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Posted: 1/31/2011 11:13:46 AM EDT
My sister is getting married soon and is looking into getting involved in shooting. She thinks it is fun and wants a gun (yes, she will be properly trained before being set free with a gun). Her fiancé likes guns and shoots occasionally. They have a house together and I'm not kidding when I say Texas roadhouse isn't shit compared to this girl's house. She had the house custom built, decorated, and trimmed out to the Texas max.

Knowing this about them, I'm thinking a fitting wedding gift would be a useful decoration. It would be something weapons related - Texas - and tasteful.

I'm sure you have all seen the nice displays on here with antique treasures mounted for display. I'd like to do the same, but with a couple of old west colt revolvers (or maybe something more fitting). They don't need to be authentic - just functional and pretty.

I'm looking for ideas/pictures/etc as to the layout and types of weapons to use.

How much Texas is too much? Maybe just a simple wood case with the Texas star inlaid in the background, a pair of crossed pistols, and a small placard about the wedding date is enough? And yeah - I saw the crossed pistols on a belt buckle - looks kind of Texas-ish I guess, but is there an underlying meaning?

I'd like to make it easily accessible with a magnet key to keep the kiddies out(they don't have any yet), and to make it easy to get to in an emergency maybe some thin tempered glass so it will shatter (good luck to me finding that).

How do I know she wants loaded guns on the wall? Well I don't - but I know she would at least take them to the range sometimes and would certainly hang such a thing in the house as a decoration.

Any and all ideas are welcome
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 11:15:06 AM EDT
A pinata?
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 11:19:28 AM EDT
10/22 with a nice stock, not the base model, and a wall mount
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 11:27:00 AM EDT
Texas?  Gun related?

His and Hers OBRs.  

Link Posted: 1/31/2011 11:30:28 AM EDT
Levergun with a texas star inlaid in the stock?
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 11:33:13 AM EDT
Texas style wedding gift?

Spanish to English Dictionary.

Link Posted: 1/31/2011 11:35:29 AM EDT
His and hers Colt Walkers.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 11:48:18 AM EDT
New shooters like trap and skeet a lot and there are tons of ranges. Get his and hers pair of 870's in 12 and 20 or 12 and .410. If you need to go cheaper you can get a pair of NEF pardners or the like.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 11:50:23 AM EDT
can you mention Texas a few more times, I didn't get it
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 12:14:29 PM EDT
Those colt walkers are sexy! I'm an auto guy - so this is new to me. All great ideas! thanks.

And mentioning texas like that doesn't even start to do the situation justice. She even has a couple of tats in hard to see places related to it. Yes I've seen her in a bikini (only way to see them) - and no I wouldn't want to know about anything else.

As per the rules:

Link Posted: 1/31/2011 1:27:34 PM EDT
Glass-front gun case?  or a gun vault?
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