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Posted: 12/29/2006 9:36:25 PM EDT

"These pictures were taken about 30 seconds apart in Prospect, Oregon on 10-20-2006. I did not see the light in the first picture but I did see the cigar-shaped object. The cigar-shaped object was only visible a few seconds before it disappeared. I am not sure if the objects in the pictures are the same thing that can change shape and color or if there were two objects in the sky that day."
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 9:37:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 10:01:02 PM EDT
uh, ayeguy, theres a black surburban outside with some suits asking about you.

Link Posted: 12/29/2006 10:12:29 PM EDT
Reasonable explanations:

That little dude from Twilight Zone fell off the wing.

Now you know what happens to lost luggage.

The President had to bail out in his escape pod.  (Which movie was that?  Executive Decision or Air Force One?  Both, maybe?)

A Bunker Buster, coming for YOU!  (Hint:  Duck and Cover, dude.)

Link Posted: 12/29/2006 10:40:43 PM EDT
Meteor Bert: Well, it aint a meteor.UFO
Joe Dirt: Yeah it is. It came out of the sky.
Meteor Bert: Well I'm sure it did but it aint no meteor. UFO. It's a big ol frozen chunk uh shit.
Joe Dirt: What!
Meteor Bert: Oh yeah, see them airplanes they dump their toilets 36,000 feet. The stuff freezes and falls to earth. We call 'em bowing bombs
[chomps teeth]
Joe Dirt: no that cant be. Thats not what it is
Meteor Bert: oh, afraid so. See that peanut? Dead giveaway.
Joe Dirt: Uhhh, no, thats a space peanut.
Meteor Bert: No, afraid not. That just a big ol' frozen chunk of poopy.
Studio manager: Dude you were eating off it!
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 10:49:21 PM EDT
Swamp gas.
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 10:51:04 PM EDT
The Truth Is Out There.

Link Posted: 12/29/2006 10:51:33 PM EDT
I vote that we make posting UFO pics a banable offense?
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 10:54:04 PM EDT
Plane is in focus, UFO is not.

There is a distance issue here..
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 11:00:04 PM EDT
That first pic is just a Southwest Airline 737, and it's blurry because the focus was on the other jet.

Bottom pic looks like the "in focus" jet is probably another SWA 737 and the "UFO" is simply another airplane.
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 11:00:12 PM EDT
Is your ass sore?

Link Posted: 12/29/2006 11:01:49 PM EDT
Mylar balloon that I painted and let go about a month ago.  I released about 100 around Thanksgiving.  A little glue in the neck will keep them inflated for months.
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 11:04:30 PM EDT

I vote that we make posting UFO pics a banable offense?

no way!
you would have to make zombie talk banable too then.

ufos are real, zombies play heavy metal, and they are named rob.
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 11:18:34 PM EDT
That was Saddam being taken away to the same place Hitler and Elvis are.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 2:35:59 AM EDT

Lens flare.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:00:22 AM EDT
Looks like your everyday-variety Super Stardestroyer at altitude to me.

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:02:05 AM EDT
Wow, grainy inconclusive UFO pics. Well, I'm convinced.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:19:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:24:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 5:43:54 AM EDT
That's not a UFO you saw, but some high altitude clouds.  You don't believe in UFO's and you will forget this ever happened...

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 5:46:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 5:49:10 AM EDT
That is a Southwest airliner. They dump there poop at 3,000 feet. The brown object is POOP.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:08:22 AM EDT

That was Saddam being taken away to the same place Hitler and Elvis are.

I'll bet it's getting crowded in Antarctica these days.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:18:59 AM EDT

Looks like your everyday-variety Super Stardestroyer at altitude to me.


 "I find your lack of faith disturbing!"
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:32:35 AM EDT
That's where the aliens put their weed.

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:36:16 AM EDT
Saddams escape pod with Pilot Osama Bin Laden,Destination Disneyland
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:38:48 AM EDT
the first one is something close to the camera, like a bug
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:43:09 AM EDT
It's just president Donald Pleasance bailing out in his pod from the opening scenes of "Escape From New York". The Duke of New York will be along shortly.

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 5:00:08 PM EDT

That is a Southwest airliner. They dump there poop at 3,000 feet. The brown object is POOP.

Oh, man.  Having just shit my pants, I can verify the shape of the object in the photo.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 5:02:13 PM EDT
Just swamp gases nothing to see move along!
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 5:10:06 PM EDT

Looks like your everyday-variety Super Stardestroyer at altitude to me.


Bulk cruisers, Correllian Ships, or command ships?  Hard to tell.  

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 5:13:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 5:19:55 PM EDT
Better lock your dogs up for the time being.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:52:32 PM EDT

That first pic is just a Southwest Airline 737, and it's blurry because the focus was on the other jet.

Bottom pic looks like the "in focus" jet is probably another SWA 737 and the "UFO" is simply another airplane.

I don't think so...there is no trace of any wings.

Looks like your classic "cigar" shaped UFO, which have been seen since the mid-1800's.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:57:52 PM EDT

Looks like your everyday-variety Super Stardestroyer at altitude to me.


Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:59:11 PM EDT
let's just keep this between ourselves.

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:59:16 PM EDT


Looks like your everyday-variety Super Stardestroyer at altitude to me.


I just downloaded GIMP, my first 'real' image editter. No more simple MS Paints for me!
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:10:13 PM EDT


Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:14:04 PM EDT

That is a Southwest airliner. They dump there poop at 3,000 feet. The brown object is POOP.

+1, I was about to say that picture looks like shit.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:16:44 PM EDT
taking uhigh altitude pics of airliners for fun are we....

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:30:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 9:09:41 PM EDT
Looks like a UFO to me.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 9:23:10 PM EDT
all the gov has to do is create a few real phony sightings and then all sightings are deemed fake or suspicious by the public.

perfect cover up.

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 9:26:46 PM EDT
It's frickin' freezing in here Mr. Bigglesworth!

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:17:52 AM EDT

The Truth Is Out There.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:27:58 AM EDT
It's a weather balloon from secret tests.  This is the last we're going to say about this (until we change our story again).

Link Posted: 1/2/2007 4:31:13 PM EDT


That first pic is just a Southwest Airline 737, and it's blurry because the focus was on the other jet.

Bottom pic looks like the "in focus" jet is probably another SWA 737 and the "UFO" is simply another airplane.

I don't think so...there is no trace of any wings.

Looks like your classic "cigar" shaped UFO, which have been seen since the mid-1800's.

Like these ones?

Link Posted: 1/2/2007 4:41:06 PM EDT
Ayeguy - I sort of got the same type responses when I posted pics of some strange objects.

See the objects in this pic, one under the right side LNB arm and another a little bit to the right.

Link Posted: 1/2/2007 8:19:00 PM EDT
Atmospheric phenomena...just like the recent UFO sightings by pilots and mechanics at O'Hare International airport...
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 9:37:33 PM EDT


The President had to bail out in his escape pod.  (Which movie was that?  Executive Decision or Air Force One?  Both, maybe?)

Escape From New York  

Staring .... Damn I can't think of his name playing " Snake Pliskin (sp?)"

Double damn I should have read all the reply s  first
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 9:46:14 PM EDT

Ayeguy - I sort of got the same type responses when I posted pics of some strange objects.

See the objects in this pic, one under the right side LNB arm and another a little bit to the right.


I never could figure out what those were.
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