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Posted: 10/7/2005 6:12:11 PM EDT
ANyone else get these at work?

Boss says that there will be no zero donation amounts.

Me, of course pissed that she would even think that her power extends to my paycheck put $0.

Think I will get fired?
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:14:21 PM EDT
Can you do that legally??  I  think you did right.  No way will I give these folks money.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:15:30 PM EDT

Can you do that legally??   I  think you did right.  No way will I give these folks money.

Can I do what legally?
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:17:41 PM EDT
When I worked for American Express we were strongly compelled to donate to UW as well.  I told them to piss up a rope in so many words.  There is no such thing as a mandatory donation.

I give to charities but they are charities of my choosing.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:18:11 PM EDT
my boss forced everyone in my department to give.

my company is hsbc bank
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:20:54 PM EDT

When I worked for American Express we were strongly compelled to donate to UW as well.  I told them to piss up a rope in so many words.  There is no such thing as a mandatory donation.

I give to charities but they are charities of my choosing.

Thats also the way I feel. I was pissed to hear she was "forcing"people to donate.  I know nothing about United Way and what they do.  And secondly, I am a poor college student and make around $10,000/yr after taxes.  I need help myself.

Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:22:20 PM EDT
Couldn't you have put $0.01?
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:39:02 PM EDT
Please bear in mind that the United Way has given large financial donations to many left wing and often socialist internationalist causes in the past. There are many chiefs, but among them is of course, gun owner control. Their controversial support for forced civilian disarmament extends to many levels, but I think from my readings about them, they tend to gravitate towards the international side of the equation, as there local exposure is usually low key.

I have not, nor will I ever, support the United Way in any way, shape, fashion or form.

Any do-gooder Human Resource manager who forces such an intolerable incumbrance on their employees ought to be hastily horse whipped in full court of his underlings.  

So shall it be written. So shall it be done.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:44:12 PM EDT
We get these at work too.  I work for a City Fire Dept.
There is an old saying that the Chiefs would say: "Give till it hurts or we'll hurt you till you give."

I've gotten some shit raises in last two or three years, so I've signed it and turnen it in with a big fat zero on it last two.

Why would I want to give money to the United Way?  I would prefer to give the cash directly to the charity I choose, without the UW skimming off the top.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:47:25 PM EDT

Please bear in mind that the United Way has given large financial donations to many left wing and often socialist internationalist causes in the past. There are many chiefs, but among them is of course, gun owner control.

Source? Evidence? My company's UW drive is coming up. I was thinking of giving in order to get the freebie offered. Set me straight if need be.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:51:12 PM EDT
Admin costs reach 80%
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:51:35 PM EDT
Our boss is encouraging us to donate, but after the 9/11 cluster-fuck, they ain't getting shit from me again. Any money that I donate will be a direct payment/cash for those in need.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 6:55:04 PM EDT
I really don't think you can be forced to "donate" to an org. I do think there are laws against heavy handed methods. See your HR about it and lodge a protest.

Many companies I worked for "encouraged" 100% commitment, but I always refused.

Is you want to donate to the Brady bunch and other anti-gun causes, feel free to donate to UW and ARC. UW is the parent of American Red Cross. To me, one and the same.

Links to UW and gun control:


There's two to choose from. I could get some more if you want....

I wouldn't give a dime to United Way or the ARC, but feel free if you really don't want another AR15 rifle in the future....

I'd file a complaint and there may be federal laws against this type of unarmed robbery.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:00:52 PM EDT
the company i work for does the united way thing too. you have to go into the computer system and tell them how much you want to donate, even if it is $0.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:15:28 PM EDT
The past several companies I have worked for pushed the United way pretty strongly.

I asked myself why they do this. I think it is just a way for them to push all of thier charitable giving on to the employees. When other worthwhile charaties call, the HR departments tell them, "We give to the United Way." This is an acceptable answer to a lot of charities because the UW speads a little money around thier way every year.

After the United Way threatened to cut the funding for the boyscouts because the boyscouts did not want homosexual troop leaders, I pretty much vowed that I would never give to them again.

It not that I have anything personal against queers homosexuals, they just don't have any place in the boy scouts.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:27:04 PM EDT
Our United Way campaign lets you designate any 501(c)(3) organization as the direct beneficiary of your money. I chose the NRA Foundation. Lots of others choose local fire departments, etc.. Easy on me and the money goes to an org I like.

