Ed, Thanks for patiently answering my stupid questions when I was just getting in to AR's 20 years after basic training. Thanks for inspecting the AR I bought from someone else, before I was a customer of yours. Thanks for all the advice when I was building the kits I bought from you. Thanks for keeping me straight on the tools I needed to build the kits. Thanks for the good prices, and excellent after the sale service. Thanks for the tech assistance when I had a problem.
Thanks for advising me on the building of the target rifle that has made groups that once would amazed me, commonplace.
Thanks for becoming a friend in the course of our business dealings.
I'm posting this because you have taken an undeserved beating on this and other boards these last couple of weeks. Too many of the readers of these boards are much too eager to jump on someone's back when they are down. I suspect it is because they think all gun dealers are rich fat cats that just sit back and collect large sums of money by ripping everyone off.
I've been around the shop enough to know that you could make more money doing many less stressful jobs, you do it because you love AR15s. If anyone thinks you are geting rich selling Bushmaster parts at discounted prices, they need to think again. I know that you spend 12-16 hours a day in the shop and office, between administrative duties, assembly, phones, email, etc, yet you are always willing to answer questions, troubleshoot, or what ever comes along.
I've also been around enough to see you bend over backwards to make customers happy, even when they didn't deserve it.(the guy that sent the 2 uppers back because he didn't like the finish on the underside of the carry handles was a classic)
Well, enough of this. Hang in there, Ed, and thanks again.