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Posted: 5/14/2004 1:46:36 PM EDT

Let's make sure we continue to group everyone in classes and mark them all the same.

Link Posted: 5/14/2004 1:50:51 PM EDT
My next thread title...

This is why some atheists and Christians hate brussel sprouts.

Link Posted: 5/14/2004 1:56:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 1:59:47 PM EDT
woah there it went, did you see it. Right over my head
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 2:02:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 2:04:34 PM EDT

Just don't lump us deists in with those jackass aethists and agnostics. Those guys  are misled idiots we are the knowers of the most truthfulness!

Now that is funny shit!

Link Posted: 5/14/2004 2:07:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 2:09:38 PM EDT



Let's make sure we continue to group everyone in classes and mark them all the same.


I hope you aren't referring to my thread where I went to lengths to refer to "some" Christians.

Also are you sure it was atheists who burnt the church?

Yes and no and don't care!   Just making light of the rash of topics!  

It's a board thingy not a personal thingy! LOL

If you may recall I was supportive to your position in your thread.

Link Posted: 5/14/2004 2:12:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 2:18:55 PM EDT

Look up.

Nah not going to get sucked into the they aren't really Christian argument either for I read that thread too.

BTW, one thing I do know is rednecks in TN and they are about as Christian as my beagle dog.

Didn't pick that picture by accident.

Link Posted: 5/14/2004 3:34:49 PM EDT
IIRC... black churches are burned by 'Christian' white supremecists.
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 3:47:52 PM EDT

But Michael D. Osborne, a Paintsville attorney who represents one of the juveniles, blamed the episode on unregulated Internet access, not hate or Satan.

"They're not devil worshipers or bad kids," Osborne said. "None of these children had been in any trouble."

All of the defendants are good students from good families, he said.

"There was no reason for this," he said. "One or both parents of each child is a Christian. The only common threat between them is that they spent lots of time on the Internet and had computer linkups between their computers."

What happened, Osborne said, is that "these juveniles will get on the Internet and it's almost like brainwashing them."

Link Posted: 5/14/2004 4:31:22 PM EDT
I wrote a treatment for a screenplay one time in a creative fit where the Internet permitted the interconnection of millions of processors and storage which became the vehicle through which Satan brought about the end of civilization through the enslavement of humans through reliance upon technology.

Kind of a spin on Demonseed meets the Matrix meets Terminator meets the Holy Bible.
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 4:56:46 PM EDT

IIRC... black churches are burned by 'Christian' white supremecists.

Yep, I believe everything the media tells me.  

All those bearded rednecks down here with SS on their necks driving their pickups with a bud in their other hand are Christians and go to chruch every Sunday.  NOT!

They were raised by Christian parents or grandparents maybe and using the same reasoning then the German Nazis were Christians too.

I'm afraid the impression of the KKK glamourized by TV from the civil rights movement of the 60s  is long dead and the only claim these asshats have to Christianity these days is the crosses they burn to terrorize people.  

White supremist, Nazi, skinhead, I buy but burning a cross does not a Christian make.

There is no moral high ground for the athiest either for the communistic genocides of Stalin and Pol Pot were committed by athiests and those deeds accounted for millions of deaths all in the last century.

People are just asshats in general and the only real world is the net!

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