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Posted: 4/21/2017 3:26:55 PM EDT
...and human activities are mostly to blame.

True, or false?

ETA: Sorry for the question mark in my poll question. I had one job and failed...
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:27:42 PM EDT
Fake news
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:28:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:28:30 PM EDT
Typically peaks around 4pm, then starts to cool off again.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:28:39 PM EDT
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Fake news
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Not a poll option, sorry.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:29:35 PM EDT
The average temperature has not been measured consistently at any time.  No reliable trending can be established.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:29:38 PM EDT
We're also coming out of an Ice Age, seems reasonable.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:29:47 PM EDT
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Not a poll option, sorry.
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Fake news
Not a poll option, sorry.
There wasnt a poll option when i posted that....

Cash me ousside how bow dah
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:30:52 PM EDT
...and human activities are mostly to blame.

True, or false?
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Two statements in one question with different answers.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:30:58 PM EDT
I honestly have no fucking clue.  The topic is so politicized that no one is impartial, and even if someone still were, we'd have no way to know.

The best thing we can do is to kick China's balls until they stop belching massive amounts of pollution.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:31:18 PM EDT
Average temp is trending upwards, but not just because of humans. Many other factors contribute, humans have just made it trend upwards at a higher rate than it would have otherwise.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:31:37 PM EDT
Well, it's Spring so......
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:32:53 PM EDT
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Two statements in one question with different answers.
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Unless the answer to both is yes, the answer would be no. Clearly you have questions like this in England...
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:32:59 PM EDT
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Two statements in one question with different answers.
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Well, logically, since they are joined by an 'and,' they both have to be true for the statement to be true.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:33:39 PM EDT
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Well, it's Spring so......
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But is it caused by human activities?
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:37:34 PM EDT
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But is it caused by human activities?
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No, spring happens with no human intervention.

The real question is whether or not man has impacted Uranus.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:38:57 PM EDT
Re-covering Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, etc with glaciers would be an improvement
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:39:13 PM EDT
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Well, it's Spring so......
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"Check out this dopey bastard.  Doesn't even know what season it is.  lol."

Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:40:26 PM EDT
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No, spring happens with no human intervention.
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Then the answer is no.

See how simple this is
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:40:40 PM EDT
Of course we are responsible.... the thing is, I dont fucking care. The sooner the right can just come to terms with it and say we dont fucking care the sooner we can profit from it.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:41:10 PM EDT
...and human activities are mostly to blame.

True, or false?

ETA: Sorry for the question mark in my poll question. I had one job and failed...
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Fascinating. So is the average temperature on Mars. Must be something to do with that big yellar thing both Earth and Mars orbit around.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:42:30 PM EDT
There are sea creature fossils in the deserts, b/c at some point hundreds of millions of years ago in earth's history, there was global warming, the polar caps melted, and the oceans rose.  But of course it was the fault of George Bush, big oil, and SUVs back then, too.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:42:42 PM EDT
Why have we been warming for thousands of years. 3 thousand year old cities under water, maybe they just had really large camp fires.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:43:36 PM EDT
I don't think humans are the cause of it, sure pollution may not be helping anything, it certainly fucks things up but I do not think humans are the cause of the climate changing.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:44:06 PM EDT
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There are sea creature fossils in the deserts, b/c at some point hundreds of millions of years ago in earth's history, there was global warming, the polar caps melted, and the oceans rose.  But of course it was the fault of George Bush, big oil, and SUVs back then, too.
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Maybe another thread/poll can be opened up about the rate at which this change has occurred?
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:45:04 PM EDT
Were humans the cause of the Medieval warming? I think other factors are much more important.
Medieval Warming
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:46:26 PM EDT
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Were humans the cause of the Medieval warming? I think other factors are much more important.
Medieval Warming
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Such as rate, or something else?
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:46:51 PM EDT
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Maybe another thread/poll can be opened up about the rate at which this change has occurred?
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Never been done before!
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:48:03 PM EDT
Overpopulation and deforestation maybe
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:48:17 PM EDT
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Never been done before!
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It was a joke

The results will be the same as this one. I'm honestly just curious where GD stands on this today.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:48:42 PM EDT
Short answer:  Yes, the Earth is warming and we're at least partially to blame for it.  This is high school level science when it comes to understanding the GHG effect.
Long answer:  We don't know exactly how much of the recent warming we're to blame for, and we don't know what a proper response is.  Too little and it just harms us economically without doing shit to stop the warming.  Too much and we completely cripple our economy/standard of living.  We also need to make sure other countries like CHINA/RUSSIA/INDIA/ETC are contributing and not leaving everyone else to foot the bill for climate change mitigation.

Honestly I hope I'm wrong on this issue.  If I'm right, the children of the future are gonna get a hella fucked up world to live in.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:48:53 PM EDT
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Unless the answer to both is yes, the answer would be no. Clearly you have questions like this in England...
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Two statements in one question with different answers.
Unless the answer to both is yes, the answer would be no. Clearly you have questions like this in England...
We do.  Which is why I was able to identify your non-sequitur.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:48:54 PM EDT
Humans at NASA and NOAA are responsible for the warming
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:49:46 PM EDT
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing due to human activity.

