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Posted: 4/19/2007 2:46:12 PM EDT
How many of yooz here were picked on and bullied while growing up?
And, I never picked on anyone... |
Twice. Once in middle school, Once in highschool. Both ended up in fists being thrown and I never had a problem afterward
yep, I was bullied in middle school because my dad was the Chief of police where I went to school, school did nothing to correct the situation so I had to fix it more than once. I finally fully corrected the problem by going to a private high school where I had plenty of friends and no ones parents, brothers, or sisters knew my dad. Even while it went on I never had thoughts of doing what some of these kids have done.
I did both. I bullied a kid in middle school until he finally judo'd my ass and taught me humility. I was bullied until I took Kenpo and dropped a kid on the bus, broke his jaw, no one messed with me after that, at least not one on one. Got jumped a few times. The best thing that happened was the judo move, taught me what an ass I was being and it also taught me that martial arts rock!
Sure. I graduated in 1992. After Columbine, my mom called me up and asked me 'when you were in high school, you wore a black trenchcoat all the time. Did you want to kill your classmates?' My Answer? 'Hell ya, mom! But, I didn't. That's the difference.'
Did I fantasize about taking out the bully? Visualize getting revenge on this or that smartass that made fun of me or spit in my hair or knocked my books out of my hand? Oh hell ya. But, that's where it ended, in my mind. They were harmless daydreams, that allowed me to burn some steam off and realize how silly the whole thing was. It's JUST HIGH SCHOOL! It's really sad that people can't tell themselves, Like I did, it's just a couple years, then I'm out of here! It ain't that bad kids. Trust me, when you get older and out in the real world, you will WISH that you were back in high school!! |
middle school yeah.... high school.... hell no i grew up into a big mother
All the friggin time. I liked the outdoors and science. I went home crying nearly everyday.
I lived my life, got on with my grievances and set out to make myself better than the bastards who made my life hell. |
During high school I was picked on being a fresheman
I have seen some of the people years later that gave me a hard time and they tried their best to be friendly, almost ashamed of being a douche to me. I told them to go F themselves. That was enough for me. It was done. Sadly, some people just don't get over things. They feel they must take things to the extreme. |
99.9% of people have been bullied AND done some bullying of their own as children. It's nature.
Yup . Same crew tried it after I got out of the Army . Once .
I was picked on all through Junior High and High School. I was the smallest kid in the schools.
Took getting into a fight in 8th grade to stop.<Junior High> Then again in my Senior year. |
I was. A lot.
Fuck 'em. I achieved everything they said I never would, and rubbed it in their faces during our 10-year reunion. |
I was always bullied by gun toting [poor] rednecks in pick-em-ups.
I was picked on a little bit in middle school, but I gave it right back to them so it wasn't bad. No problems in high school.
Not a LOT, but enough. Nerdy, glasses, socially inept and my weight ballooned at that time (along with the zits). Got harassed a fair amount, hit a few times and once ambushed by a couple of kids and beaten up. By today's standards of violence, it was nothing. Parents went to the vice-principal to raise Hell and got "pooh-pooed". Dad was PISSED and told the VP that he was going to enroll me in karate classes. VP got all panicked and gave the "That wouldn't be good, violence isn't the answer, it will just cause trouble." speech. (this was back in the early 70's -Hippy Time and in CA too). I did take classes for a couple of months, some of my awkwardness went away and the word got around. Never got bugged (that I recall) again. High School there were jocks, stoners and geeks/nerds. Three choices and three choices only as to which crowd you fit with. No physical harassment, some verbal, just always on the outside of everything. |
The majority of the time I stood up to bullies on behalf of other people. I have a brother that is 4 years older than me. He made me a man way before my peers were. I, scratch that, AM lucky to call him my brother. |
lol yup.
I was bullied during my school years, I would say once or twice per school... usually once. Most people dont move like my parents did, but every couple years we moved to a new school district :) This pretty much fucked my entire school life, had to make new friends every few years SUCKED. but this also made me tougher imo, every school has leaders, and kids that are coming in are supposed to take it and cry or become a new leader :) Its sorta amusing if you have the right attitude all it takes is 1 fight, after that you dont gotta fight again unless you really want to start fights. Atliest thats how it always worked out for me. |
I never was, but I had a friend(?) who was bullied un-mercilesly. I even stopped being his friend because he was so hated I did not wantto be associated with him, it was basicly a choice of turn against him or suffer his fate with him.... I made the easy choice.
