Just thought I would conduct a short rant, just my pragmatic, self reliant , freedom loving thoughts on this great country and 7/4/2012
Happy Independence Day everybody. A day that would not be possible without men and women who left pieces of themselves in places kids today cant find on a map, for people who are now free and lack the gratitude to care if this nation lives another day. We are a country who has made mistakes and yet given more of itself in defense and aid of others than any other nation in history. I hope we as people look hard at what we had, what we have now and what we stand to loose and recognize our role in preserving individual freedom, liberty, self reliance and self determination. This is still the greatest nation on earth, I hope we get back to taking care of our own house looking out here at home those who cant look out for themselves, honoring those that contribute in a positive way, motivate the apathetic and standing up to those who threaten personal and collective freedom. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" they had it right 236 years ago and the Bill of Rights that followed are more important now than ever. Nuff said.
Thanks to all who have sacrificed for me and mine, going back all 236 years.