Nashville, being one of the few liberal bastions in TN, is home of "The Tennessean". Like most of USA Today Network of newspapers, it is extremely left-leaning. One of the favorite topics it runs is anything to bash gun-owners in TN. Very rarely will it run an article or letter to the editor that paints gun-owner in a positive light. Most call for bans of this or that, accusations of gun-owners being the lowest form of citizen in the State, etc.
Anyway, their Editorial Board had the gall to write this statement in today's paper. "The Tennessean editorial board strongly supports the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which bestows the right to bear arms."
Since when has the Tennessean supported the 2nd Amendment? As recently as 2016 [which I reminded them of] they were supporting a new AWB. I guess they think their few readers are as forgetful as their editorial staff. Examples like this is why so few have much stock in the MSM of this Country. They will lie to us any chance they get and then turn around and pretend that what they wrote or said in the past never happened.