Before the "don't let your cat outside" people chime in, that's not an option for us. He's been an inside/outside cat his whole life and I wouldn't punish him like that now.
We have a very active, and (mostly) healthy 12-year old male cat that I rescued, along with his three siblings, when they were small enough to hold all four in one hand. They were literally hours from death, after being abandoned in vacant lot along a trucking route. I nursed them back to health and found homes for the other three. "Wyatt" has been the most loving, cuddly, playful, and loyal cat I have ever owned. Even friends and neighbors that HATE cats admit that he is the coolest, most personable cat they've ever met.
Now for the issue:
He has free roam to come and go as he pleases, as we live on a quiet cul-du-sac in a one way in/out neighborhood. He has been in his share of fights with a few strays over the years, but gets along well with the other domestic cats on my street. He is getting older, however and is starting to lose more fights than he wins. We make sure he's in every night, but it's getting dark earlier and he's up to no good from 7-9 pm. We've always taken him to the vet whenever he had a wound that didn't clear up in a day or two, but that's getting expensive, and we can no longer afford the several hundred dollars it costs for each trip, which now seems to be occurring on a monthly basis. My wife and I have made peace with the fact that his time is limited, but he is BEST FRIENDS with our two year old son, and we would like to prolong their friendship as much as possible.
He got in another fight a couple of days ago, with either a possum, or possibly a large bird of some form. I know we have a big possum that's been spotted in my yard a few times over the last few weeks, and was my first suspect when he came home battered the other night. But the next day, I found a bunch of white feathers scattered across the yard that were too big (4-6") to belong to our usual jays, doves, and cardinals that frequent our feeder. We live in an older neighborhood with lots of mature trees, and have seen hawks, owls, and even a few ospreys on a fairly regular basis. I also found some large, white bird-poop splatters on the ground under our trees. There appeared to be possible blood stains on a few of the feathers, so it's likely a large bird that he scrapped with...this time. I cleaned him up and treated the cuts I could find with Bactine, and he appeared to be recovering well. Today I found a puncture wound that I missed on the left side of his neck behind his ear, where he can't get to it. It was oozing, and smells of infection horribly. My wife and I flushed it with some chlorhexidine that we had left over from his last trip to the vet, for another abscessed puncture wound that we sucessfully treated at home. But I think he may need some antibiotic help, too.
On my last trip to the aquarium shop, I picked up some "T.C. Tetracycline" thinking it was better than nothing, but I have not been able to find any reliable info on how I might use it for my cat (if at all). I have not given him any of it yet, as I'm not sure it's a good idea or not. I have no idea on what would be a safe dose, or the best way to administer it. It comes in 500 mg powder packets.
Should I abandon this idea, and let nature take its course, or is it something that might help? Would erythromycin be any safer/better? Those are the only two options I could find at my local shop.
Again, the prospect of spending several hundred dollars a month at the vet is just not in our budget. I love my animals, but they are not people, and I cannot afford to spend that kind of money on a pet that only has a few good years left as it is. He is otherwise in EXCELLENT health for his age, and acts like a cat half his age, still very playful and active.
I know that GD on ARFCOM, may not be the best place to seek this kind of info, but the people on here will tell me like it is and I trust the opinions here more than I probably should.
I will in NO WAY hold anyone offering advise advice in ANY WAY accountable if things don't work out, but I'd like some guidance on this matter, before I do something stupid in an attempt to keep my son's best friend around a little longer.
Thank you, in advance, for taking the time to read through my long, wordy post.