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Posted: 4/30/2003 10:35:15 AM EDT
Does anyone know if they make a LEO only Styer Aug.  I think this would make a great patrol long gun, I have not seen any for sale so if you know where I can getone let me know.
Link Posted: 4/30/2003 7:14:59 PM EDT
well - I’ll have to just kinda' disagree with you.  

Bullpup guns are for tank crews and crap like that.  in my experience they have horrible ergonomics for re-loads and immediate action, etc.  how to you tap, rack, and bang when you are in the prone w/ out exposing your melon to the dude who is trying to blast you?

anyway - you can buy them from a styer dealer.
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 5:51:08 PM EDT
You mean I can't operate my cruiser like a tank? [devil]
Link Posted: 5/2/2003 8:41:48 PM EDT
get a chainsaw and cut a turret hatch in the top.  :)

Link Posted: 5/6/2003 7:26:11 AM EDT
I have to disagree.  I think that it would make a fine patrol rifle, if you can get one.  It is compact and probably fits fine in a patrol car.  

As far as speedy reloads and malfunction drills go it's just like any weapon...TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 3:49:04 PM EDT
If I remember right, trigger assembly is plastic so you've no options in that area if you get one that pulls a rough and creepy 8 pounds.

Think Gun South used to be the disributor  but that's been a no. of yrs.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 7:56:03 PM EDT
What about an M17s ? Superior to the Steyr in some ways (dont know too much about operations of a steyr, but I do know that M17 is superior to AR15 in most ways).

http://www.smallarmsreview.com/april.htm (Bought mine based on this review, Love the rifle, only drawback I've had is the rather tight fit of (import Israeli) plastic magazines- metal falls clean out)

Link Posted: 5/11/2003 10:51:16 AM EDT
but I do know that M17 is superior to AR15 in most ways
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dude...  you're killing me.


Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:23:17 AM EDT
You need a urinalysis. Put down the crack pipe...(wanders off mumbling..M17 better than an AR..mumble, mumble)
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