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Posted: 5/10/2003 1:34:30 PM EDT
Today Miz LWilde and I met with our Congresswoman, Jo Ann Davis (R-VA). We discussed several topics including the AWB.
I made it crystal clear to her that I believe this law to be a stupid, feel-good attempt to restrict the rights of legitimate gun owners, that it is TOTALLY ineffective in reducing crime and the illegal use of firearms, and that it is equally impotent at keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. She agreed! She is familiar with the AWB, the simple illogic of it and of the political ramifications of this thing ever making it to the floor of the House or Senate. I reminded her that Representative McCarthy (D-NY), Senators Schumer (D-NY) & Feinstein (D-CA) and others supportive of the VPC and their ilk are working feverishly to renew the ban and I asked her for her help in seeing that the damn thing NEVER makes it to the President’s desk for a signature. We agreed that it would be a political tar baby for the President to have this thing leave the Congress alive…and it will NOT. [b][red]She ASSURED me that the AWB is DOA![/b][/red] She said that the House leadership intends to kill the current bill simply by refusing to take it up…and that our friends in the Senate were going to do likewise. During our conversation, it became clear to me why the White House, Attorney General Ashcroft and the NRA are not taking a strong public stand now. This IS a political hot potato. There remain lots of people in America who do not understand the real issues and believe the antis’ propaganda. By letting Congress to kill this thing by refusing to even bring it out of committee, it DIES and President Bush can't be hurt by it. This doesn’t mean that the battle is totally won and that we can rest on our laurels. As we head into the frenzy of the upcoming election year, the liberal media are going to throw their full support behind the anti-gun pols who think that guns, not crooks are the problem in an attempt to get the AWB renewed. If they find they can’t win, then they will do everything in their power to see to it that President Bush and all Republican pro-gun senators and representatives pay a heavy political price. The pressure is going to be intense for our guys and gals to cave. It is up to us to stay ahead of the libs and continue to write and coerce our senators and representatives to ensure that they don’t cave at the last minute. Don’t give up…we are very close! Just thought y’all would like to know. [:D] |
And the way this thing will be / stay dead is by ALL OF US writing our Congress Critters and telling them supporting the AWB WILL cost them teh election.
Why are you still reading this? Write your damn COngress Critter!!!!! |
I'm not saying that the House will or will not kill the AWB ban, but really, how does one single Virginia congresswoman speak out for the whole house and ASSURE anyone that it will be killed?
She may want it killed and/or she may of said what she said just to make you feel good. Now if these words of ASSURANCE were to be said my large numbers of congressmen and congresswomen througout the U.S. then that would be more positive. Just to note- Illinois Gov. Blagojevich ASSURED us IL gun owners that he would stand to protect the rights of gun owners as he claims he was a sportsman himself. But if don't already know about IL politics, Gov Blagojevich isn't exactly stopping Chicago's Mayor Daley from spreading his anti-gun legislation including semi-auto bans here in IL. ASSURED is a very strong word. [b]ArmaLiter[/b] |
This is nice to hear especially with CNN & MSNBC starting to beat the liberal drum but I'm not taking her word for it. I'm sending out letters and emails to everyone with an address to let them know that I don't support the ban, the renewal of the ban and anyone who supports it.
I don't trust any of the politicians...they're all smiley glad hands. |
My Congressman is David Drier head of the WAys & Means Cmttee. I understand that is a very a powerful position, I will try to arrange a meeting with him during the summer recess, and get him to support our cause. He's been somewhat friendly to the gunners, but it doesn't hurt to remind him a little.
We have a tremendous advantage over when the {original} AWB was passed, Bill C. is not president anymore. And without his arm-twisting and back-room deals the original AWB would have been dead also. Also remember that even Bill C. said twice that the gun lobby was responsible for the Dems loss of control of the Senate AND House in '92, and the lost of presidency in 2000. And after the 9/11/01 WTC/Pentagon and the Beltway Sniper attacks the thinking among the sheeples have changed, the govt can't total protect, you must protect yourself. Witness the loss of the anti-gunners on east coast. added {} |
... After reading reassurances such as these, I'm inclined to swing towards a more congratulatory and thankful vector on my future correspondence with my Congressmen and Representatives.