He was so despised that many teachers, faculty, and parents actualy sanctioned him being picked on. He was pretty mouthy, and this only served to escalate what was already a bad situation. He was beaten many times in elementry school, than urinated/ spit on. In middle school he was jumped by over 50 kids while the busses were unloading (no one saw a thing), he was hospitalized but he did not remember so he could not identify the beaters. In highschool he was beaten a few times after school, and he was beaten in the locker rooms before and after gym classes. During gym class his head was a target for anything which could be thrown. He was also stomped or kicked at every chance. He was put into the hospital for being booted in the head (by a girl, while a guy held his head steady like a punt), and than for catching a hocky stick full force into the balls. The odd thing was that this was not done by just bullies, these assaluts were carried out by smart kids, pretty girls, rich kids, poor kids, good kids... basicly everybody. He finaly got tired of it and killed himself, lucky he did not go on a rampage. I never took part in the beatings, but I did have to fight him one time after he accused me of destroying his computer disk (with all of his work on it) which I did not do. |
Heck yeah, Who wasn't. But my parents taught me right and if i ever thought that it went too far I would throw down. That's the problem with schools these days, kids are told never to fight anymore so everybody feels helpless and dependant on councelors and teachers. After a few good scraps you usually get left alone, whether you won or not. If you dont get left alone then you get tougher and just keep whupping ass. That's life, get some!!
I was of sufficient size and had an athletic build, more people were scared of me.
I had a friend that always looked to get into fights, he'd bring me along for backup. He said he never wanted to have to fight me. Now, I'm am just sufficient in size. |
I bullied a little in middle school but stooped matured and regretted it around the 9th grade, I was in what people called the "popular crowd" so no thankfully I never had that prob, It didn't happen much at my high school anyway and me being 6"3 230lbs was a bit of a deterrent .
My high school was big enough that we didn't seem to have the clique problem I always hear about in smaller and, shall I say, "whiter" schools.
I remember being friends with a broad spectrum of people. It was only later in life that I looked back at some moments with amusement - like when I invited some friends from a class full of college prep types to a party, and - when there - one of them whisper to me, "dude, this is a "gangbanger party" with his eyes as big as saucers. Virtually everbody in the school knew me (heck, a poster sized picture of me, with a rifle in hand, was in the main hallway!) and I was cool with every crowd. I remember getting beat up once by this dorky, but big kid in junior high, but the next recess a much larger guy kicked HIS ass and made a point of letting him know not to do that to me again . |
I was some in High School. (i was smaller than most of the kids.)
I remember one when I was a freshman. This kid who was quite a bit bigger than me used to pick on me. I took it for a while but I had to do something. So I asked my dad what to do. He simply told me that bullies only bully people who are afraid to fight back. The next time he tried to pick on me, I hauled off and knocked the shit out of him. I ended up getting my ass kicked and getting suspended for three days. That other kid never picked on me again. And my father did not punish me. |
I was bullied constantly at my weight (120lbs). I would say some kids were almost tortured on a daily basis. Teachers back then did not do a damn thing to stop it either. This was back in the 70s.
I do not condone someone taking revenge on large scale like what just happened but I can sure understand what can drive a kid to this kind of violence / revenge as he gets older. A daily ass-whupping that is accepted by the teaching establishment can tweak a kids mind pretty badly. |
Not really. I used my Uber tactikoolaid mall ninja skills to stelthily move throughout the halls without alerting anyone
well not really, i just didn't make an ass out of myself. I got razzed for tonnes of shit, but nothing i couldn't laugh at myself. I suppose i was lucky |
Not until high school.
The high school bad boy had a hard on for me from 9th grade on, still don't know why. This guy was absolutely obsessed with getting me to fight. He did a lot of drinking/drugs and was proud of his bad boy image. I was a very tall and extremely skinny cross country/track runner. He was built like a tank, played football and could have snapped me in two. But we never got that far. He disappeared before our senior year. Eventually ended up in juvenile hall, probably dead now. Or he's a cop. Things have changed a bit since then. |
I found smashing someones head into the lockers a couple of times tends to tame bullies.
In 7th grade I was bullied by an 8th grader who had been held back three grades. His schtick was to sucker punch me when I wasn't looking. Being 4 years older than I was he was a good deal larger than I was. He did this 3 or 4 times. The last time, I was in a cast from my crotch to my ankle and on crutches. I hit him square in the balls with my crutch at least 4 times before he fell down and then I hit him 2 or 3 times in the head. To the day I left town to join the Army, he would cross the street to avoid me after that. I only got in one fight with a schoolmate after that. I'll admit though, that Jamie was the first and only person to ever knock me out(the next time after that I fought back). My father, unfortunately is not the sort of person who recommends self defense nor is he eqipped to teach it so I had to learn it on my own.
Yes I was. I was a lil fat bastard. Funny when I grew up to size I was bigger then most of the lil pricks that bullied me. They never said a thing about me again. IS it me or did that dumb ass sound like a Asian Napolian Dynmite.
Yes. A very ugly one. |
Do you find the white Napoleon Dynamite to be attractive? |
I was raised to be a pacifist so I didn't do anything about it even thought I am a big guy. In retrospect, pacifism is stupid. The bullies will always be there and will always look for prey. Pacifists are great prey. If I could do it again, I would have kicked some serious ass. Being suspended, whatever, would be worth it. |
holy shit dude repeated gang beatings leading to multiple hospitalizations? and the school did nothing about it? |
Is it true that large % of police officers were bullied? I have heard this, but I have also heard that they were bullies in school, and continued the trend. I have also heard that there is absolutly no corelation between bullieism and law enforcement.
