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Posted: 8/12/2011 10:12:16 PM EDT
Well inside three days both have gone on the fritz. Roper brand so basically Whirlpool.

Washer only puts out hot water. None on cold and only hot on the warm setting. I'm  guessing it is some sort of solenoid that's went out. Its not the water line or deposits. It was all at once with good pressure the day before,

The dryer has no heat at all. I guess the heating coil. It has been getting worse over the last year of not completly drying a load. More time needed to be added. Now nothing

Are these easy fixes. Both are over 20 years old I beleive. I want to fix them my self. We are buying new ones for upstairs when the new kitchen is done. I donrt want to bring the new ones down then back up in a few months. Besides I want to keep the ones down here.  The basement is a livable house on it's own.

Then again I don't want to put a ton of money into them. This is the first problem with either of them other than a belt for the dryer, and that was over 18 years ago when it was in my mom's house.

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