As for the "Me, of course pissed that she would even think that her power extends to my paycheck..." Does she do your raise and retention? If so, then her power does extend to your paycheck.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:31:03 PM EDT
Whenever I was forced to give (Navy, and first boss, who didn't force me, but asked me to give for 100% departmental participation) I'd give $1.

My second boss didn't force me, since he didn't give either. I refuse to give ever again. If I get fired or harassed, I'll retire on what I earn from the lawsuit.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:32:18 PM EDT
You cannot be forced to give to the UW. Being forced to do so under threats of retribution, is called extortion. They try the same BS at my work, have to hand the slip in, BLA BLA BLA, I ripped it up in front of them and threw it away. I  do not give to the UN, I mean the UW, and I do not support many of the groups they give to. If I want to give I'll do it myself, I do not need th UW to do it for me.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:34:16 PM EDT
If they try to strongarm you into giving, make a one time donation of $.01!
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:36:10 PM EDT
You really dont even have to turn it in do you?  I mean what are they going to do if you dont turn it in?
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:57:52 PM EDT

Do not give ANY money to the United Way.

Not even one penny.






Not a thing.

Not one penny.


They are extortionists (as you already are aware), crooks, liars, frauds and thieves. They are rank with scandals, embezzlements, overcharges and cooked-accounting books from top to bottom.

You might as well just burn any money you give them for all the "good" they say they'll do with it.

It's a thoroughly corrupt organization rivaled only by the Teamsters and the city of New Orleans.

Fuck the United Way!

Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:58:37 PM EDT

My second boss didn't force me, since he didn't give either. I refuse to give ever again. If I get fired or harassed, I'll retire on what I earn from the lawsuit.


Documentation is the key. Documentation, documentation, documentation.

Document what was said, when, by whom, to whom, where, and who was present. Document any negative actions taken against you after that, especially if you feel they are related. Bonus for voice recordings.

Fuck them, fuck the United Way, and fuck the horse they rode in on.

I'm lucky; I don't have to deal with this sort of shit as the president/sole owner/CEO of the company I work for despises the United Way.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 3:08:26 AM EDT
I DO NOT give to United Way.  At least 80% of what you donate goes to "administrative" costs.  In other words, it goes in the pockets of those running the orginization.  I had a part time job quite a few years ago and was told that I had to donate by payroll deduction.  I told them that I would never donate to that orginization and refused.  Nothing happened to me.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 3:44:30 AM EDT
Go to your bosses boss and tell the boss's boss you're being strongarmed into donating.  Regardless, give $0.00 anyway.   I do, I hate the united way.  They're anti Boy Scouts, like a bunch said above, heavy on the administration side, plus I "donate" over $20,000 a year already in state/federal taxes.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 4:06:21 AM EDT

Do not give ANY money to the United Way.

Not even one penny.






Not a thing.

Not one penny.


They are extortionists (as you already are aware), crooks, liars, frauds and thieves. They are rank with scandals, embezzlements, overcharges and cooked-accounting books from top to bottom.

You might as well just burn any money you give them for all the "good" they say they'll do with it.

It's a thoroughly corrupt organization rivaled only by the Teamsters and the city of New Orleans.

Fuck the United Way!

Link Posted: 10/8/2005 4:18:46 AM EDT
We're supposed to turn those in?!
Mine always finds its way to the trash. Also, I dont think out management has ever even mentioned them, we just end up with the little paper on our desk.

If they even hinted I "had" to donate I'd have a lawsuit up their ass so fast they wouldnt know what hit them.
Then I'd retire and spend the rest of my days shooting FA toys I had bought from the hefty lawsuit.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 4:43:09 AM EDT

Please bear in mind that the United Way has given large financial donations to many left wing and often socialist internationalist causes in the past. There are many chiefs, but among them is of course, gun owner control. Their controversial support for forced civilian disarmament extends to many levels, but I think from my readings about them, they tend to gravitate towards the international side of the equation, as there local exposure is usually low key.

I have not, nor will I ever, support the United Way in any way, shape, fashion or form.

Any do-gooder Human Resource manager who forces such an intolerable incumbrance on their employees ought to be hastily horse whipped in full court of his underlings.  

So shall it be written. So shall it be done.

Got a list the left wing causes they gave money to? I worked on the local committee allocating United Way funds and visited 6 myself. Heard from all 26 seeking funds. All of them helping the poor never heard anything left wing from any of them. Gerry
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 4:46:21 AM EDT
Ok, heres a secret.

