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Posted: 4/20/2007 5:24:54 PM EDT


Tribal elders with a sense of humor. Big Grin

A Sudanese man has been forced to take a goat as his "wife", after he was caught having sex with the animal.

The goat's owner, Mr Alifi, said he surprised the man with his goat and took him to a council of elders.

They ordered the man, Mr Tombe, to pay a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) to Mr Alifi.

"We have given him the goat, and as far as we know they are still together," Mr Alifi said.

Mr Alifi, of Hai Malakal in Upper Nile State, told the Juba Post newspaper that he heard a loud noise around midnight on 13 February and immediately rushed outside to find Mr Tombe with his goat.

"When I asked him: 'What are you doing there?', he fell off the back of the goat, so I captured and tied him up."

Mr Alifi then called elders to decide how to deal with the case.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 5:25:43 PM EDT
whoops posted this in the GD...oh well

Gives them something to look fwd to.  It's the toll you have to pay before you get to click on any of the 100's of BOTD threads.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 5:27:22 PM EDT
You wanting to be the goat real bad too, huh.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 5:55:41 PM EDT

The goat's owner, Mr Alifi, said he surprised the man with his goat and took him to a council of elders.

You know, if I got caught bangin' a billygoat I think the last thing I'd do is allow myself to be dragged in front of any council of elders. I sure as hell wouldn't go willingly.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 5:57:52 PM EDT
The local Council of Elders™ is usually is right on the money about matters like this.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 5:59:16 PM EDT
That is pretty dam funny.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 6:06:48 PM EDT
 I'm trying to scrape up enough to become a team member.  Its tough.  Kid's gotta eat.  Gun's gotta eat.  Wife's gotta have shoes.  This ain't helping my motivation.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 8:00:36 PM EDT

 I'm trying to scrape up enough to become a team member.  Its tough.  Kid's gotta eat.  Gun's gotta eat.  Wife's gotta have shoes.  This ain't helping my motivation.

Link Posted: 4/20/2007 8:16:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 8:20:14 PM EDT
Why do you want to molest new member's like a goat, then marry them?

- Clint
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 8:20:46 PM EDT
male goat, or female.  

Cause you might never get that smell off.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 8:27:18 PM EDT
Grounds for annulment. Any goat worth her oats will give a warning when someone is approaching.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 9:31:14 AM EDT



Tribal elders with a sense of humor. Big Grin

A Sudanese man has been forced to take a goat as his "wife", after he was caught having sex with the animal.

The goat's owner, Mr Alifi, said he surprised the man with his goat and took him to a council of elders.

They ordered the man, Mr Tombe, to pay a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) to Mr Alifi.

"We have given him the goat, and as far as we know they are still together," Mr Alifi said.

Mr Alifi, of Hai Malakal in Upper Nile State, told the Juba Post newspaper that he heard a loud noise around midnight on 13 February and immediately rushed outside to find Mr Tombe with his goat.

"When I asked him: 'What are you doing there?', he fell off the back of the goat, so I captured and tied him up."

Mr Alifi then called elders to decide how to deal with the case.

I am offended. You won't last long! Look at CoC.
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