CO2 is a "greenhouse gas," although not a remarkably potent one as compared to others.

Other factors are in play, such as solar cycles and orbital patterns.

None of this suddenly makes socialism a good idea.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:49:51 PM EDT
Last i heard the temp has not changed in like 15 years.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:50:43 PM EDT
Poll fail And either way it doesn't matter because man has nothing to do with this.

ETA: Unless you're a white young adult male. Then yes.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:51:57 PM EDT
The numbers have been fudged so many times by so many "scientists", that it's impossible to reach any meaningful conclusions from the cooked data.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:52:52 PM EDT
as far as global warming goes....   frankly    we dont know shit about shit
we have theories and people who are more vocal about their theory than others

are we harming the earth?  sure

but the earth goes through warming and cooling trends constantly...  year to year
century to century....
we have educated guesses
but we are barely scratching the surface of this tiny rock circling a star surrounded by millions of other stars
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:53:06 PM EDT
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Where is the start point?

Clearly it is trending upwards if the start point is say.....12,000 years ago.

The sun is increasing in heat and brightness as time goes on too.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:53:09 PM EDT
Attachment Attached File

North Pole ice free in 1959, who would have thought?
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:56:40 PM EDT
Major Don West: "Every schoolchild knows our recycling technologies will save the environment."
Professor John Robinson: Every schoolchild has been lied to.

Just like in that fictional movie, in reality, we are being lied to. The Earth has been warmer than colder for much of the history of life on this planet. Often, the Earth has been much warmer. . . . Mega flora, Mega fauna, and giants walked the Earth. . . .

Personally, I like a warm Earth. The "Little Ice Age" was hell on everybody. Starvation. Mass migrations. Read about the winter of 1887-1888, a notably frigid and stormy season, the last in a series of consecutive and devastating Upper Midwest winters, a series which has since been labeled “The Little Ice Age of the 1880's”. This was a climatological interlude that made brutal winters occur with disconcerting frequency in the Upper Midwest. Also note the fact that the winter of 1887-88, although it marked the end of the Little Ice Age, was not, however, followed by an unbroken series of warm winters. Since that fateful winter, the area continued to experience intermittent episodes of severe winter weather, one of the worst of which was the winter of 1935-1936...

You should be made aware that the Mississippi River was known to freeze over solid during the brutal winters of the 19th century. It is a historical fact that taverns would set up shop on the frozen Mississippi River to cater to teamsters hauling across the river.

Bad winters did continue to the year 1936. In my family's personal history, my Father reports that as a child, he and my Grandfather walked across the frozen Mississippi in '36, from South St. Louis to the Illinois shore. Damn cold. In the years since 1936, the Mississippi has not been hard frozen over as far south as St. Louis. It is getting warmer, thank god, because as I said, the Earth has been too cold for too long and I for one, welcome a warmer climate!
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 3:59:12 PM EDT
I don't know about "mostly." I haven't really read anything that broke global warming down to the percentages of contributing factors.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:00:25 PM EDT
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Where is the start point?

Clearly it is trending upwards if the start point is say.....12,000 years ago.

The sun is increasing in heat and brightness as time goes on too.
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Start point is wherever is convenient for the AGW crowd.

We're on a downward trend if we go back far enough.

IIRC we're also still in a solar minimum, so we're looking and reduced temps for a while.

Of course, with the politics that have infected climate science, we don't really have a clue.   The sky has been falling since the world was going to freeze in the 1970s to when we were all going to be dead from heat by 2015 and of course there were going to be massive overpopulation and 10 billion people on earth in 2010.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:01:12 PM EDT
It's the Sun!
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:02:19 PM EDT
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The average temperature has not been measured consistently at any time.  No reliable trending can be established.
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Harvest season in French wine-growing regions has been moving earlier for centuries. Seems to indicate general warming. 
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:03:10 PM EDT
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Two statements in one question with different answers.
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But both are false
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:04:14 PM EDT
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Where is the start point?

Clearly it is trending upwards if the start point is say.....12,000 years ago.

The sun is increasing in heat and brightness as time goes on too.
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True, but that's not really on a relevant time scale to our lives.  The sun is thought to increase in luminosity by around 10% every billion years.  This is due to the core growing denser from the conversion of hydrogen into more dense helium.  This turns up core temperatures/pressures and increases the rate of fusion.  In one or two billion years the sun will probably get bright enough to tip the scale towards a runaway greenhouse effect and Earth will end up like Venus.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:04:45 PM EDT
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Start point is wherever is convenient for the AGW crowd.

We're on a downward trend if we go back far enough.

IIRC we're also still in a solar minimum, so we're looking and reduced temps for a while.

Of course, with the politics that have infected climate science, we don't really have a clue.   The sky has been falling since the world was going to freeze in the 1970s to when we were all going to be dead from heat by 2015 and of course there were going to be massive overpopulation and 10 billion people on earth in 2010.
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Exactly.  They will just make the start point whatever unusual low they find to fabricate some data to suit their narrative.

The Earth's climate has seen some pretty hard core extremes throughout the Phanerozoic Eon alone.  A 10-year snapshot is nothing.  It would be like monitoring someone's heart rate for 3 seconds of their 95 year old life and making a guess as to what it was on average.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:06:53 PM EDT
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