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Posted: 10/29/2006 5:06:31 AM EDT
I need to replace a large portion of my white, crew-neck undershirts.  The AVERAGE price of a 3-pack of plain, white, cotton, medium-sized, Hanes, Fruit-of-the-loom, BVD, Jockey, ETC...  is 10 BUCKS!!!!  $3.33 PER SHIRT.  

My Sister-in-law works for a marketing company and COLORED tees for use in promotional logo stuff whole sale for less then $2.00 per shirt.  

Undershirts can't be actually worth more then 60 or 70 cents.  Hell, my wife went to Old Navy and got POLO shirts for $0.97 per shirt.  Some people there were buying hundreds... and I would bet that Old Navy made a profit.

I have been looking at them in various stores, always while shopping for other stuff, so I am not burning gas just looking for t-shirts.

This is exhorbitant....  does anyone have a place to get undershirts cheap????
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:10:30 AM EDT
Well, the XXL ones do cost more to manufacture, you understand...
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:11:36 AM EDT
I look at things a bit different when shopping.  I ask myself, what would it cost me to make one of these.  If its metal or wood, I usually make it myself. Hosiery, I buy.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:14:07 AM EDT
People still WEAR undershirts???  I thought that went out with the 70s...
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:15:31 AM EDT
Allows you to wear shirts twice a week without stinking them up.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:19:52 AM EDT
My company orders them in bult for about $.92 each.  You aren't ordering them in bulk.  Pay the $3.33 or watch for sales.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:20:01 AM EDT
Heh. Try $20 per. In the summer, I wear white t-shirts under polo shirts where you can see them. Therefore, I buy good quality ones, rather than the shitty Hanes specials.

Under sweaters, however, it's bag-o-shirt time.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:21:46 AM EDT

Allows you to wear shirts twice a week without stinking them up.

Plus, if one has hyperhidrosis, it prevents "embarrasing wetness".  Once in a while I use Certain-dri, but that stuff BURNS.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:21:53 AM EDT
Buy them online from one of the bulk marketing places. I got into a buy with a couple freinds and we bought a gross of t-shirts for about a buck a piece including shipping. Here's just one example:

Cheap Shirts

T-shirts are t-shirts. I tear up so many of them at work and working around the yard that I treat them as almost disposable. If I get a couple dozen wearings out of one, I'm way ahead.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:22:22 AM EDT
I've noticed this too, and the quality has sucked recently, I have some older Jockey ones (with tags) and they are great, but the new ones (tagless screen printed on) suck.  On top of that the hanes and fruit of the loom are worthless, so what is a guy to do?
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:28:30 AM EDT
Best...undershirt discussion...ever!

This thread is destined to be an ARFCOM classic, reverently referred to many years hence.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:30:40 AM EDT
You want to get you some of these:

the only thing worth buying at Jc Penney

and they're on sale for $15 per 3 pack....get the longs....they stay tucked in

Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:36:23 AM EDT

You want to get you some of these:

the only thing worth buying at Jc Penney

and they're on sale for $15 per 3 pack....get the longs....they stay tucked in

These have a "Microbe Shield" to prevent staining from BACTERIA......   Uhhhh, I might be wrong, but I don't smell, so bacteria is low on the list.  Isn't most staining from the actual anti-persipirant rubbing off?  
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:41:07 AM EDT
If you really want a nice undershirt, here you go:


Only $115.00
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:45:27 AM EDT

People still WEAR undershirts???  
You don't wear undershirts?!?
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:46:21 AM EDT
JC Penny was selling a really nice pair of khakis for like $15-20 a pair for a while.  St John's Bay (thier house-brand) Retro Chino or something.  Very thick, substanial pair with traditional construction so they can be easily altered by a seamstress.  Almost like a pair of Bill's Khakis except made in Asia...  

I think they were too good though so they stopped selling them
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:52:54 AM EDT
In a previous life I owned a t-shirt business.  

Hanes Beefy-ts were the best t-shirts made to hold ink for screen printing, and they held up to wear very will also.  I use to keep a few dozen white ones from each batch to wear as undershirts.  Yes, I even wear undershirts under other t-shirts.  

Anyway, I sold the business about 9 years ago and since have twice ordered two dozen Beefy-ts online.  The first order was the same old good quality shirt I had been using for years.  Well, the second batch I just got about 4 months ago - they sucked.  

They were much smaller that the older ones, and the collers were not near the quality either.  Hanes - bad move!!!  

I will be back looking at the FOTL Supercotton.  These, at least back in the day, were good shirts as well.  You want about 6oz cotton, anything less and they will not last.

ETA - $3.33 would be a fair price for a good shirt.  Just imagine how many times you will wear it, I probably get 100 or so wearings out of each before they hit the trash.  
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:54:05 AM EDT


People still WEAR undershirts???  
You don't wear undershirts?!?

No.  Actually, I don't know anyone who does IRL, since my dad died at age 80.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:56:13 AM EDT



People still WEAR undershirts???  
You don't wear undershirts?!?

No.  Actually, I don't know anyone who does IRL, since my dad died at age 80.

You don't know anyone who wears undershirts? WTF?
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:59:19 AM EDT
There should be plenty of pre-tested undershirts in your price range at the local Goodwill, and you will be helping a good cause.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:01:23 AM EDT

Allows you to wear shirts twice a week without stinking them up.

I don't know about that, but I do know they keep my pistol from rubbing on my skin and getting all sweaty.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:02:04 AM EDT




People still WEAR undershirts???  
You don't wear undershirts?!?

No.  Actually, I don't know anyone who does IRL, since my dad died at age 80.

You don't know anyone who wears undershirts? WTF?

Sorry, what can I say?  We all use deoderant and change shirts every day.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:02:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:03:31 AM EDT


Allows you to wear shirts twice a week without stinking them up.

I don't know about that, but I do know they keep my pistol from rubbing on my skin and getting all sweaty.

Ah, for that I do use an undergarment.  Not an undershirt usually in the classical sense though...i usually use a T shirt or else, if it's really hot, a tank top.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:30:25 AM EDT


Anyway, I sold the business about 9 years ago and since have twice ordered two dozen Beefy-ts online.  The first order was the same old good quality shirt I had been using for years.  Well, the second batch I just got about 4 months ago - they sucked.  

ETA - $3.33 would be a fair price for a good shirt.  Just imagine how many times you will wear it, I probably get 100 or so wearings out of each before they hit the trash.  

They are charging that $3.33 for the shitty hanes shirts.  The one-sided cotton ones with crappy collars.

ETA:  I wear the undershirts for the pit protection, nipple-chafe protection, and protection from looking like a 1970's Disco Reject.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:34:34 AM EDT


Allows you to wear shirts twice a week without stinking them up.

Plus, if one has hyperhidrosis, it prevents "embarrasing wetness".  Once in a while I use Certain-dri, but that stuff BURNS.

Don't use it after a shower.  Put it on before bed and after a week or so, limit your applications to every 4th day or so.

Unless you're alergic to it somehow, it shouldn't be burning if you apply it right.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 1:47:28 PM EDT
i wear undershirts EVERYDAY.    i sweat alot.   im not gonna have my armpits showing my sweat to the whole world.   they help soak it up  

its alot more comfortable to me..   +1 on helping with a ccw  

i agree they are a tad bit expensive though,   the last set of hanes or fruit of the loom i saw said they were made in TURKEY.   i ended up getting a off name brand made in the usa
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