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Posted: 12/31/2006 8:15:32 AM EDT
While reading the SU-37 post, I started wondering how far away we were from A2A UAV platforms.  It seems we have made huge leaps over the last 15 years or so with the Predator and Global Hawk, so is it a stretch to think this A2A capability is not that far off?  I'm thinking any of the most advanced SU-XX's with the best pilots in the world would be no match for an unmanned platform that could pull manuevers outside the window of what humans can sustain while conscious.

Taking this one step further, how big would the footprint of the planes be, and could we replace each F-18 with say 3 or 4 UAV's on carriers?  Not all F-18's of course, but maybe utilize a hybrid approach of manned and unmanned aircraft.

I picture armed UAV's loitering in kill boxes (similar to what recon UAV's do now) in a given airspace waiting for enemy aircraft and then pouncing.  Just a thought.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 8:22:59 AM EDT
We already have them.  They're called "missiles".
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 8:24:04 AM EDT

We already have them.  They're called "missiles".
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