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Posted: 12/16/2010 6:55:42 AM EDT
Called in and was told we were operating under normal staffing and working conditions today due to the weather.
My 20 minute drive took an hour and 20 minutes.

First thing I get told when I arrive is "You can go home if you want, you don't have to be here."
Followed by a are you fucking kidding me. Yelled at them.

I'm fucking stuck in a parking spot now due to the shit ass weather.
Fuck this fucking shit.
Don't tell me I have to fucking be here and as soon as I get here, fucking tell me I don't need to be here.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 6:57:26 AM EDT
dude ever try decaff?
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 6:58:09 AM EDT
Go in and work anyway. Half for the point, half because getting home again would suck anyway.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 6:58:27 AM EDT
I work for a large company, and when they call a day off, it's a major expense, so they seldom do it.  One time we had a hurricane coming through, and on the way to work, I spun around in a water filled intersection.  I thought it's crazy to go into work in this weather, turning around to go home.   The ones that did go in, got sent home at noon and there was a huge traffic jam of people trying to get out of the one exit.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 6:58:39 AM EDT
1. Quit.
2. Get on welfare
4. Profit.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 6:59:12 AM EDT
You can take tomorrow off too, if you want...
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 6:59:54 AM EDT
1. Quit.
2. Get on welfare
2.5. Surf arf all day.
4. Profit.

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:01:18 AM EDT
I didn't go to work yesterday, because I didn't feel like it.

I stayed home and worked with power tools all day.  Made a trolley for my horizontal band saw.  It was a very good day.

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:03:38 AM EDT
Do like me! Retire!
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:03:43 AM EDT
Hang out and do your best Bill Lumbergh impression ALL DAY LONG to everyone.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:05:05 AM EDT
It's not that bad out. What is your location? Would you like me to come and pull your car out of the parking lot?
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:05:38 AM EDT
Got the call at 4:30am that work had been called.

I rolled over and went back to sleep
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:05:56 AM EDT
I feel your pain.  Right before Hurricane Dolly hit we were told that we had to show up for work.  The storm hit the coast right as I was leaving for work so I drove in some pretty shitty weather.  When I got to work they told us that anyone who couldn't make received 8 hours admin leave but since we were already there, we had to stay.

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:06:44 AM EDT
It's not that bad out. What is your location? Would you like me to come and pull your car out of the parking lot?

That'd be great. I'm downtown in Huntington at the moment.
I also thought about just leaving work and going and having a few beers.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:08:19 AM EDT
I got one better:

Ice storm last December.  Car frozen shut.  Boss says I have to come in anyway.  I break one lock (thankfully the passenger side) trying to get the car open.  Heating the key with a lighter opens the other door.

5 mins. down the road, cell rings, boss changed his mind.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:13:07 AM EDT
Snow storms, ice storms, first day of deep freezes, I always stay home. It's not so much that I can't make it in but usually so many others call off and there's more to do because the company is not even close to prepared for it. I basically learned the hard way not to be the chump that shows up and gets stuck with all the bullshit when everyone who stayed home got a pass for it.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:13:57 AM EDT
It's not that bad out. What is your location? Would you like me to come and pull your car out of the parking lot?

That'd be great. I'm downtown in Huntington at the moment.
I also thought about just leaving work and going and having a few beers.

Welp, I am in downtown Charleston, instead of the normal 45 minutes, it will take at least 2 hours to get there today.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:17:05 AM EDT
It's not that bad out. What is your location? Would you like me to come and pull your car out of the parking lot?

That'd be great. I'm downtown in Huntington at the moment.
I also thought about just leaving work and going and having a few beers.

Welp, I am in downtown Charleston, instead of the normal 45 minutes, it will take at least 2 hours to get there today.

We are getting hammered in the eastern panhandle right now. My office is in charleston, they put an email out early this morning about taking off due to the weather if you need to, I was wondering why? Now I know

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:20:58 AM EDT
It's not that bad out. What is your location? Would you like me to come and pull your car out of the parking lot?

That'd be great. I'm downtown in Huntington at the moment.
I also thought about just leaving work and going and having a few beers.

Welp, I am in downtown Charleston, instead of the normal 45 minutes, it will take at least 2 hours to get there today.

