The Administration is going to attempt to focus group the masses - they will deluge them with images of dead children, "scary" guns, appeals from the grieving families and a host of other imagery designed to wash upon them with wells of emotion. We need organized talking points to rationally discuss with them. We will be approached. We are people who think in terms of freedom and liberty. We must be prepared with rational, well-reasoned, and welcoming responses to these people.
Do NOT be confrontational in dealing with someone who is ill-informed. No. They do not possess the facts or the sharpened point of view that you do. If they are coming to you with questions, they are someone seeking answers, or looking to help find a person who shares a deep-seated concern which they share. Help them.
Frame your responses to them in terms of how actions by government threaten their freedom. How it threatens their liberty. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.
Do NOT talk about people grabbing guns or confiscation - unless the point is brought up by the person who you are speaking with. This is a logical fallacy which is being exploited by the left. That is why the position has been presented to frame "the legitimate purpose of the firearm and the sportsman". It diminishes our argument to speak in such terms, when the opposition is framing the argument to debate otherwise to seem "sensible" and "reasonable." Discuss this position from the counterpoint that through continued erosion of basic freedoms, we lose ground which effectively we can never gain back. Again - remember, if someone comes to you, consider that their position is relatively uninformed.
We want people to understand that this - and indeed any arguments from our side are discussions, not about guns and the second amendment, but are arguments about the basic intrusion of government onto the basic freedoms and liberty of the People.
Add. Discuss.