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Posted: 10/25/2016 4:21:28 PM EDT


One of the most often repeated gun myths is that of the gun show loophole. Numerous candidates for political office – on state and national levels – have railed against gun shows, pledged to do away with the loophole and so on. However, as is usually the case, reality is a lot more complicated than the hype.

The major complaint, of course, is that anybody, ostensibly, can go into a gun show and buy a gun without undergoing a background check.
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Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:26:49 PM EDT
Been buying at gunshows for forty years.  Of all the guns I've bought exactly two were from non-dealer tables.  I was actually surprised both times.  Without an FFL you are effectively locked out of the wholesale market.  You can pick up some used guns outside of it but it's just crumbs and not really a viable business model.  

As far as the guys walking up and down the aisles, (a) I rarely seen anything I want, and (b) they have an overly optimistic idea of what their stuff is worth.
Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:27:28 PM EDT
The reality is, I can and have gone to gunshows and purchased guns in a face to face transaction from a private party. Laws may be different in other states.....
Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:29:15 PM EDT
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The reality is, I can and have gone to gunshows and purchased guns in a face to face transaction from a private party.....
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That's called The Freedom Loophole.

Freedom is scary to Dems and must be squashed.
Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:32:54 PM EDT

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The reality is, I can and have gone to gunshows and purchased guns in a face to face transaction from a private party. Laws may be different in other states.....
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But it has nothing to do with gun shows.  It's just a FTF.

Just because it's smarter to walk a rifle around a show than say, standing on the road with a sign, doesn't change anything.

My new favorite is the "online loophole."  They are purposefully trying to make people think you can have shit shipped to your door.
Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:34:07 PM EDT
"Ending the gun show loophole" sounds a lot better than "Ending private sales".  

The first fixes something that's broken, the second breaks something that's not broken.

It's the same kind of misdirection as "Gun crime" and "Assault weapon".
Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:36:36 PM EDT
There is no "gun show loophole" or "Internet loophole." What they're really talking about are face-to-face, intra-state sales between non-licensed individuals. The goal of the antigunners is to make all sales subject to a background check. They know that they have more support if they talk about "loopholes" than if they talk about airtight universal background checks. Airtight universal background checks are really what's at issue here, and those are a stepping stone to universal gun registration, which is a stepping stone to confiscation.

It's the same sort of thing as protecting "children" from gun violence. Except that their definition of "children" includes 19-year-old gang bangers. Interesting way to skew the statistics.
Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:36:43 PM EDT


One of the most often repeated gun myths is that of the gun show loophole. Numerous candidates for political office – on state and national levels – have railed against gun shows, pledged to do away with the loophole and so on. However, as is usually the case, reality is a lot more complicated than the hype.
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The major complaint, of course, is that anybody, ostensibly, can go into a gun show and buy a gun without undergoing a background check.
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It's not really a 'gun show' loophole, it's a 'private party sale' loophole.

The end game is to prohibit the sale/transfer of firearms that don't go through an FFL, like California requires.

Gun shows are just one avenue that facilitates the PP sales/transfers.

Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:37:49 PM EDT
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Without an FFL you are effectively locked out of the wholesale market.  You can pick up some used guns outside of it but it's just crumbs and not really a viable business model.  
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Without an FFL you are effectively locked out of the wholesale market.  You can pick up some used guns outside of it but it's just crumbs and not really a viable business model.  

Yes and no.
Most of those types, based on my experience, were FFLs that the clintonistas forced out of business in the early 90s when they went after home based dealers. They only sell at shows so can't get an FFL, but they had a fuckton of inventory or money and continuously horse trade. In a sense, clintonista created what they call the "gun show loophole".
If they let people get FFLs to sell at shows and stopped discriminating; they might get a semblance of what they want.
As far as the guys walking up and down the aisles, (a) I rarely seen anything I want, and (b) they have an overly optimistic idea of what their stuff is worth.

Those guys usually  have something like a Winchester 52 4th variant or a 6.5 Dutch Mannlicher that they think is worth twice the price of a NIB First Gen Colt SAA and that everyone in the building wants it.
Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:41:25 PM EDT
Anyone who uses the terrm is either lying or ingnorant. It is meant to imply that people are somehow skirting the law at gun shows when in fact they are not.

Unless your state has special laws then the law is the same at a gun show as it is anywhere else.

Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:44:02 PM EDT
I've sold one gun at a gun show, and it was to a dealer with an FFL, lol.

Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:44:21 PM EDT
When someone tries that one I always tell them that gun shows are not some kind of little Switzerland. All federal/state/locals laws that apply outside the gun show apply inside.
Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:49:05 PM EDT
It's funny how one can just say something exists and then it does exist in the minds of millions.

Example, a lock box for Social Security funds (Al Gore).

Affordable Health Care
Assault Weapons
Jobs Bill
so called Social Security
Heller was to protect toddlers...
Link Posted: 10/25/2016 4:52:48 PM EDT
The choir is well aware. Need to post that on FB and DU.
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