Find out what location org in your area gets funds from the United Way because they have given money to other non profit org's.  Just have them direct your funds to that org via the United Way.

Also, it cost money to do your transfer from your paycheck to the United Way, just find out how much that transaction cost and give just below it so it's not worth their time to do this.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:02:18 AM EDT
Just about every large company tries this shiite.  SAY NO!

Do not give ANY money to the United Way.

Not even one penny.






Not a thing.

Not one penny.


They are extortionists (as you already are aware), crooks, liars, frauds and thieves. They are rank with scandals, embezzlements, overcharges and cooked-accounting books from top to bottom.

You might as well just burn any money you give them for all the "good" they say they'll do with it.

It's a thoroughly corrupt organization rivaled only by the Teamsters and the city of New Orleans.

Fuck the United Way!


We were called in for a big monthly meeting.  Even guys on days off were called, told mandatory.  We get there, and it is a sales pitch to do the payroll deductions for United Way.

At that time UW was trying to dictate to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts their policies on homosexuals, etc.

The UW guy gave the pitch about how they give money to Boy and Girl Scouts.  So, I stood up and said, "I give my time and money directly to Boy Scouts.  My wife gives her time and money to Girl Scouts.  So they get 100%.  From you they get almost nothing.  But you seem to want queer scoutmasters to suck little boys d---s in the tents on campouts.  No thanks.  Keep your money and opinions on how to run Boy Scouts to yourself.  And I'll keep my money to myself."  I said it in front of the female employees, and did not give a rat's rear end if it offended them.  United Way offended ME and offends me now.

I made my way to the aisle and walked out.  As I did I heard a lot of noise, looked behind me, and everyone followed me out.  We ALL left!

That was about 15 years ago, and they have not tried to ask us to give to UW since.  Shortly after that, they had some of their UW "leadership" go to jail for fraud.

The McAllen said it best.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:07:47 AM EDT
United Way is called United Extortion around here because employers want 100% “voluntary” participation.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:10:03 AM EDT
Lear forces everyone to give and if you refuse, they pressure you until you give something.  I gave 52 cents, 1 penny a paycheck.  I'll give to a better charity on my own terms
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:14:54 AM EDT
I would not give a penny to the United Way.  I do not like them.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:21:25 AM EDT

Our United Way campaign lets you designate any 501(c)(3) organization as the direct beneficiary of your money. I chose the NRA Foundation. Lots of others choose local fire departments, etc.. Easy on me and the money goes to an org I like.

As for the "Me, of course pissed that she would even think that her power extends to my paycheck..." Does she do your raise and retention? If so, then her power does extend to your paycheck.

Well, a small portion of your money goes to the NRA Foundation (if they actually send it there.)  The NRA Foundation would get far more of the $1 if you sent it to them directly.

When I worked for Safeway, UW would also have a big push for 100% participation.  We'd have RA-RA meetings, and even had a person called a "loaned executive" who would push the UW program for the company.  I contributed one year, then did some research on UW.  After that year, I donated zero.  I wouldn't even go to the meetings.  UW is a huge waste of money.  

Give money to a charity that gives money to other charities?  CUT OUT THE MIDDLEMAN!!!
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:32:15 AM EDT

Ok, heres a secret.

Find out what location org in your area gets funds from the United Way because they have given money to other non profit org's.  Just have them direct your funds to that org via the United Way.

Also, it cost money to do your transfer from your paycheck to the United Way, just find out how much that transaction cost and give just below it so it's not worth their time to do this.

The problem is that they just take funds they would have given to your fav. group and give it elsewhere. You are not doing a damn thing to lessen the amount another group will receive.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:36:40 AM EDT

my boss forced everyone in my department to give.

my company is hsbc bank

What kind of gun did he use?  You DID say he forced you, right?

I've said here a 100 times, and I'll say it 100 more:  Some things still ARE worth doing on principle, even though that is unfashionable in today's world.  

I've quit very good jobs for less.  Tell them to pound sand.  If you get fired, you get fired.  At least you stood up against extortion and for your beliefs.  You may also have cause for legal action.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:36:45 AM EDT


Got a list the left wing causes they gave money to? I worked on the local committee allocating United Way funds and visited 6 myself. Heard from all 26 seeking funds. All of them helping the poor never heard anything left wing from any of them. Gerry

Reading comprehension 101.

Repost of my lnks...


