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Posted: 1/25/2009 7:44:35 PM EDT
Had a shoot with two young brothers.  Really sweet kids:

I've got about 30 shots for their mom to proof.  Mom wants 30" + canvas for each boy, plus them together, not counting prints.  I'm happy!  :)

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:51:46 PM EDT
Now if I can just talk you into a trip to small town Nebraska to do my sisters family.  Those are well done and I like that they are not in color.

EDIT:  I see "fees associated with travel"  dare I ask how far out of my financial plan that is.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 4:57:49 AM EDT
Very nice. I love the lighting.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:44:43 AM EDT
Thanks for the kind words.


I'll send you a PM.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 6:04:21 AM EDT
Replied to IM
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