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Posted: 6/13/2011 6:43:47 PM EDT
Who "won"?

Well.. not really who won, but who do you think did the best job of promoting themselves as a winner to the most voters watching TV who might be undecided?      

Link Posted: 6/13/2011 6:44:32 PM EDT

R is screwed and with Michelle in it, wasted vote for the Tea Party.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 6:45:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 6:47:52 PM EDT
Romney is slick.  He probably "won" because he's polished.

He didn't win in my mind, but I'm just saying for the average dumb voter who isn't paying attention, he won.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 6:49:46 PM EDT
Felt embarrassed for the retired Navy guy in the audience.  I'm sure that with 20+ years in, he knows when someone is blowing smoke up his ass.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 6:50:30 PM EDT
The Democrats won.  Now surrender your firearms.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 7:16:19 PM EDT
Looked like a bunch of duds and if we could get a good one in their they would quickly become washingtonized in to a do nothing money stealing lair  That was hard to watch so much hot air I can't stand it.

But if we don't get something going soon we are all in for a world of Sh*t

oh your question was who won     I would go with Herman Cain but he does not have a snowball chance in ___________
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 7:18:21 PM EDT


Nobody decided to call him on his bullshit flipflopping and Romney care.

Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:01:52 PM EDT
Every single poll says Ron Paul won the debate.    Do a search.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:05:07 PM EDT
I think Ron Paul looked the best from what I saw.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:17:44 PM EDT
I think Ron Paul looked the best from what I saw.

I will admit it seems like he is getting mainstream recognition...  That guy just tears me up because I WANT to like him.  I can get past the earmark shenanigans, but his pacifist foreign policy is a just about a deal killer for me.  I understand why he's against the Iraq war or paying to keep troops in Western Europe/South Korea even if I somewhat disagree.  However, his comments at the time of OBL's death sent me into a stupor.  Even the libertarian idol Thomas Jefferson sent Navy/Marines into Libya without a formal declaration of war.  If a guy can't understand why it is necessary to hunt down and kill a guy like OBL regardless of sovereignty or formally declared war, then he's just too much of a pussy for me.  And that's sad because there are a lot of things to like about the guy.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:26:32 PM EDT
The format was unbalanced, the questions stacked, and King was trying to instigate squabbling between the candidates. That shit about "which of these people on the stage would you choose as a running mate" No one was going to answer that. Then he asked who chose the best running mate in 2008 McCain or Obama. WTF kind of transparent biased bullshit is that. It's a clear shot at Palin. It was plain as day and I don't know what kind of juvenile, unprofessional bullshit hack thought that ploy would work. It was more like something you would see on MSNBC.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:41:47 PM EDT
You dont win a debate, can only lose.

Im more and more impressed with Santorum and Pawlenty the more I hear them

Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:46:53 PM EDT
I think Ron Paul looked the best from what I saw.

I will admit it seems like he is getting mainstream recognition...  That guy just tears me up because I WANT to like him.  I can get past the earmark shenanigans, but his pacifist foreign policy is a just about a deal killer for me.  I understand why he's against the Iraq war or paying to keep troops in Western Europe/South Korea even if I somewhat disagree.  However, his comments at the time of OBL's death sent me into a stupor.  Even the libertarian idol Thomas Jefferson sent Navy/Marines into Libya without a formal declaration of war.  If a guy can't understand why it is necessary to hunt down and kill a guy like OBL regardless of sovereignty or formally declared war, then he's just too much of a pussy for me.  And that's sad because there are a lot of things to like about the guy.

Declarations of war were in fact made during the Barbary Pirate Wars.  To go to war against another nation-state legally requires a declaration of war (does not have to be worded that way but must convey the same effect).
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:47:32 PM EDT
Felt embarrassed for the retired Navy guy in the audience.  I'm sure that with 20+ years in, he knows when someone is blowing smoke up his ass.

That Pawlenty diatribe was

Just answer the F'n question.

I don't know who the "winner" was on stage, but I do know it wasn't the American people.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:47:46 PM EDT

Why in the blue Hawaii would the GOP let CNN host a debate in the first place?!  

That format sucked ass.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:49:32 PM EDT
Every single poll says Ron Paul won the debate.    Do a search.

I have to admit, he is a very simple soultion to many our problems.  He is very Libertarian.  He just plain old makes sense.

Everyone else is lying, wishy-washy and FOS AFAIK.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:52:19 PM EDT

Why in the blue Hawaii would the GOP let CNN host a debate in the first place?!  

That format sucked ass.

The part that annoyed me the most was the host constantly grunting into the mic.  It was very distracting.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:54:10 PM EDT



Every single poll says Ron Paul won the debate.    Do a search.