May want to try reading before posting rhetoric.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:37:21 AM EDT

Lear forces everyone to give and if you refuse, they pressure you until you give something.  I gave 52 cents, 1 penny a paycheck.  I'll give to a better charity on my own terms

What else will you do because someone pressures you?  Will you suck a dick?
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:42:53 AM EDT


Lear forces everyone to give and if you refuse, they pressure you until you give something.  I gave 52 cents, 1 penny a paycheck.  I'll give to a better charity on my own terms

What else will you do because someone pressures you?  Will you suck a dick?

Not donating is not an option.  Your supervisor just fills out a form in your name and puts what he feels is appropriate.  Apparently 5% is appropriate
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:48:09 AM EDT

Not donating is not an option.  Your supervisor just fills out a form in your name and puts what he feels is appropriate.  Apparently 5% is appropriate

And NO one speaks out against this illegal deduction from their paychecks?  I cannot fucking believe that people allow this.

Sheesh, I need to put a weekly deduction to "Pete" on all our employees' paychecks for say $5 each, next time I do payroll. Sounds like the sheep would barely bleat.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:58:43 AM EDT


Not donating is not an option.  Your supervisor just fills out a form in your name and puts what he feels is appropriate.  Apparently 5% is appropriate

And NO one speaks out against this illegal deduction from their paychecks?  I cannot fucking believe that people allow this.

Sheesh, I need to put a weekly deduction to "Pete" on all our employees' paychecks for say $5 each, next time I do payroll. Sounds like the sheep would barely bleat.

More that a few people got red assed but by the time you notice, it is way too late.  I just give 52 cents because all the supervisor sees is if you donated or not.  They cant see the amount.  It is not company policy but they get a trophy and a nice writeup in the paper if they get 100% so they tend to look the other way.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:59:19 AM EDT
I didn't donate anything.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 10:20:02 AM EDT
Do you work at U.P.S.?
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:30:29 PM EDT

You need to bring this up with HR and you need to contact the US Dept of Labor ASAP, if this guy is going ahead and making donations in your name from your paycheck. Employers simply cannot do this. It is against federal and state law. Your supervisor is acting in the capacity of a representative of your company. Do this now. Read my links about United Way.

I also have a personal issue with ARC and UW from when I was in the Army. They are snakes and they don't assist the military in time of need. Personal experience.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:46:23 PM EDT
Not only refuse to support UW, but make the boss uncomfortable for even asking.  Religion is particularly useful for this, be sure to include the dreaded word "discrimination" in the conversation
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 3:59:47 AM EDT

Not donating is not an option.  Your supervisor just fills out a form in your name and puts what he feels is appropriate.  Apparently 5% is appropriate

This is absoulutely Illegal!!!!!!!  Your supervisor has no right to do this.  Like was said before, you need to contact the Dept of Labor about this guy and maybe see a lawyer.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 4:13:44 AM EDT
I used to work for a liberal outfit which required us to "give back" to the community thru mandatory income reallocation.

Give back?? GIVE BACK??!! I worked for my income, nobody gave me damn thing, especially the community, perhaps you are mistaking me with those on welfare or public assistance, they were GIVEN income so perhaps they should give back some. Fuck them, and UW. I prefer to cut out the middle man when I "give away" part of my earned income. Don't need someone spending it on administration costs.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 5:03:23 AM EDT
Most companies won't tell you, in fact the UW won't tell you unless you ask, but if you do give to the UW, you are able to specify which agencies receive your donation.

There is a booklet, with individual code numbers for UW agancies, and a designation form that you attach to your contribution form.  Both are available from the UW if not sup[plied by the comapny. On the designation form, there is also a box that lets them know that you want your contribution to be acknowledged by the receiving organization.  It keeps your HR department from ripping off your designation form and moving your contribution the UW's general fund.

I spent the last 15 years working for a very large and very liberal organization (and I thank the Lord above, every day, for having my job eliminated.)  My contributions were always to the Boy Scouts which pissed a lot of people off.  I'd know the contribution actually got there when the "Thank You" letter arrived.

If you're in that tier where saying no could effect your raises and promotional ability, no matter how illegal or unofficial that might be, this is away around having your money spread to the socialist, and worse, organizations who receive UW money.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 5:14:14 AM EDT
IIRC,after 9/11 some of the money the united way was used to pay for lawyers for muslims picked up for immigration violations,some of whom were suspected terrorists.I feel if you are gonna give to the united way,you might as well skip the middle man and just send osama bin lauden your money
As far as manditory donations,personally I would lawyer up.Extortion is extortion,unless it is the govt taking your money,then its just taxes.
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