Rush and Sean Hannity when I can, but I think the folks in the office get a little annoyed with I can't listen ver much.
I do think they are too much of Repubican cheerleaders though.
I hear that Wayne Lapeire (sp?) commercial on the Hannity show, but have never heard him talk on the show.
I have emailed him a few times asking him to debate the gun issue, and offered some good facts if they need any ammo against the gun-grabbers...
But he could have addressed it and I missed it.
I sure as hell wish ole Wayne would get on a few shows and majorly sharpen his debating skills... he usually sits there and takes it up the rear from the antis...
I suppose in the comming year the gun debate will heat-up.
I did see Hannity and Colmes talking about bannin the toy guns in NYC last week.
Sean asked the guy what he was gonna do when someone broke into his house; he replyed with the call 911 BS... Sean said OK that means bang you and your family is dead.
Then the guy brings up the BS about more folks being injured from their own gun, blah blah blah. Sean quickly called BS on him, etc, etc.. and he does seem to get pretty emotional about it. I think he could make a good contribution to the cause if he'd attack the AW ban issue ... I beleive he does have a huge and growing "passionate conservatism" following...
He's not conservative enough for me, but I share alot of his views...