I know a few guys i went to school with who are cops, 2 were bullyes, 2 were bullied and one had an excersism |
Psshhhh No. |
I was a white kid a middle school that was 75% black. I transferred to that middle school to leave a magnet gifted program that I didn't like. So I was the smart white kid.
I was never physically harmed, but groups of the black kids liked to mercilessly make fun of me. Middle school is interesting because the worst of the worst have not yet been weeded out; unlike in high school where they have mostly dropped out the education system. Some of these kids had legit gang affilaitions. I saw a newspaper article a few years later that one of them who had been particularly harsh to me had been shot in the head in a gang dispute. I smiled. |
I was bullied my first year in military school, started taking boxing and roles changed.
Yeah It was pretty strange, but even the teachers would laugh when he got beaten, no one ever did anything to stop it, His father told him to man up and fight... but sadly he was not that good of a fighter and the odds were always stacked against him. I was his friend until 7th grade, that was when it all went down hill for him. He basicly pissed off every clique in the school. He did have a funny way of talking though.. kind of high pitched and wet he had a mouth full of spit and stuff (donald duckish). I remember one beating was due to him "slide tackling" girls and hurting them. He would actualy pick fighte with large numbers of people... not a very bright kid, but he always reminded everyone how he was "much more intelligent than all teh average humans he was sourounded by" |
I actually made my son fight a bully a few years back. The kid was a year older and at least 6" taller & 20 lbs heavier than Zach, & had a rep of being a good fighter. Zach had a paper route, and a girl called him to warn him that she heard a rumor that the bully was going to beat him with a pipe he was seen carrying around, all because some other kids had mentioned that Zach could scrap. The same day, my wife calls me at the firehouse and says there's about 20 kids in our yard with baseball bats etc. mouthing off at her telling her to send Zach out. I told her to invite them all back the next day at the same time when I'd be off-duty. They showed up with bats again and I came out the front door like a lunatic and announced "anyone holding a baseball bat would be looking like a popsicle in short order" and you heard bats hitting the ground everywhere. I figured out who the bully was and was disheartened to see how much more physically mature he was than my son. He was also a vulgar, disrespectful punk. I made them get up in the yard because he wanted to fight in the street. I said if you're dead set on fighting my boy who has absolutely no beef with you then you're doing it here and now because I wont have you hitting him in the head with a pipe and killing him. They jumped off and Zach began to give this punk a boxing clinic, and when the kid tried to clinch Zach who was smaller in size but very muscular threw him on his head. The older boy jumped up quickly though and Zach, slower to rise got kicked squarely in the face - HARD. I thought I was going to come unglued. It broke my heart. I immediately stopped the fight, and told the kid he better never even walk down my street again. I knew I couldn't put my hands on him, but told him I'd beat his dad's ass. Then this kids mob, all stepped up, helped my son off the ground, and one by one, shook his hand for "having some big balls." No one challenged him again - because boys DO NOT WANT TO FIGHT SOMEONE WHO IS GAME AND WILL FIGHT BACK AND COULD POTENTIALLY EMBARASS THEM. Sometimes win or lose, you have to fight back. BTW the bully came to Zach's football team the next year and Zach (who started at linebacker & was a coaches favorite for delivering punishing hits) planted his ass like corn the first day of contact. The bully apologized to me and my wife for the disrespect and was forgiven. OK all you Dr. Phil fans, go ahead and flame
I was bullied in Elementary, by Jr. and Sr. high school i was big enough to make bullies wish their parents had never met!! And I DID!!!
Whats funny is i never got Detention, or suspended for doing so, usually no body would tell faculty i beat the poo out of a bully because they knew my cause was just!! A couple times i actually beat down bullies in front of Faculty and never got in trouble because the faculty knew my cause was just. Small town high school. |
Nope, there were a lot of cliques in my school back in the 80's-90's but nobody fought cuz of how they dressed or because of what sport they played. There were poor kids and upper middle class kids who thought they were rich but eveyone mostly got along. If there were fights or somebody got picked on it was because they said something stupid or untrue. One kid got picked on cuz he smelled, he did. I got ragged on in like second grade but just because of my glasses (they were really ugly) LOL, they got over it and I did too. We were all pretty close/friendly across the board no matter what. Guess we were all lucky mostly. Our school wacko was also friends with everyone so we never worried about being shot or anything.
It doesn't suprise that so many people here on ARF were bullied.
As for me-an Asian dude with glasses, NOPE. As a matter of fact, High School/College were the best and most memorable times of my life. I got along maybe even too well with everybody. The Stoners, Preps, Jocks, Hip-Hop heads, alternative folks, rock n' rollers-just bout everyone i was cool with. Plus i ran with a pretty tough crowd. We constantly sparred and tested each other to eliminate weakness. A few times someone would try to test the waters. More often than not, they got their asses kicked. Sticking up for yourself was always a rule of thumb in my circle. Never once did i or anybody I was cool with thought of shooting up a school. We would always meet by the flag pole. |
once in middle school. the result of that carried on into highschool. of course, in highschool, i had to give a reminder to one person specifically and to those that went to a different middle school.
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