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Posted: 2/21/2001 8:52:27 PM EDT
I currently use the Chip McCormick eight round mags which arent the best but arent to pricey.  Please tell me what you prefer and why and the estimated cost per unit.  Thanks in advance.
Link Posted: 2/21/2001 9:01:21 PM EDT
For carry or serious shooting, I only use Wilson Combat 8-rounders.  Have yet to have a jam using them in any quality gun. Incredibly well made mags. They cost about $27 each.
Link Posted: 2/21/2001 9:20:50 PM EDT
Colt factory and USGI 7 round mags for me. My 1991A1 Commander loves them.

Link Posted: 2/21/2001 9:27:06 PM EDT
wilson combat and les bear mags are hard to beat

Link Posted: 2/21/2001 9:31:41 PM EDT
I've been using Wilson Combat 8 rounders for about 10 yrs. now .... would'nt trust anything else. Never a problem !
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 10:24:00 AM EDT
wilson combat 8 rounders. i have never had any problems with them.
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 10:30:14 AM EDT
Mec-Gar, si.  About $12 I think.

Wilson, si.  Expensive, $25 or so.

Chip McCormick/Shooting Star, no.  Spring wore out quickly, baseplate popped off on a couple I have.
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 11:15:28 AM EDT
I have never had a problem with the Colt45 mags, bought out of Army surplus stores.
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 11:24:26 AM EDT
I haven't had any problems with the Chip McCormick's with the heavy springs. The Wilson Rogers are probably the best! A little more money but for carry guns you want the best. The Les Baers are probably very good too.
Lynn    [pistol]

Link Posted: 2/22/2001 11:29:08 AM EDT
My friend has a bunch of shooting star 8 round mags and they more often than not, exhibits this strange jam where the last round flips straight up (bullet at 12:00) and the rim is still held by the feed lips.

Any idea what is causing this and how to fix it?
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 1:15:35 PM EDT
I have had good luck with MetalForm mags.
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 1:31:19 PM EDT
Without a doubt Wilson 47DE 8rd mags...wouldnt trust my life to anything else...
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 1:31:31 PM EDT
Imbroglio that has been one of mine as well as the first round nose diving and not feeding.  I am assuming a weak spring for the latter.  All I know is it is a bit distressing.  Come on 1911 gurus what is going on here.  Also where can you get Wilson combat mags for a good price.  Any links would be appreciated.  Thanks for all the replies gentlemen.
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 1:32:36 PM EDT
I've ha good luck with the colt 8 rd. mags in my series 80 Gold cup.
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 1:50:37 PM EDT
I have a mix of shooting stars, usgi, and chip mc's. About 15 in all (for 3 1911's) would it be worth it to change them all to Wilson's?
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 3:52:22 PM EDT
Chip McCormick's Shooting Star 8-rnd mag did not work well with my Kimber Pro-CDP.

If you load it up to the hilt, the second round would not feed properly. However, if you just put in 7 rounds, it does not have any problem.

With this, I decided to use only Wilson Combat mags and have never been disappointed.

Link Posted: 2/22/2001 4:56:21 PM EDT
My Norinco loves its Norinco mags, plus It likes the McCormick. Supposedly they machine it in such a way that it rides higher in the gun, less FTF's that way.[pistol]
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 5:01:02 PM EDT
Anything but usa brand.Ihave 1surplus, a chipmccormick,2 colt mags all have had no problems.the chip mag is an 8 rounder and the gun is a colt commander
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 5:36:36 PM EDT
One word... "WILSON"    
I've tried the rest and they're all on the shelf when it counts. Nothing but Wilson in the 45 when it's on my hip.
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 6:17:43 PM EDT
Wilson does make the best 1911 mags.

Try Natchez Shooter's Supply for good prices.  They still appear to have a great sale going on: the 8 rounders for $19 and the 10 rounders for $22 (normally $25 and $28).  I was told by someone else I sent there that they were out of the 8 rounders, but you can check them again if you want, or see if they will backorder for you at the sale price.  They are at www.natchezss.com.  Search for "WC47" to get the list of mags.

Hope this helps.
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 6:19:26 PM EDT
Ed Brown
Shooting star
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 8:59:36 PM EDT

Have had good luck with...

Anything with 'Shooting Star' followers...

Stock SAs...

Link Posted: 2/22/2001 9:04:37 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Imbrog|io:
My friend has a bunch of shooting star 8 round mags and they more often than not, exhibits this strange jam where the last round flips straight up (bullet at 12:00) and the rim is still held by the feed lips.

Any idea what is causing this and how to fix it?
View Quote

Any possibility that this is a problem with the particular ejector as it relates to these specific mags...

How do other mags work in this gun... and how do these mags work in other (dissimilar) guns... that's a good place to start in isolating the problems... and possibly learning some good lessons for future ref...

Jes a suggestion...

Link Posted: 2/22/2001 9:10:21 PM EDT
Do the 8 round wilson combat mags stick out below the grip frame?
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 9:39:26 PM EDT
I've had problems with McCormick shooting stars failing to hold open the slide after the last round with my kimber.
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