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Posted: 4/21/2007 8:37:18 AM EDT
I'm sure this has occurred to many others here, many Democrats seemed to be relaxing on the gun-control issues. Why?

The ones that claim they won't be pushing for increased gun control are claiming the shootings are "mental health issues." I do agree with that, but how are the Democrats going to enforce and determine restrictions on people that could be construed as violent. Who's going to be determining who's fit to own firearms, and who isn't?

Pardon my pessimism, when the Socialists take power in '08, its clear what their principle issue will be. Pushing for the formation of yet another alphabet regulatory entity. This time to monitor the peoples health, and limit peoples rights based on their their mental health conditions.

I'm all for keeping weapons out of the hands of the criminally violent, but where will the Democrats draw the line of what is deemed "dangerous mentality."

My guess is that firearm enthusiasts will be labeled as people that are obsessed with violence. They will be considered unfit to own firearms by a newly established Ministry of Human Health.

Link Posted: 4/21/2007 8:56:37 AM EDT
As a doc, the law mandates that I report suspected child abuse.  I saw a case where I strongly suspected it and when I made attempts to report it, I was told that a file will be created and if there are enough complaints they would send someone from the Department of Child and Youth Services to 'check it out'.  Now I wasn't expecting the FBI SWAT team to
take over the parent's house, but what a fucking joke!  I ended up dropping the whole issue and unless I see a parent beating a child to death with a rusty tire iron, I'm keeping my mouth shut.

I see the same thing happening with any law regarding firearms and mental health.  They want the doctor to report something or they can be prosecuted, but there will be no teeth in the law and it will make no one safer.  You will just have a bunch more people with depression who will either not go to the doctor for fear of being reported or will be unfairly disarmed for an illness that millions of people have but it poses no danger to the rest of society.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 8:56:41 AM EDT
Damn I bumped right as you posted your reply.

I can see people avoiding clinical help for being afriad of having there rights limited, makes perfect sense.

So you think the likelyhood of the creation of a new agency with jurisdiction over all health issues isn't feasable?
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 9:03:31 AM EDT

Damn I bumped right as you posted your reply.

I can see people avoiding clinical help for being afriad of having there rights limited, makes perfect sense.

I have read where in the Soviet Union it was very popular to use the excuse of suspected mental health problems to arrest and institutionalize dissidents and other troublemakers.  Assuming they weren't just sent directly to Siberia to mine for gold in the frozen ground in the middle of winter with their bare hands on a starvation diet.
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