Actually I'm more interested as to why the shaman poison/disease totem was removed and we were given the abilty to dispell curses instead versus whether or not Falsted WIldhammer was incorrectly placed in a prequel book.
Being shamanistic and in tune with the forces of elemental nature it would seem the ability to remove poisons and diseases fits right into a shamanitic ethos. Remove curse is more the purvue of warlocks (rightly so) and either death knights, priests or paladins (i.e. the antithesis of a warlock). This conundrum has been keeping me up nights.
Now as an elemental shamn I will say its about fucking time we got an AoE and I LOVE my earthquake spell.
You all take care now!
Level 80 Draenei Shaman
Sister of Elune
Fuck the Horde!
(And I have seen a boobie once- I get National Geographic!)