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Posted: 10/26/2010 1:47:51 PM EDT
Well, there's a strong possibility that the recession has caught up with me. I don't know for sure yet, but our business has slowed way down and they've already made cut after cut. I have a gut feeling I may be next. What % of your income is unemployment, and does it penalize you if your wife gets a job? I ask this because I understand if you even manage to find a part time job, it penalizes you, so it's in your best interest to hold out for a job of similar pay.  I just want to start planning in case it does happen so I don't go "what do I do now"... Also, anyone know of a job in the MN twin cities area?
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 2:29:39 PM EDT
I doubt you'll be penalized if your wife gets a job.  It SHOULD be all based on how much you made and paid into the enemployment "purse" while you were working.

I've been out of work.  I get the max which is $390 plus another $25 from the Feds, per week.  It isn't much but it's more than minimum wage at 40 hours.  Still more than $15/hour@40, after taxes.

It's tough out there.  I'm currently looking for a bartending job.  IN has you report your earnings each week.  As long as it's <20% of your previous earnings, I believe it doesn't count.  Anything over that, they start giving you less and less.  Bartending would be a perfect gig right now.  Just have to find a decent place...
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 2:47:32 PM EDT
Doesn't matter about your wife's income. Unemployement is based on your earnings.
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