Romney has had his *real* money in a "blind trust" for a very, very long time... At least from when he first announced he was running for office, and more-than-likely from before that.
The "blind trust" if it is interested in making money is going to have a variety of funds that are being invested in...
Also, Gingrich and Santorum attacked Romney on the exact same logic and exact same lines...
In fact, Gingrich and Santorum took their class-warfare tactics against Romney directly from the Democrat Party playbook... And in the end, when Romney explained himself on the issue Gingrich and Santorum ended up looking stupid... Just as Obama has recently with Democrats openly defending Romney's success at Bain Capital...
Anyone who honestly tries attacking Romney on where his money is invested lacks a basic understanding of the concept of "blind trust" and/or is being purposefully disinginuous...
Romney's finances and investments were attacked ad nauseum by Gingrich and Santorum up until just literally weeks ago when they decided to concede to Romney. Every possible bad thing about Romney and his tremendous business and financial success has already been said by Gingrich and Santorum... Anything now is just trying to keep the same exact attack in the news and in the front of voters...
I say let the Democrats attack Romney on his tremendous business and financial success... It exploded in Gingrich's face when Romney explained what a "blind trust" is, explained that his money was in a blind trust, and then explained that Gingrich had *personally* invested in the same companies Gingrich was complaining that Romney had (unknowingly) invested in...
Lets say Obama chooses to attack Romney on Romney's investments in out-of-country companies... It opens the door for Romney on several levels... Obama has never personally invested in a *single* American job... And significant amounts of money from Obama's investment programs has gone to out-of-counry companies in the name of "green" programs...
Yeah, the Democrats are going to try the class-warfare tack... It excites their base. The Democrat party base likes to hear personal attacks based on class-warfare...
But in the end, with moderate and conservative voters, it failed miserably recently with Santorum and Gingrich... Their class-wafare attacks against Romney only opened the door for Romney to discuss his open-market abilities, and his success in creating wealth and jobs... And it failed miserably with Santorum and Gingrich, and it blew up in Obama's face recently when prominent Democrats defended the open-market and defended Romney... The Democrat Newark Mayor had to clarify his statements days later in saying that he still endorsed Obama... People where honestly questioning if he was switching support... That is how much he defended Romney and Bain Capital...