer from LD.

LD's lead to lower of self esteem and lower confidence.


I completely disagree

My Grandfather was extremely ADHD.

He was also the most successfull man that I have ever met.

He graduated from WPI with honors. Served his country in the Navy, then went to MIT for his masters degree. He was a proffessor of welding engineering at the Ohio State University, and went on to be a very successfull euntrepenour, starting many businesses.

He was also one of the kindest men I have ever met. My Dad says he never recalls him raising his voice.

ETA I recall he had an IQ of around 165.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:51:54 PM EDT
Misguided loyalty.  Loyalty to a gang, a stupid boy/girlfriend, doochebag buddies, your dysfuncional family, a corrupt politicans, etc.  All of these things can be put before self-preservation and personal success.  

Also believing that you have no control over the outcome in your life.  Like believing your mom telling you that you will a be a drunk, wife-beating convict just like your daddy.  I had a client who's Mom told him that every day, and when you're 6, you believe what your mommy tells you.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:52:52 PM EDT


Strictly OPINION and not fact:

I believe the number one cause for failure in life and most criminal behavior is LEARNINIG DISABILITIES.

Caught early enough many can be corrected.  I'm a gambler Will and would bet large money that many of your at-risk students suffer from LD.

LD's lead to lower of self esteem and lower confidence.


I completely disagree

My Grandfather was extremely ADHD.

He was also the most successfull man that I have ever met.

He graduated from WPI with honors. Served his country in the Navy, then went to MIT for his masters degree. He was a proffessor of welding engineering at the Ohio State University, and went on to be a very successfull euntrepenour, starting many businesses.

He was also one of the kindest men I have ever met. My Dad says he never recalls him raising his voice.

And your Grandfather was an exception.

So was Bob Hope and Alexander Haig and Patton .......IIRC.


Edited to add.  You mention IQ.  IQ has little to do with LD's.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:55:25 PM EDT
I'd say laziness and a low social IQ.  I work with a woman that is not long for our group.  She doesn't seem to think that constantly being on personal phone calls, socializing with the admin assistants, and taking breaks (from what??) go unnoticed.  

I'm about to lower the boom on her tomorrow.

Semper Fi
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:56:41 PM EDT
Not knowing what a real man(or woman) is. Most of the unsucessfull people that I know, stems from the fact that they had a difficult childhood with few positive adult role models.

As children we naturally look up to adults. If the adults we look up to are mature, responsible, devoted, loyal, careing, and virteous, chances are we will grow up to exude those values.

However, if you were raised by pop culture, chances are, you wont exude those values.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:57:40 PM EDT

Being a Democrat.

Entitlement attitude
Lack of role models/ successful cohorts
Inconsistency of discipline due to broken family or absent father
Being surrounded by peers with defeatist attitudes
If family is intact, lack of stressing education
Too much positive feedback for mediocre accomplishments ("self esteem" movement)
Lack of chores/responsibility at an early age
Never having to suffer consequences for neglected responsibility

I know some of these are redundant.

ETA: Lack of religion. Therefore more likely to believe life is all about yourself.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 3:01:37 PM EDT

It all comes back to lack of loving parents in the  first few years of life.
There are some who can escape the cycle however.

Plus 1!!!!!!!!!!  
I escaped but it is hard every day.

ETA: Thank you Grand Mother and Grand Father, RIP.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 3:05:35 PM EDT
I'd say, for the easy to identify and statistically accurate option...Divorced Parents.

And not being beaten enough growing up for a close second.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 3:09:42 PM EDT



Strictly OPINION and not fact:

I believe the number one cause for failure in life and most criminal behavior is LEARNINIG DISABILITIES.

Caught early enough many can be corrected.  I'm a gambler Will and would bet large money that many of your at-risk students suffer from LD.

LD's lead to lower of self esteem and lower confidence.


I completely disagree

My Grandfather was extremely ADHD.

He was also the most successfull man that I have ever met.

He graduated from WPI with honors. Served his country in the Navy, then went to MIT for his masters degree. He was a proffessor of welding engineering at the Ohio State University, and went on to be a very successfull euntrepenour, starting many businesses.

He was also one of the kindest men I have ever met. My Dad says he never recalls him raising his voice.

And your Grandfather was an exception.

So was Bob Hope and Alexander Haig and Patton .......IIRC.


Edited to add.  You mention IQ.  IQ has little to do with LD's.

I mentioned IQ's to point out the fact that having a learning disability has little to do with intelegence.

