Quoted: IIRC... black churches are burned by 'Christian' white supremecists.
Yep, I believe everything the media tells me.
All those bearded rednecks down here with SS on their necks driving their pickups with a bud in their other hand are Christians and go to chruch every Sunday. NOT!
They were raised by Christian parents or grandparents maybe and using the same reasoning then the German Nazis were Christians too.
I'm afraid the impression of the KKK glamourized by TV from the civil rights movement of the 60s is long dead and the only claim these asshats have to Christianity these days is the crosses they burn to terrorize people.
White supremist, Nazi, skinhead, I buy but burning a cross does not a Christian make.
There is no moral high ground for the athiest either for the communistic genocides of Stalin and Pol Pot were committed by athiests and those deeds accounted for millions of deaths all in the last century.
People are just asshats in general and the only real world is the net!