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Posted: 3/22/2001 12:21:10 PM EDT
Look up the definition of liberal in the Webster's and tell me what it says.  THEN look up the definition of SOCIALIST.  Why the hell does a liberal think he is liberal.
1. They are opposed to personal freedom
2. They are opposed to ownership of private property.
3. They support income and property confiscation for the purpose of equalizing wealth.
4. They support socialized medical and all other government welfare for the non-working scum in this country.
5. They support restrictions on reproduction and government paid for abortion.
6. They oppose the individual rights of free( contrary speech) the right of self protection from criminals and the government.
7. They dispise religion in all forms and promote homosexual and other perverted lifestyles.
 How can this be liberal or in any way open-minded?  It is as hateful and prejudiced as any KKK or NAACP or Nation of Islam diatribe ever was or ever will be.
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 1:09:18 PM EDT
because if they call themselves "tyrants" then nobody would listen to them [:)]

serously though, many actually believe that they are increasing personal freedom. usually at the expense of somebody else's liberty(their money and right to life). "liberals" are quite communitarian. they will defend their rights unless is would interfere with the "good of the many". the government and the media decide what is "good for the many"

i personally think of the left as being "conservative". meaning that they wish to maintain the status quo. the status quo of big government and sacrificing inalienable right for government provided security.

im a "liberal" and when this country is returned to its constitutionally mandated level i will then also be a "conservative" at the same time.

am i crazy?    so are you ha ha! [:D]

Link Posted: 3/22/2001 1:16:12 PM EDT
The reason they call them "liberals" is that TRUE liberalism is about being "openminded"

How does this openmindedness apply to the Feinsteins, Kennedys and Clintons of teh world?? Well, they "opened their minds" and the little good sense they had ESCAPED.

Also, call 'em what they are - they are "Marxists." "Socialists" is too vogue. they are Marxists, and they HATE America.
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 1:20:06 PM EDT
Well lessee, they're called "liberal" because they freely and copiously issue directions on how to manage your life?
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 1:22:22 PM EDT
I find it a lot simpler to just call them "commie dick-heads". More accurate IMHO.
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 1:33:36 PM EDT
Next time you are sitting on the pot, look at the fine print on the toilet paper wrapping.

It says "liberally apply to soiled areas"

It should say "liberalism applies to shitty assholes"

Link Posted: 3/22/2001 1:57:58 PM EDT
They call themselves Liberals because of their liberal veiws on morality. Fornication, Homosexuality, drug use, abortion, ect all A-Okay when you have a "Liberal" veiw of right & wrong/morality.
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 2:20:47 PM EDT
I call 'em pinko commie turds!
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 2:21:01 PM EDT
Very broadminded people.

"This liberal, whom no beliefs constrained, was so broad minded, he grew scatter-brained."
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 2:24:50 PM EDT
LIBERAL:possessing or manifesting a free and generous heart."the Funk & Wagnalls dictionary"

Liberal: free to give away your money / your rights / your freedoms / your beliefs."the U.S.democraps"

it's so sad one word can mean two totally different things
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 2:45:23 PM EDT
They're called Liberals because they want to liberally distribute your hard earned tax dollars to every dipsh!t with his/her hand out.
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 3:23:21 PM EDT
acually, its about interpitiation of the constitution. they have a libral veiw of it, as if the fore fathers didnt really mean the stuff they said litterially, so via this belief, "oh, look, the 2nd ammendment says the people can have guns" "well they didnt mean it". and the conservitiaves have a conservitive view of that great document. as is, "look the constatution says we can have guns, so we can, horray!!"

i think we are libral, as in we like our liberty, and the demorats should be called liberty taking, commie, radicials
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 5:22:50 PM EDT
...because "Mad Cow" and "Hoof and Mouth Disease" were already taken.
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 5:51:00 PM EDT
We call them LIEberals here in Canada!!
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