We are getting hammered in the eastern panhandle right now. My office is in charleston, they put an email out early this morning about taking off due to the weather if you need to, I was wondering why? Now I know

I-64 is a sheet of snow/ice, along with any other road in viewing distance.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:25:16 AM EDT
As I was considered essential personnel (prison) I knew I had to be at work as it was a condition of employment. Of course there were those that bailed on their responsibility but they paid for it later on down the road with crappy details or were forced in to work night shift on their days off while the reliable employees were not bothered.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:25:44 AM EDT
It's always interesting to me to see how different regions handle weather conditions.  Hell, that sounds like an average winter day to us up here in the frozen tundra.  My boss would say if the roads are open, we're working.  If they are closed, come in when they open.  On the other hand everybody around here shits a little green worm if there is even a funnel cloud in the region.    Hope your day improves and you get home safe.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:26:37 AM EDT
Cell phone communication is over rated.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:27:43 AM EDT
What is this bad weather you speak of?
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:28:38 AM EDT
Cell phone communication is over rated.

I called in if you missed that part.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:54:10 AM EDT
It's not that bad out. What is your location? Would you like me to come and pull your car out of the parking lot?

That'd be great. I'm downtown in Huntington at the moment.
I also thought about just leaving work and going and having a few beers.

Welp, I am in downtown Charleston, instead of the normal 45 minutes, it will take at least 2 hours to get there today.

We are getting hammered in the eastern panhandle right now. My office is in charleston, they put an email out early this morning about taking off due to the weather if you need to, I was wondering why? Now I know

I-64 is a sheet of snow/ice, along with any other road in viewing distance.

This is outside my office which is actually a couple miles from downtown Charleston.
From my office window.

Out front

My truck since I got here at 8

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:02:14 AM EDT







It's not that bad out. What is your location? Would you like me to come and pull your car out of the parking lot?

That'd be great. I'm downtown in Huntington at the moment.

I also thought about just leaving work and going and having a few beers.

Welp, I am in downtown Charleston, instead of the normal 45 minutes, it will take at least 2 hours to get there today.

We are getting hammered in the eastern panhandle right now. My office is in charleston, they put an email out early this morning about taking off due to the weather if you need to, I was wondering why? Now I know

I-64 is a sheet of snow/ice, along with any other road in viewing distance.

This is outside my office which is actually a couple miles from downtown Charleston.

From my office window.


Out front


My truck since I got here at 8


Wait... that's bad? Hell you don't even need boots for that little bit of snow.

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:02:27 AM EDT
It's not that bad out. What is your location? Would you like me to come and pull your car out of the parking lot?

That'd be great. I'm downtown in Huntington at the moment.
I also thought about just leaving work and going and having a few beers.

Welp, I am in downtown Charleston, instead of the normal 45 minutes, it will take at least 2 hours to get there today.

We are getting hammered in the eastern panhandle right now. My office is in charleston, they put an email out early this morning about taking off due to the weather if you need to, I was wondering why? Now I know

I-64 is a sheet of snow/ice, along with any other road in viewing distance.

This is outside my office which is actually a couple miles from downtown Charleston.
From my office window.
Out front
My truck since I got here at 8

That road actually looks a lot better than all of them here.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:10:45 AM EDT
It's not that bad out. What is your location? Would you like me to come and pull your car out of the parking lot?

That'd be great. I'm downtown in Huntington at the moment.
I also thought about just leaving work and going and having a few beers.

Welp, I am in downtown Charleston, instead of the normal 45 minutes, it will take at least 2 hours to get there today.

We are getting hammered in the eastern panhandle right now. My office is in charleston, they put an email out early this morning about taking off due to the weather if you need to, I was wondering why? Now I know

I-64 is a sheet of snow/ice, along with any other road in viewing distance.

This is outside my office which is actually a couple miles from downtown Charleston.
From my office window.
Out front
My truck since I got here at 8

That road actually looks a lot better than all of them here.

+1 I don't like plowing down unplowed 2 lanes in a FWD Impala like I had to do this morning.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:11:33 AM EDT
quit posting and get to work before your boss finds out!
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:12:19 AM EDT
I left home at 6:30 for work.  At 8:30 I got off the highway, circled back on the interchange and 20 minutes later was at home.   2 hours stuck between interchanges.  I have done some phone calls and emails from here and just watching it freeze over - the temp was supposed to rise but I  think its colder now than it was this morning.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:14:44 AM EDT
It was snowing when I went to work last night.
It was snowing when I punched out at 7am
Just now starting to clear up and all the roads were horrible.
Guess what?
Winter isn't evenb here yet, gonna get worse before it gets better.
Happy Holidays.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:22:23 AM EDT
It was snowing when I went to work last night.
It was snowing when I punched out at 7am
Just now starting to clear up and all the roads were horrible.
Guess what?
Winter isn't evenb here yet, gonna get worse before it gets better.
Happy Holidays.

