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Posted: 1/29/2011 1:23:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 1:32:24 PM EDT
why wern't they doing this when i was a teenager?
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 1:46:09 PM EDT
The nitwit tantrum over that show was a demonstration of our prudishness.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 1:49:45 PM EDT
Human beings are supposed to begin breeding when they reach sexual maturity at puberty.
Anything else is the result of over-socialization.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 1:52:57 PM EDT
File this one under 'why I'll homeschool' and a copy under 'why my kids won't get to dress like the average american or watch the same filth on TV'.

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 1:55:19 PM EDT
why wern't they doing this when i was a teenager?

You must have not hung out with the cool kids  
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 1:57:47 PM EDT
Human beings are supposed to begin breeding when they reach sexual maturity at puberty.
Anything else is the result of over-socialization.

Bravo, the hand wringing is comical.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 1:58:05 PM EDT
We have those shows as a direct result of sex being put on a pedestal, behind locked doors, with the lights out and only with permission and with specific instructions on what is allowed and what is not.

It's the same reason we have the problems with binge drinking.

And why we have such a glorious trade partner in our southern neighbor.

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:02:52 PM EDT
Television= Desensitize and indoctrinate.
Time to wake up and connect the dots kids.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:04:19 PM EDT
America is the Land of the Double Standard®.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:08:46 PM EDT
why wern't they doing this when i was a teenager?

You must have not hung out with the cool kids  

i was a teenager in the early 90's when aid was killing people. The schools and churches had all the teen girls convinced that if they had sex they were going to get pregnant and aids the very first time they had sex. Coupled with the fact I was a dork, and I never got laid.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:14:56 PM EDT


why wern't they doing this when i was a teenager?

You must have not hung out with the cool kids  

Truth. All chicks in my school seemed easy  though, so I don't know if it even mattered if you were cool or not.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:19:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:20:17 PM EDT
Human beings are supposed to begin breeding when they reach sexual maturity at puberty.
Anything else is the result of over-socialization.

Bravo, the hand wringing is comical.

It's a little more complicated than that.

Biologically we're driven to procreate as (and with) teenagers/young adults, but we also recognise that humans don't reach intellectual maturity until about a decade later, the center of judgement actually doesn't fully mature until the late 20's.

So we're dealing with a complex tangle of moral and biological imperatives and trying to craft laws and social norms that take all that into account.

As for our prudishness, well there's a prudish population and there's a not so prudish, and then there's those that end up kinked because of prudish influence, the "PK" phenomenon and priests and such.

All things considered I think we do pretty well in this country today, a lot better than 30 years ago actually, the incidence of encouraged aberrant behavior like early teen marriages, adult abstinence and pederasty has been going down for decades.

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:20:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:21:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:21:10 PM EDT



Human beings are supposed to begin breeding when they reach sexual maturity at puberty.

Anything else is the result of over-socialization.

Bravo, the hand wringing is comical.

Not at all...

Advanced Civilization requires that people do NOT begin breeding at puberty.

It is not in any way 'over socialization' to expect that one wait until one is able to function in society, to become a parent...
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:24:28 PM EDT



The nitwit tantrum over that show was a demonstration of our prudishness.


So what upsets you? Our prudishness but not the sexual behavior of our children?


The prudishness. There's nothing wrong with the "sexual behavior of our 'children.'"
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:25:21 PM EDT


The nitwit tantrum over that show was a demonstration of our prudishness.

So what upsets you? Our prudishness but not the sexual behavior of our children?

The prudishness. There's nothing wrong with the "sexual behavior of our 'children.'"


Moronic statement.

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:26:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:27:50 PM EDT



The prudishness. There's nothing wrong with the "sexual behavior of our 'children.'"


So rampant teen pregnancy, STDs out of control, and younger and younger girls becoming sexually active are acceptable?


I suppose condoms may not be pushed hard enough, you may have a point there.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:28:02 PM EDT
Laws give you a semblance of morality, not morality itself.   Plus laws like these are local and differ from state to state....like age of consent.  No real clue why but most of the time it's related to local custom.   Why the locals decide 18 or 20 is a mystery.

Overall, I'd say we are not prudish compared to ME countries, but compared to Italy, Sweden, Brazil, yes.  

We have to deal often with laws that are ancient and never removed though not enforced.   The perception is still there and thus the prudish inferences.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:28:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:32:10 PM EDT

Human beings are supposed to begin breeding when they reach sexual maturity at puberty.
Anything else is the result of over-socialization.

Bravo, the hand wringing is comical.

Not at all...

Advanced Civilization requires that people do NOT begin breeding at puberty.

