If Quentin Tarantino had been slightly retarded and making movies in India during the 60s while smoking large doses of pot,
the result would have been that.
At the 28 second mark, the tape recorder is an Akai X-360D, which is a model of 1968 to 1969. I have two of them. They
are among the most solidly made and reliable reel to reel tape decks ever made for the consumer market. When I see one,
it's pure nostalgia for me because my dad had one and my earliest memories of music were of it being played on that deck.
And my oldest brother has my dad's old deck. It still works.
Of course I'd notice the tape recorder.
However, I did also notice the attractive Indian girls, too. Be quite sure of that.
Some Indian women are among the hottest females ever to breathe on planet Earth.