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Posted: 10/28/2010 8:38:42 AM EDT
Would there be much interest for spherical device loaded with high explosive that floated around and navigated corridors and otherwise inaccessible areas to find its target while moving at very low speed?

(as in meters per second)
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 8:39:50 AM EDT
I'll buy that for a dollar
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 8:44:01 AM EDT
I want the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

Here toy go.
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 8:46:00 AM EDT
Cost vs benefit would suck.
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 8:55:19 AM EDT
You're already using explosives. It's cheaper to use more explosive and bring the whole fucking building down on the target's head than to put in a guidance and manuvering system to go look for him and burrow up his ass...
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 8:56:50 AM EDT
C4 hamster ball?
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 8:58:22 AM EDT
RC helicopter + C4 = Problem solved
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 9:05:34 AM EDT
I want the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

Here toy go.

The holy number is three..............
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 9:07:51 AM EDT



I want the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

Here toy go.

The holy number is three..............

Let's just go ahead and include the rest of this block of instruction:

First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it

Link Posted: 10/28/2010 9:09:45 AM EDT
I'll take a blaster launcher from X-Com UFO Defense
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 9:13:52 AM EDT
RC helicopter + C4 = Problem solved

Fuck yeah, Vice City!

Link Posted: 10/28/2010 9:36:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 9:36:56 AM EDT
Just level the building, take out the guess work.
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 10:27:06 AM EDT
Would there be much interest for spherical device loaded with high explosive that floated around and navigated corridors and otherwise inaccessible areas to find its target while moving at very low speed?

(as in meters per second)

So, did you get that idea from the Kino on Stargate Universe?
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