I find it interesting that the National Guard regiment that I am in was the recipient of a letter from George Washington during the revolution. The 1st Battalion 111th Infantry Regiment (The Associators) 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team is still carrying on the tradition of our forefathers.
Head Quarters, August 8, 1776
I had fully
resolved to have paid you a Visit in New Jersey if the movements of the
Enemy, and some intelligence indicating an early attack, had not induced
me to suspend it.
Allow me therefore, to
address you in this Mode, as fellow Citizens and fellow Soldiers engaged
in the same Glorious Cause; to represent to you, that the Fate of our
Country depends in all human probability, on the Exertion of a few
Weeks; That it is of the utmost importance, to keep up a respectable
Force for that time, and there can be no doubt that success will Crown
our Efforts, if we firmly and resolutely determine, to conquer or to
I have placed so much confidence, in
the Spirit and Zeal of the Associated Troops of Pennsylvania, that I
cannot persuade myself an impatience to return Home, or a less
honourable Motive will defeat my well grounded expectation, that they
will do their Country essential Service, at this critical time, when the
Powers of Despotism are all combined against it, and ready to strike
their most decisive Stroke. If I could allow myself to doubt your Spirit
and Perseverance, I should represent the ruinous Consequences of your
leaving the Service, by setting before you, the discouragement it would
give the Army, the confusion and shame of our Friends, and the still
more galling triumph of our Enemies. But as I have no such doubts, I
shall only thank you for the Spirit and Ardor you have shewn, in so
readily marching to meet the Enemy, and am most confident you will crown
it by a Glorious Perseverance. The Honor and safety of our bleeding
Country, and every other motive that can influence the brave and heroic
Patriot, call loudly upon us, to acquit ourselves with Spirit. In short,
we must now determine to be enslaved or free. If we make Freedom our
choice, we must obtain it, by the Blessing of Heaven on our United and
Vigorous Efforts.
I salute you Gentlemen
most Affectionately, and beg leave to remind you, that Liberty, Honor,
and Safety are all at stake, and I trust Providence will smile upon our
Efforts, and establish us once more, the Inhabitants of a free and happy
Country. I am, etc.
George Washington