I have to admit, he is a very simple soultion to many our problems.  He is very Libertarian.  He just plain old makes sense.

Everyone else is lying, wishy-washy and FOS AFAIK.

Yep. Concerning the pork. You think if he didn't spend that money it would go towards reducing any debt? It would just go to some other stupid project and his voters would be pissed.

Link Posted: 6/13/2011 8:54:45 PM EDT
Romney is slick.  He probably "won" because he's polished.

He didn't win in my mind, but I'm just saying for the average dumb voter who isn't paying attention, he won.

In the end it really is getting that average dumb voter to pick them. Sad but true
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 9:09:03 PM EDT
Ultimately the pick will be Romney.

The GOP wants him because he is "next", und he is a gut party member, yahvol.

The MSM want him because he is a slick RINO and can't beat the current prez. (If he is the pick a lot of TP and Libertarians will tune out/turn off).
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 9:12:26 PM EDT


Ultimately the pick will be Romney.

The GOP wants him because he is "next", und he is a gut party member, yahvol.

The MSM want him because he is a slick RINO and can't beat the current prez. (If he is the pick a lot of TP and Libertarians will tune out/turn off).

Agreed. No one else has a chance. This is all a dog and pony show to make it look like you have a choice.

I'll probably cave in and vote for Romney, but I won't volunteer for him like I did for Bush and McCain and I sure as ain't givin' him any money.

Link Posted: 6/13/2011 9:13:46 PM EDT
Ron Paul.

I am done voting for party. My vote is with Paul, and if he is not on the ticket, then I'll write him in.

The rest are RINO's.

Link Posted: 6/13/2011 9:17:00 PM EDT
I think Ron Paul looked the best from what I saw.

I will admit it seems like he is getting mainstream recognition...  That guy just tears me up because I WANT to like him.  I can get past the earmark shenanigans, but his pacifist foreign policy is a just about a deal killer for me.  I understand why he's against the Iraq war or paying to keep troops in Western Europe/South Korea even if I somewhat disagree.  However, his comments at the time of OBL's death sent me into a stupor.  Even the libertarian idol Thomas Jefferson sent Navy/Marines into Libya without a formal declaration of war.  If a guy can't understand why it is necessary to hunt down and kill a guy like OBL regardless of sovereignty or formally declared war, then he's just too much of a pussy for me.  And that's sad because there are a lot of things to like about the guy.

Declarations of war were in fact made during the Barbary Pirate Wars.  To go to war against another nation-state legally requires a declaration of war (does not have to be worded that way but must convey the same effect).

Congress granted him authorization to use military force....  Sounds familiar....
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 9:18:07 PM EDT


Ron Paul.

I am done voting for party. My vote is with Paul, and if he is not on the ticket, then I'll write him in.

The rest are RINO's.

You must want heroin sold in schools.

Link Posted: 6/13/2011 9:23:21 PM EDT


Ron Paul.

I am done voting for party. My vote is with Paul, and if he is not on the ticket, then I'll write him in.

The rest are RINO's.


Link Posted: 6/13/2011 9:39:00 PM EDT
I think Ron Paul looked the best from what I saw.

I will admit it seems like he is getting mainstream recognition...  That guy just tears me up because I WANT to like him.  I can get past the earmark shenanigans, but his pacifist foreign policy is a just about a deal killer for me.  I understand why he's against the Iraq war or paying to keep troops in Western Europe/South Korea even if I somewhat disagree.  However, his comments at the time of OBL's death sent me into a stupor.  Even the libertarian idol Thomas Jefferson sent Navy/Marines into Libya without a formal declaration of war.  If a guy can't understand why it is necessary to hunt down and kill a guy like OBL regardless of sovereignty or formally declared war, then he's just too much of a pussy for me.  And that's sad because there are a lot of things to like about the guy.

Declarations of war were in fact made during the Barbary Pirate Wars.  To go to war against another nation-state legally requires a declaration of war (does not have to be worded that way but must convey the same effect).

Congress granted him authorization to use military force....  Sounds familiar....

We declared war on Algiers.  Formally and using those words ("declare" and "war").  They also declared war on us.

But yeah, as long as the legislation passed makes it clear that a state of war exists between us and the other named countries both to the countries in question and the international community at large, it is gtg.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 9:40:27 PM EDT
Can I request that this becomes a poll?
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 9:45:14 PM EDT
It's a two -headed one party system

What's the difference between Romney and Obama ?

Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi ?
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 9:46:40 PM EDT
We declared war on Algiers. Formally and using those words ("declare" and "war"). They also declared war on us.

But yeah, as long as the legislation passed makes it clear that a state of war exists between us and the other named countries both to the countries in question and the international community at large, it is gtg.

