I asked someone about a file they worked on. They overwrote the old file, obviously skipping that pesky archiving step. No big deal, I'll get IT to recover the file at some point today, if they can't, it's a lot of work to rebuild the file, but we'll swing it. I also mentioned to be diligent about not overwriting files. 30 minutes non-stop following me around saying "I'm sorry", "I don't know what I was thinking", "I don't know what happened", "But I did everything right on this file, you just need the old one", "I don't understand". Jesus fucking christ. 30. god. damn. fucking. minutes. I have to imagine this asshole gives his dick a 20 minute pep talk after popping his viagra, then apologizes after sex. Same thing happens almost every other week. The most trivial shit causes a full blown meltdown.
What the fuck. I'd rather this dude rage out and start throwing keyboards.