It is not in any way 'over socialization' to expect that one wait until one is able to function in society, to become a parent...


Definitely a major problem today.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:32:27 PM EDT
I think they do have that purchasing power.  Look at teens.  In the parking lots of high schools you'll find nicer vehicles than I have.  Just about every teen has an iPod ($140) and a smart phone (say $80 for the monthly plan and $150 for the phone).  It comes down to adults either not knowing what their kids are doing, or simply think it's perfectly ok.

Parents are enabling this and buy their kids whatever the fuck they want.

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:33:49 PM EDT



The prudishness. There's nothing wrong with the "sexual behavior of our 'children.'"

So rampant teen pregnancy, STDs out of control, and younger and younger girls becoming sexually active are acceptable?

You are wrong about the first two things.  Teen pregnancies are down and STDs today are much lower than they were in the 70s.

CDC Reports New Low in Teen Birth Rate; Record High in Births to Unmarried Moms - 11/06.

A 6% drop in births to black teens helped push the 2005 U.S. teen birth rate to the lowest level ever recorded: 40.4 births per 1,000 teens.The 2005 teen birth rate is 2% lower than in 2004. And it is 35% lower than 1991's record high of 61.8 births per 1,000 teens.

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:34:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:36:44 PM EDT

Human beings are supposed to begin breeding when they reach sexual maturity at puberty.
Anything else is the result of over-socialization.

Bravo, the hand wringing is comical.

So I take it you two guys are fine with your daughter being sexually active with many different guys as soon as they start their first menses?

All I can say my girls used to watch "zoe 101" until I got to see it a few times.  The characters are 14-15 year old girls made up like hookers, wearing skin tight clothing.  Plots are all about "relationships".  About a month after the hammer dropped britney's little sister got knocked up and her comment to the media was "what a surprise!"  Clearly her parents didn't have the kinds of talks about responsibility that they should have.

Yes, we have had frank talks with them that focus on consequences and their plans to handle them.  When they're older and going out, they'll get to have iphones provided they keep the gps locater on.  Short leash.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:42:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:43:33 PM EDT



I think they do have that purchasing power.  Look at teens.  In the parking lots of high schools you'll find nicer vehicles than I have.  Just about every teen has an iPod ($140) and a smart phone (say $80 for the monthly plan and $150 for the phone).  It comes down to adults either not knowing what their kids are doing, or simply think it's perfectly ok.

Parents are enabling this and buy their kids whatever the fuck they want.  

Yeah, you're right about that. I still wonder if it's enough to promote what's going on in the media to such an extent though.

I'm sure.  Based on just my observations, a good 70% of the people who have kids, shouldn't.  Some of the stuff I've heard out of parents would make blood squirt from your eyes like "I wish my son would just hurry up and get it on with one girl so the kids would stop making fun of his virginity".

I'm releived at this point in my life that I don't have kids (though I suspect that will be changing).

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:45:34 PM EDT

File this one under 'why I'll homeschool' and a copy under 'why my kids won't get to dress like the average american or watch the same filth on TV'.

There are a surprising number of things NOT under your control though - keep that in mind.


My honest opinion is that as we move away from a Biblical model of parenting and towards a secular model, we're losing our kids.

Biblically, kids were treated as kids until ~12 or so, then were forced to grow up and, if they wanted to be treated as adults, they had to ACT LIKE adults. There was no 'adolscence'. There was childhood, then adulthood. It worked, and it worked well for thousands of years. Three thousand years ago, kids didn't get their own donkey or chariot when they turned 16. They got their own job.

(Side note: notice, the next time you watch a movie set in the 1700's, the maturity and responsibility of teenagers...fourteen year old were captaining ships back then...)

I could say much more, but that's probably enough for now.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:46:21 PM EDT
And this idea that if we don't teach our kids about condoms, then they will never know how to use them is preposterous.  Anyone with a skull knows about condoms, most people hate using them.  

I remember numerous times in the heat of the moment when I start thinking with my other head and think "We'll I'll just pull out"  or "I'll ask if she's on the pill", so on and so forth.

Most of the women I've been with similar think that you need to use a condom the first time, but the second time, after you know them, then you can go bareback (like that is an indicator of not having any STDs).
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:46:55 PM EDT
Based on just my observations, a good 70% of the people who have kids, shouldn't.


For all our differences, we have much in common.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:49:20 PM EDT
File this one under 'why I'll homeschool' and a copy under 'why my kids won't get to dress like the average american or watch the same filth on TV'.

Thats really all you can do these days. Not saying every kid that goes to public school acts like that, but I bet very few that are home schooled do.

