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Posted: 7/15/2010 1:52:01 PM EDT
Tonight  (Thursday) on the Sportsman Channel.. It ran earlier this week too.  Covers the Sturmgevair (sp) and up. One helluva good show. Anybody else already seen it.
Link Posted: 7/15/2010 2:01:38 PM EDT
I wish I had cable to see that.
Link Posted: 7/15/2010 2:28:53 PM EDT
DVR is set for it. Watching tubby Vickers run around is always good for a laugh!
Link Posted: 7/15/2010 2:30:24 PM EDT
Somehow, I always watch that show
Link Posted: 7/15/2010 2:41:31 PM EDT
Tonight  (Thursday) on the Sportsman Channel.. It ran earlier this week too.  Covers the Sturmgevair (sp) Sturmgewehr and up. One helluva good show. Anybody else already seen it.

Link Posted: 7/15/2010 2:56:29 PM EDT
DVR is set for it. Watching tubby Vickers run around is always good for a laugh!

He's killed more people (who deserved it) than I have, so I don't laugh.

Let's hope you are young and thin forever.

Link Posted: 7/15/2010 3:00:58 PM EDT



DVR is set for it. Watching tubby Vickers run around is always good for a laugh!

He's killed more people (who deserved it) than I have, so I don't laugh.

Let's hope you are young and thin forever.

Don't get me wrong, Larry is a badass and he has my respect, but watching him run around still makes me chuckle.

Link Posted: 7/15/2010 3:06:30 PM EDT
I hate Cox cable sometimes.
Link Posted: 7/15/2010 3:09:14 PM EDT
So they are spending a whole show on the HK-90 series + STG-44?
Link Posted: 7/15/2010 3:13:33 PM EDT
Did any one notice audio issues like he was talking to the mic way out there?

It sounded pretty bad.  I would like to insure that Larry's show is seen in a positive way don't need the media spouting stupid stuff because his editing guys messed up.  

I'm also not to impressed with the director always changing shots with Larry pointing in the wrong direction for 1.5 seconds then switching.  I'm pretty sure he is being stifled.

I'm not in any way dismissing Vicker's and/or his  shooting cadre I am disappointed with the filming and editing
Link Posted: 7/15/2010 4:47:23 PM EDT
He's lost some weight for season 2.
Link Posted: 7/15/2010 8:15:15 PM EDT
It was a good show.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 9:55:05 AM EDT
It was a good show.

The previous week compared Thompsons and Grease guns plus some german something or other.

Apparently Ken Hackathorn is a regular guest now.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 10:03:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 10:05:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 10:10:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 10:31:28 AM EDT
DVR is set for it. Watching tubby Vickers run around is always good for a laugh!

he's a good guy but anuone else have sgt sugarcookie flashbacks when his running around in his multicam.

for the record it's neat seeing the gun but the show really doesn't seem to have much actual meat to it.

Yeah they got a compression issue with their recording setup.  The show beats 98% of today's TV. How can we complain.

Lock and Load Thursday on Sportsman Channel. It's a good night for me.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 10:39:34 AM EDT
DVR is set for it. Watching tubby Vickers run around is always good for a laugh!

I've never seen Larry Vickers before in my life, and then pulled up this picture:

Are you really calling him tubby?


Link Posted: 7/19/2010 10:41:34 AM EDT
I try to watch it every time it comes on.  Larry Vikers has lost a good bit of weight, congradulations to him.  

I'd like to spend a day at the range with him.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 10:48:45 AM EDT
Well crap.  I didn't know the new season started.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 10:49:34 AM EDT
Larry has slimmed down quite a bit and should be commended for that effort.  It's a lot harder to take off than it is to put on.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 12:19:39 PM EDT
How did I not discover this show sooner....
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 12:36:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 1:11:39 PM EDT
never heard of the show i just happened to run into it the other day pretty good show nice to see something differnt for a change.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 1:25:36 PM EDT
DVR is set for it. Watching tubby Vickers run around is always good for a laugh!

He's killed more people (who deserved it) than I have, so I don't laugh.

Let's hope you are young and thin forever.

Link Posted: 7/19/2010 1:52:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 1:57:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 2:03:10 PM EDT
i got the feeling he holds the hk g36 in high regard

Actually, he was saying it was just alright (not to put words in his mouth). He wasn't praising it as well as you would think considering his connection to it.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 2:34:46 PM EDT
i got the feeling he holds the hk g36 in high regard

Actually, he was saying it was just alright (not to put words in his mouth). He wasn't praising it as well as you would think considering his connection to it.

The idea of a polymer receiver for a FA Assault Rifle still doesn't seem any smarter a decade after reading about it, and LAV actually mentioned it in the show and the fact the WIZbang sight set-up wasn't so great. As opposed to some of the other show hosts who can only drool over the awesomeness of the HK family.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 2:36:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 2:27:57 PM EDT
Early preview edition of Tactical Arms is on tonight Wed 5:30 central time. It's the M110. Isn't this the Stoner 308 AR? This episode repeats Thursday later at night.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 3:26:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 3:37:33 PM EDT
Early preview edition of Tactical Arms is on tonight Wed 5:30 central time. It's the M110. Isn't this the Stoner 308 AR? This episode repeats Thursday later at night.

Correct. It is the KAC gun that won the Army contract.

The OBR looks sleeker. I wonder if politics will let Vickers test a LaRue OBR?  Costa likes it!

Link Posted: 7/21/2010 5:59:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 6:14:34 PM EDT



i got the feeling he holds the hk g36 in high regard

Actually, he was saying it was just alright (not to put words in his mouth). He wasn't praising it as well as you would think considering his connection to it.

He really likes the FAL.  In fact in at least one episode he uses one.

I must have caught one of the new seasons where they were deciding on old west guns for some sort of a situation.  Then some WWII semi-auto guns, etc.  I really like that show for the gun pron alone.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:30:57 AM EDT
Vickers shoots the bolt action vs the M110 auto on a course tonight.

Great episode!
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