So my son and daugher in-law died in a car accident not too long ago, ten months ago, and I've been left in the care of my cheap-ass grand son. He's an young buck who is a Grade-A welfare leech. I am in a nursing home, he lives in the house I paid for and built with my own hands.
I served in Korea for a tour and got a purple heart and a silver star. After the service I became a police officer to further help my community. I can honeslty say I have had a good run and saved a few lives. I sure there will be a few stars in my crown when I get to heaven.
My police retirement and my GI benefits are just barely enough for me to live on and if it were not for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, the rest of my family would starve.
VA is covering most of my nursing home fees, which is around $2000 a month. Anyways, with my kids gone, my grandson has a small amount to help pay for me which is $198.35 a month, which takes a bit out of his life.
My grandson collected all the insurance from the wreck of his parents and already burned through it buying that cheap tapco shit and buying hi-points and chili with beans like I advised him not to.
Anyway, he only sees me twice a year, if that, and his GREAT Christmas gifts are just crap he buys at the dollar store. Now he wants to move me to a cheaper place so he can save a little money to refurbish his basement internet center or some such shit. Plus all my friends are here with me.
Anyone ? HELP !