I feel like we're missing the rage of my post.
Point being, I called in, they said come in, we need you here.
First thing as soon as I get off the elevator and clock in they say, oh, you don't have to be here today, you can go home if you want.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:25:56 AM EDT
I gotta go in this evening...  Gonna leave an hor early.

Were closed so I get a comp day to take of this summer.  :)
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:38:30 AM EDT
lets see, 3rd day here and im working 1700-0800. 4th day i get a knock on my door at 1100 and i have to go in right away didnt get off work until 0400. could be worse.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:40:41 AM EDT
Well, just go home and cool your jets. Life is too short.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:44:14 AM EDT
I need to move, we only get earthquake days off, sometimes.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:44:48 AM EDT



It's not that bad out. What is your location? Would you like me to come and pull your car out of the parking lot?

That'd be great. I'm downtown in Huntington at the moment.

I also thought about just leaving work and going and having a few beers.

20 minute commute, you could walk home

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:45:57 AM EDT
It was snowing when I went to work last night.
It was snowing when I punched out at 7am
Just now starting to clear up and all the roads were horrible.
Guess what?
Winter isn't evenb here yet, gonna get worse before it gets better.
Happy Holidays.

I feel like we're missing the rage of my post.
Point being, I called in, they said come in, we need you here.
First thing as soon as I get off the elevator and clock in they say, oh, you don't have to be here today, you can go home if you want.

Nah, I caught the rage.  Pretty good rant really.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:52:23 AM EDT
Called in and was told we were operating under normal staffing and working conditions today due to the weather.
My 20 minute drive took an hour and 20 minutes.

First thing I get told when I arrive is "You can go home if you want, you don't have to be here."
Followed by a are you fucking kidding me. Yelled at them.

I'm fucking stuck in a parking spot now due to the shit ass weather. Fuck this fucking shit.
Don't tell me I have to fucking be here and as soon as I get here, fucking tell me I don't need to be here.

Buy a real vehicle, such as a 4x4?
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:53:44 AM EDT
I would be raging too if I drove an hour and a half only to be told I didn't have to work.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:58:19 AM EDT
Called in and was told we were operating under normal staffing and working conditions today due to the weather.
My 20 minute drive took an hour and 20 minutes.

First thing I get told when I arrive is "You can go home if you want, you don't have to be here."
Followed by a are you fucking kidding me. Yelled at them.

I'm fucking stuck in a parking spot now due to the shit ass weather. Fuck this fucking shit.
Don't tell me I have to fucking be here and as soon as I get here, fucking tell me I don't need to be here.

Buy a real vehicle, such as a 4x4?

How about I keep using my paid off 2wd truck I've had since HS.  ~8yrs now.
Or if you want, you can go buy me a "real vehicle".
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:01:35 AM EDT
Well, just go home and cool your jets. Life is too short.

yeah chilax :)

i may have just done some work while i was there

also get an f150
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:02:52 AM EDT
Well, just go home and cool your jets. Life is too short.

yeah chilax :)

i may have just done some work while i was there

also get an f150

I'm still here. Covering my losses on gas to get to and from work.
Also waiting til the warmest part of the day before heading back.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:04:28 AM EDT
Well, just go home and cool your jets. Life is too short.

yeah chilax :)

i may have just done some work while i was there

also get an f150

I'm still here. Covering my losses on gas to get to and from work.
Also waiting til the warmest part of the day before heading back.

sounds like a good plan to me
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:05:52 AM EDT
shit thats nothing
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:06:30 AM EDT
Hang out and do your best Bill Lumbergh impression ALL DAY LONG to everyone.

I must say, this does sound appealing.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:10:02 AM EDT
Grow a pair - that aint no snow.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:10:19 AM EDT



Hang out and do your best Bill Lumbergh impression ALL DAY LONG to everyone.

I must say, this does sound appealing.


Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:11:06 AM EDT

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:19:37 AM EDT
I got an email to stay at home and work if I wanted, and I did do that, but I would rather be playing in my Subaru with the snow. That being said, PS3 + Netflicks FTW.

Now if I get a phone call from meals on wheels, which means non of their normal drivers could get out, then I will go out and have fun in the snow :)
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:59:48 AM EDT
OP, if you are salary just grin and bear it; head home.

Wage? Stick around and don't lose the pay.
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