My father is also ADD. He graduated from WPI with a BS in electrical engineering. He then went to medschool and became a very sucessfull orthepedic sergion. He has been married to the same woman for 25+ years.

I myself have ADD. I am in the process of sucessfully obtaining a business management degree from one of the most respected private jesuit schools in the nation. While doing so I have also managed to obtain my EMT-B, and 240hr proffessional firefighter certification, and worked 12-24hrs a week for a local fire department.  

Having a learning disability has nothing to do with the ability to be successfull. Yes, some use it as an excuse for not being sucessfull, and I would agree that the current education system is set up in a way that makes things very difficult for those with learning disabilities to be successfull, but it has NOTHING to do with success itself.

Most often, people with learning disabilities are extremely good at learning about the things that they have interest in. They can also be extremely dedicated and hardworking when they have interest in a subject, however, due to the way the education system is set up, they usually get discouraged before they have the oppertunity to find that "thing" that makes them tick.

In my observation, people with learning disabilities are either extremely successfull, or they struggle through life.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 7:21:40 PM EDT
Be accountable, If you messed up admit it and make it right. - Dont make excuses, Even if its true your still whining, and that makes you look weak.- Get on a payroll, or spend 40 hours a week doing something. Its hard to waste money or get into trouble if your busy. - Keep it in your pants, or see a professional about birth control. Condoms Fail. Having kids out of wedlock is the fast track to poverty, DON,T screw over your kids. Also a 25yo girl w/o kids can pick any guy she wants. - Learn to do things without being asked, people will see you as a leader. - Ask questions, find the one person who gets results and learn from them. Most people take it as a complement. - Show people the great things you can do, but never tell people how great you are or they will tear you down faster than you can build back up.
Link Posted: 8/17/2007 4:37:19 AM EDT
I've seen too many people f'up their lives, their jobs and families with drugs and alcohol abuse to count.

Dropping out of college or high school, while not a smart move, does not truly stand in the way of a highly motivated and intelligent person.

I'm not talking about somebody that has a few beers watching the Super Bowl with their buddies, but the type of person that stays up all night getting drunk, comes to work hung-over, or the person that has "1 or 2" during lunch because he can "handle it". IMO drugs/alcohol have no place in the work place. I don't care if you operate a fork life, or a keyboard - the end result is always the same. Quality of work drops, concern for a quality job drops, absenteeism increases, taking advantage of the employer/co-workers increases and pretty soon everything around them comes crashing down.

One quick story - I used to work in a security business and eventually had to fire a guy that I was really good friends with because he couldn't lay off the booze. Neither him nor his wife were happy with my decision. However about a year after he was fired he was hospitalized for esophageal bleeding and almost died. I think it was a major wake-up call to his wife. Unfortunately my friend died from a MI about five years after I fired him.

Link Posted: 8/17/2007 5:15:40 AM EDT

I've known plenty of good people undergo personality changes and act in ways completely contrary to what I would have considered normal for them only a year or so earlier. Addiction can destroy a man of integrity in short order; requiring that man to work the rest of his life to regain and retain that integrity.

I've seen kids coming from great families with everything stacked in their favor fall flat on their face from addiction to drugs, alchohol, or other behaviors.

Very young people CAN be addicts.

The addiction may be out of their control but the actions they need to take to overcome it are not. Many just don't know there is a way out or are overwhelmed with the magnitude of the problem they are faced with. It can be almost impossible for addict children who live at home with addict parents to get appropriate help.
Link Posted: 8/17/2007 5:23:39 AM EDT

The Seven Sins contribute the most IMHO - some more than others.

Then how do you explain "successful" politicians?
Link Posted: 8/17/2007 5:46:26 AM EDT


...the expectation that working hard, learning, taking hard hits for the team and the betterment of the company, subsuming your own opinions & values, & then actually expecting to do well & get ahead.

In reality the only way to get ahead in life is to kiss ass.

Remember:  You heard it here first.


Wow, that's got to be the worst (and the most erroneous) outlook on life I've seen of late.

Remember, you saw it here on AR15.com first!

That might seem erroneous & funny to you, but look at it this way:

*  You're a Californian.  That speaks volumes right there.  Californians are arguably the worst offenders in my observations above.

*  You Californians earn so much money for so little work that you have no concept of reality.

*  Watch your environment closely.  It happens everyday, all around you.

*  Most importantly, you are probably one of the major offenders, since you obviously don't have the ability to see it happening.

Good luck in your naiveté/butt kissing.
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