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:49:43 PM EDT




So rampant teen pregnancy, STDs out of control, and younger and younger girls becoming sexually active are acceptable?

You are wrong about the first two things. Teen pregnancies are down and STDs today are much lower than they were in the 70s.

CDC Reports New Low in Teen Birth Rate; Record High in Births to Unmarried Moms - 11/06.

A 6% drop in births to black teens helped push the 2005 U.S. teen birth rate to the lowest level ever recorded: 40.4 births per 1,000 teens.The 2005 teen birth rate is 2% lower than in 2004. And it is 35% lower than 1991's record high of 61.8 births per 1,000 teens.

I went to this webpage: http://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D46 and looked at results (1996-2008 is all that's available). The overall STD incidence rate is up across the board from 1996 with the exception of Gonorrhea which had a slight decrease.

That linked returned an error page for me.  Some STDs might be up slightly but they are still a fraction of what they were in the 70s, so how exactly does that make them "out of control"?  

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:50:25 PM EDT




File this one under 'why I'll homeschool' and a copy under 'why my kids won't get to dress like the average american or watch the same filth on TV'.

There are a surprising number of things NOT under your control though - keep that in mind.



My honest opinion is that as we move away from a Biblical model of parenting and towards a secular model, we're losing our kids.

Biblically, kids were treated as kids until ~12 or so, then were forced to grow up and, if they wanted to be treated as adults, they had to ACT LIKE adults. There was no 'adolscence'. There was childhood, then adulthood. It worked, and it worked well for thousands of years. Three thousand years ago, kids didn't get their own donkey or chariot when they turned 16. They got their own job.

(Side note: notice, the next time you watch a movie set in the 1700's, the maturity and responsibility of teenagers...fourteen year old were captaining ships back then...)

I could say much more, but that's probably enough for now.

I think you are wrong.  You know my beliefs here better than anyone.  I have two cousins who are from heavy, hard core Baptists.  They went (and still do) go to chruch every Wednesday and twice on Sunday.  Picnics on Saturday, and youth group all the time.  My aunt and uncle had them read the Bible as a family all the time, and you know what, my cousin was banging the hell out of chicks when he was 14, while I, the atheist didn't become sexualy active until 18 or so.

This was due to my parents showing me what happens to your life when you engage in sexual activity while you are still in highschool, if you knock a chick up you become a loser.  

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:51:16 PM EDT



Based on just my observations, a good 70% of the people who have kids, shouldn't.


For all our differences, we have much in common.
Damn right.  

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:51:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:52:54 PM EDT
Television= Desensitize and indoctrinate.
Time to wake up and connect the dots kids.

Exactly.  Just because it's on TV doesn't make it right.  I thank God I have parents who set me on a right path.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:53:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 2:58:28 PM EDT
There was a study done not to long ago, that the rates of sexual activity are no different now, than 60 years ago.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 3:00:37 PM EDT


File this one under 'why I'll homeschool' and a copy under 'why my kids won't get to dress like the average american or watch the same filth on TV'.

In college, the sluttiest and most debauched people I knew were also the most devoutly religious and never missed services at the chapel Sunday morning.

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 3:03:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 3:04:11 PM EDT



Television= Desensitize and indoctrinate.

Time to wake up and connect the dots kids.

Exactly.  Just because it's on TV doesn't make it right.  I thank God I have parents who set me on a right path.

Utter bullshit.

I had a TV in my room and watched it every night.  I was one of the most prudish people you'd ever meet in my own personal life because I was raised to make something of myself and secondary influences are just that.

If you suck as a parent and let the TV, XBOX, schools, and friends raise your kids... you get what you pay for.

Kids today have the internet.


Your kid has seen Shemale porn and is making Trap jokes on 4chan at 12.  Anyone who thinks differently is an idiot.  Is your kid an oversexed, hormone filled maniac?  Ok, is he any more than you were at that age?  No.

No. No. No.  Why?  Because you are a decent parent. Not because of secondary influences.

I love how I hear, "Gun's don't kill people, blah blah blah" but when it comes to something that offends your morality on this site, almost everyone here becomes a hypocrite ready to tell everyone else how to live their life and what should be banned.  

Link Posted: 1/29/2011 3:06:56 PM EDT
So boobs are banned on TV in the US?
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 3:12:53 PM EDT

Human beings are supposed to begin breeding when they reach sexual maturity at puberty.
Anything else is the result of over-socialization.

Bravo, the hand wringing is comical.

Not at all...

Advanced Civilization requires that people do NOT begin breeding at puberty.

