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Posted: 10/9/2005 6:48:04 AM EDT
each written by a person on opposite sides of the political spectrum come to the same conclusion, DOOMSDAY.  

Link Posted: 10/9/2005 6:51:28 AM EDT
I can't see it happening.  Besides all the rational people who wouldn't vote for her, both sides acknowledge she has a phenomenally large number of "irrational" haters who would despise her regardless.

Link Posted: 10/9/2005 6:53:44 AM EDT
... Dick Morris and Susan Estrich

Link Posted: 10/9/2005 7:08:42 AM EDT
Hillary may become a reality since a substantial number of real conservatives are pissed at GWB and the majority of the republican politicians who are CINO. The right's base hasn't been feeling the love for awhile. An even scarier thought than Hillary is this distrust of republicans affecting the 2006 and 2008 elections and the Democrats getting a majority in congress once again. It might not be a bad thing for republicans to start distancing themselves from the current apathetic players and actually start trying to be Conservatives again.

I'm not saying Conservatives will vote democrat, no way, but some of them may not turnout to vote. My main beef with the republican politicians is the spending, completely out of control, that is why they are losing favor with me.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 7:17:54 AM EDT

I'm not saying Conservatives will vote democrat, no way, but some of them may not turnout to vote. My main beef with the republican politicians is the spending, completely out of control, that is why they are losing favor with me.

Me too, brother. The area where we should be spending is in protecting the border, and in deporting all the illegals (especially the OTMs). The free ride's gotta end someday, for both the Republican party and for the welfare cheats - and for the foreign national terrorists that are figuring out this very moment how to sneak into the US to perform their dirty tricks.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 7:20:51 AM EDT

Hillary may become a reality since a substantial number of real conservatives are pissed at GWB and the majority of the republican politicians who are CINO.  

Yeah, that's what alarmists were saying before November 2004.  Fortunately, reality had other ideas.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 7:44:49 AM EDT


Hillary may become a reality since a substantial number of real conservatives are pissed at GWB and the majority of the republican politicians who are CINO.  

Yeah, that's what alarmists were saying before November 2004.  Fortunately, reality had other ideas.

Fortunatley enough people did turn out to vote against Kerry. Hopefully enough will turn out to vote against Hillary and it shouldn't be too hard since she is hated so much. 2008 doesn't look to bright anyway with Rudy and McCain being shoved down our throats at every turn. You need all kinds of supporters out there anyway Alarmists who freak out and scream because we have been fooled once again and people to fall in lock step and don't question anything ever because their leaders can do no wrong. It all averages out somewhere.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 7:57:47 AM EDT

2008 doesn't look to bright anyway with Rudy and McCain being shoved down our throats at every turn.  

Neither will be able to get the GOP nomination.
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