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Utter bullshit from Wu ( San Francisco cocksucka! ). Of course it's related to the civil disobedience.
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"FERGUSON, Mo. (Reuters) - Two FBI agents were shot and wounded at a house in north St. Louis County early on Wednesday, though the incident was "not directly related" to racially charged unrest in and around nearby Ferguson, an agency spokeswoman said."
"One agent was shot in the shoulder and the other was shot in the leg while assisting local police in executing an arrest warrant, FBI spokeswoman Rebecca Wu said in a brief statement. Their injuries were not life-threatening."
"The incident is not directly related to the Ferguson protests," Wu said, but did not elaborate further."
Utter bullshit from Wu ( San Francisco cocksucka! ). Of course it's related to the civil disobedience.
There is nothing "civil" about the level of disobedience that the Ferguson animals are perpetrating.
Civil Disobedience is refusing to take part in an unjust system, or to recognize unjust authority. It is sitting in the front of the bus, not the back. It is refusing to move when the authority demands that you do so based on unjust reasons. Civil Disobedience is
PEACEFUL. Riots, burning, theft, looting and mayhem are the exact opposite of "Civil".
And these fucking creatures that are perpetrating the acts, along with the ones who are egging them on are not "Protesters". They are criminals. They are simply petty criminals using a racially charged situation as an excuse to break the law.
To call them "protesters" and refer to their actions as "civil disobedience" not only legitimizes them, but it invalidates the hundreds and thousands of true heros, who have protested injustice and fought for their cause without harming innocents.
Fuck these creatures. Ferguson should be walled off and set on fire.