Are you referring to the first or second Barbary Coast War?  Are you absolutely positive that CONGRESS fomally used the words ("declare" and "war"?)  I'd like to see a source if you have it!  

Link Posted: 6/13/2011 9:48:41 PM EDT
Paul will easily win in a debate with Obama.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 10:48:35 PM EDT
Paul will easily win would come across as old and crazy in a debate with Obama if he ever actually won a state or two in a primary.

The amount of people here who would throw the country to obama in an effort to look like they're on a moral high horse on the internet- is just ridiculous.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 10:50:21 PM EDT


Paul will easily win in a debate with Obama.

Anyone can win a real debate with Obama, problem is that they are all scripted.

Link Posted: 6/13/2011 10:51:53 PM EDT
Ron Paul was the most honest.

Romney was the most polished.

Newt was the slimiest.

Bachmann was the dumbest.

Santorum was the douchebaggiest.

Cain was the most boring.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 10:54:10 PM EDT


Paul will easily win in a debate with Obama.

not if he goes off the evil american empire diving board..

Link Posted: 6/13/2011 10:57:41 PM EDT
Ron Paul.

I am done voting for party. My vote is with Paul, and if he is not on the ticket, then I'll write him in.

The rest are RINO's.

Link Posted: 6/13/2011 11:07:13 PM EDT


Every single poll says Ron Paul won the debate.    Do a search.

I am calling BS on this!

I like the guy and agree with a lot of what he is saying, but for FUCKs sake he sounds like a blubbering idiot!

The answer to every question was the Federal Reserve!    

While I agree with his stance on the Fed, he needs to add more substance to his answers.  He needs to stop yelling, and complete a sentence before talking about another topic.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 11:09:10 PM EDT
Who actually answered questions? Paul, Cain, to a lesser extent Bachmann.

Who just did talking points: everyone else. Gingrich had a few moments but it seemed like a game a dodgeball instead of a game of politics.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 11:34:04 PM EDT
no matter who won...we all lost.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 11:41:41 PM EDT
Im about ready to write in Zombie Reagan.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 11:45:45 PM EDT
Romney will get the nomination.

I will not vote for "gun Ban" Romney.
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 11:50:35 PM EDT
No one won, untill we change out congress all of them ,it won`t matter who`s in the whitehouse .Do we really have the ball`s to make the changes that we need to make ? I think not
Link Posted: 6/13/2011 11:51:31 PM EDT

Ron Paul.

I am done voting for party. My vote is with Paul, and if he is not on the ticket, then I'll write him in.

The rest are RINO's.

You must want heroin sold in schools.

Not that it has anything to do with the Ron Paul or the election, but heroin is already sold in the schools.

Link Posted: 6/14/2011 12:02:05 AM EDT


Im about ready to write in Zombie Reagan.

You might be onto something....

Two people that need to be cloned: Ronaldus Magnus and Dick Winters.

Link Posted: 6/14/2011 12:03:00 AM EDT




Ron Paul.

I am done voting for party. My vote is with Paul, and if he is not on the ticket, then I'll write him in.

The rest are RINO's.

You must want heroin sold in schools.

Not that it has anything to do with the Ron Paul or the election, but heroin is already sold in the schools.

Hell, they already give out mental illness (liberalism) for free.
Link Posted: 6/14/2011 6:13:03 AM EDT
BUMP and lets see a poll OP!!! Thanks!!

Can you do a secondary poll for who we would like to see as running mate for our favorite?
Link Posted: 6/14/2011 12:35:56 PM EDT


Romney will get the nomination.

I will not vote for "gun Ban" Romney.

The NRA will have him in their pocket.  Don't worry about that.  He's going to go for the soccer mom vote right now and wouldn't dare touch guns after.

Link Posted: 6/14/2011 12:44:07 PM EDT
I've got the debate recorded but haven't had time to watch it.  From the sounds of this thread, it doesn't sound to promising  Hopefully someone good will show up to chalange Romney.  As of right now, Bachman will get my vote.
Link Posted: 6/14/2011 12:50:07 PM EDT
Screw a buncha of debates. Send them all to the Pits and I'll vote for the winner.

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 10:33:19 AM EDT
We declared war on Algiers. Formally and using those words ("declare" and "war"). They also declared war on us.

But yeah, as long as the legislation passed makes it clear that a state of war exists between us and the other named countries both to the countries in question and the international community at large, it is gtg.

Are you referring to the first or second Barbary Coast War?  Are you absolutely positive that CONGRESS fomally used the words ("declare" and "war"?)  I'd like to see a source if you have it!  

Link Posted: 6/20/2011 10:48:48 AM EDT
That wasn't a debate. That was "Take 60 seconds and give us your opinion on one complex issue after another, and pretend that a nuanced position is an automatic fail for the purposes of this non-debate".

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