It is not in any way 'over socialization' to expect that one wait until one is able to function in society, to become a parent...

"Advanced Civilization" would have effective birth control. (And it's not "effective" if folks don't like using it.)
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 3:13:21 PM EDT

File this one under 'why I'll homeschool' and a copy under 'why my kids won't get to dress like the average american or watch the same filth on TV'.

In college, the sluttiest and most debauched people I knew were also the most devoutly religious and never missed services at the chapel Sunday morning.

That doesnt mean that all of the girls that went to church were sluts. I am sure there are plenty of whores that never stepped foot in a church
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 3:15:53 PM EDT

I think you are wrong.  You know my beliefs here better than anyone.  I have two cousins who are from heavy, hard core Baptists.  They went (and still do) go to chruch every Wednesday and twice on Sunday.  Picnics on Saturday, and youth group all the time.  My aunt and uncle had them read the Bible as a family all the time, and you know what, my cousin was banging the hell out of chicks when he was 14, while I, the atheist didn't become sexualy active until 18 or so.

This was due to my parents showing me what happens to your life when you engage in sexual activity while you are still in highschool, if you knock a chick up you become a loser.  

The part in bold....let me ramble for a minute:

I think a lot of well-meaning evangelicals do damage to their own kids in the name of church. Let me explain:

Biblically, people went to church (or in the OT, the national assemblies) as families. They went, they fellowshipped one family with another, they sat together and listened to what was said, then they went home.

The other days of the week, they lived as families. Fathers were in control of everything that happened in the house. They studied their bibles together, the kids watched their parents actually live out what they claimed to believe, and the kids grew up and went to work. When the kids woke in the mornings, they found dad off by himself praying; when he finished, they read a Proverb together. At night before bed, they read the New Testament and actually discussed the meaning of what they read (instead of just endlessly memorizing without understanding). The father spent time with his kids, playing with them, working around the house with them, discussing life with them, teaching them how to understand the world around them.  

Contrast that with modern church: the father is treated like the village idiot at home: when the family goes to church, they're segregated by age so the kids can hang out with other kids (Proverbs refers to this as a 'companion of fools', warning that they'll come to ruin) and a hip young 'youth minister' who doesn't know a thing about raising kids, but is supposed to 'relate to' the kids. Then they go back home, and the father busies himself doing whatever, content that his kids have had their 'religious education' for the day.

They do this twice on sunday and every wednesday night, plus a saturday night 'church outing' for the kids and choir practice on tuesday and football practice on thursday. The kids spend so much time getting low-quality time-wasting 'church stuff' that there's no time for FATHERS to actually raise their own children, not at church but IN THEIR HOMES.

I could ramble on about this all night, but, without knowing your cousins or their parents, let me just say this:

Knowing how many modern churches are so weak and do things in such inBiblical manners, I actually expect modern 'church kids' to walk away when they're old enough to do so.

Ther'es an entire movement in America, mostly of Baptists but a handful of Presbyterians and others, that have noticed this weakness in modern churches and addressed it:

There are parts of the movement I disagree with, but the basics are this: We don't do 'youth ministry' in our churches. We expect FATHERS to disciple their children, lead their families, and model their faith for the family. The kids I see coming out of this movement show a remarkable maturity, they're bright, respectful, well-adjusted, and launch into adulthood, instead of taking a decade or more to ease into it.

That kind of 'church kid' will behave differently than what has become the norm in America.

(example: I have a friend who's still a teenager and ran his county's campaign to elect a certain republican as governor last year. His candidate lost, but the kid ran the campaign quite well....)
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 3:15:58 PM EDT

Human beings are supposed to begin breeding when they reach sexual maturity at puberty.
Anything else is the result of over-socialization.

Bravo, the hand wringing is comical.

Not at all...

Advanced Civilization requires that people do NOT begin breeding at puberty.

It is not in any way 'over socialization' to expect that one wait until one is able to function in society, to become a parent...

"Advanced Civilization" would have effective birth control. (And it's not "effective" if folks don't like using it.)

there is effective birth control, people are to lazy or stupid  to use it
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 3:16:56 PM EDT

File this one under 'why I'll homeschool' and a copy under 'why my kids won't get to dress like the average american or watch the same filth on TV'.

In college, the sluttiest and most debauched people I knew were also the most devoutly religious and never missed services at the chapel Sunday morning.

I don't doubt it for a moment. See what I posted above in my previous post.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 3:23:12 PM EDT
So boobs are banned on TV in the US?

Just regular cable. If you want to see boobs, you got to pay for cinemax, showtime, HBO, etc.

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