This story starts two years ago, but I'll try to make it short. In January of '05 I bought a pair of Snowshoes ($185.00) and got to use them a time or two, I had them in my jeep for a while then put them in my room at my parents house. Then the next winter ('06) after I had moved out of my parents house I brought them to my house and put them in my garage. Well, the other day I bought Lisa (my Girlfriend) a pair ($160.00) so she could go with me. I was totally excited and went out to my garage to get mine and they were nowhere to be found...FUCK! So I call my parents and ask if they are out at their house..."yeah I think, let me go look...nope"....FUCK! Ok maybe my roomate moved them "hey Matt, have you seen my snowshoes?"..."you have snowshoes?"...FUCK! My buddy Rob calls me last night about going back country snowboarding and I have to tell him the bad news...FUCK! I just priced some new ones here on the net and the ones I want are $250.00...FUCK! This time I'm buying a fucking lock box for those bitches thats half the size of Texas. I never really lose anything, I might misplace shit from time to time, but never really lose anything. I don't think anyone stole them out of my garage because my $2700.00 Mtn. Bike is still there as well as about $1300.00 worth of snowboarding stuff. Needless to say I am a little unhappy at the moment...I guess it could be bro Jake is in Iraq getting shot at all day long and I think losing my snowshoes sucks. Anyway, happy new year to all of you...mine has started out shitty and I hope it gets better.