It was all part of the domino effect, that gun grabbers say won't happen.
1934 NFA
1968 more gun control
1993 Brady Bill
1994 AWB
There are many more, especially at the state level.
Now they're trying again, first with "assault weapons", even though they are used by very few criminals, then they will be back for our handguns, because they are used the most in "gun crimes".
The only thing the antis have learned is how to make a more restrictive ban. They will use the mayors, appointed LEOs, and women and children to get their way, even though the facts don't fit their agendum. The public is still gullible. They fell for Obamacare, higher taxes, (instead of major spending cuts), and this year they will fall for embracing illegal immigrants. The average person believes what the liberal new media tells them about guns. They are the sheep, and as we saw with the last election, there are all kinds of them in the country.
This is all a wake up call for gun owners; that's it.
Let's face it, there are more guns than ever before, more people CCWing, and less violent crime, except in areas with the most restrictive laws, like D.C. and Chicago, but nobody is paying attention except us.