I have spoken directly with all of my rep's in the Tulsa area, John Sullivan, Jim Inhofe, Don Nichols, and they have all assured me that this thing will never see the light of day. If it does see light in the end of the tunnel, it will be the republican railroad's headlamp about to run it down cold. FineSwine can credit HERSELF with one thing for sure, she and others like her cost Al Gore the whitehouse in the last election. I hope she's proud of her fine work.
I still believe the current congress and president will simply sign an extension to the exhisting bill and carry on as usual, it is the easiest/safest thing for all involved to do.
I'm pretty sure the AWB is dead, since I decided to invest some money in prebans as a gamble. I even convinced the wife this would be a good investment. What'll I do now? [stick]
"Bushy" had better realize that his job depends on the AWB going bye-bye!
That's good news, but [b][red] I'll believe it September 15, 2004[/b][/red].
TS |
Quoted: That's good news, but [b][red] I'll believe it September 15, 2004[/b][/red]. TS View Quote Well if every gunner contacts his/her Congressman or woman, and let them know they should not support the extension of the '94 AWB it should be in the bag. Remember if your Congresman gets 10 snail-mail letters or so, it is considered a "flood of mail." So does everybody knows what to do? Maybe a visit to the district office by a group of your fellow shooters would also help. |
I'm still sending Bush 10 emails a day : ) I hope they don't put me on some "pshco" list ,hahah. Everybody should use the GOA site and send a buttload of emails everyday till this hunk goes the way of the wind.
LittleJacek |
BTW they can't sign an extension.... it is dead no matter what on sept 14... but they can make up new crap...
LittleJacek |
Quoted: I'm still sending Bush 10 emails a day : ) I hope they don't put me on some "pshco" list ,hahah. Everybody should use the GOA site and send a buttload of emails everyday till this hunk goes the way of the wind. LittleJacek View Quote I would also invest in a few USPS 37¢ stamps and snail mail your congressman and senator. I've heard that they get tons and tons of e-mail. |
Quoted: Why are you still reading this? Write your damn COngress Critter!!!!! View Quote Because Fineswine is my critter in Congreess..that's why. And Doug Ose is my Rep, also equally useless. Sgtar15 |
I will contact the White House but my Senators are Boxer and Feinstein, staunch anti's and my Congress critter is Rohrbacher, staunch pro-gun. Nothing to be gained there though I have given the Senators an earfull.
This will change the situation in CA little however, even if it sunsets. We need the SC case too. |
Quoted: Because Fineswine is my critter in Congreess..that's why. And Doug Ose is my Rep, also equally useless. Sgtar15 View Quote May I recommend a Feinswine voodoo doll?? [:D] BTW, I saw yer "Garandman" comment under "sissiest guys names." Very funny, you turkey burger. [:D] Not taking your meds again??? [:D] |
All it would take is to tack it on to another popular bill as a rider and it will sail through. OR, GWB could use an executive order to make it permenant.
Quoted: I'm not saying that the House will or will not kill the AWB ban, but really, how does one single Virginia congresswoman speak out for the whole house and ASSURE anyone that it will be killed? She may want it killed and/or she may of said what she said just to make you feel good. Now if these words of ASSURANCE were to be said my large numbers of congressmen and congresswomen througout the U.S. then that would be more positive. Just to note- Illinois Gov. Blagojevich ASSURED us IL gun owners that he would stand to protect the rights of gun owners as he claims he was a sportsman himself. But if don't already know about IL politics, Gov Blagojevich isn't exactly stopping Chicago's Mayor Daley from spreading his anti-gun legislation including semi-auto bans here in IL. ASSURED is a very strong word. [b]ArmaLiter[/b] View Quote You are quite right...ASSURED is a strong word and in this case appropriate. Let's review the bidding here for just a moment...since either I failed to make my point adequately or you misunderstood. The AWB sunsets next year. Unless the Senate AND the House pass a another bill extending the AWB or replacing it and send that bill to the President for his signature, the AWB is DEAD...DEAD...DEAD! This happens AUTOMATICALLY without pro-active intervention from both houses to renew it. Now, since this AWB renewal is a stinky legislative turd to our Prez, he don't want to have to veto any lousy AWB renewal and have to take the heat from the Left for doing so in an election year. For that reason and since Representative Denny Hastert, the House Majority Leader and Tom Delay, the House Whip have told my Congresswoman, Miz Davis, that this dog ain't gonna hunt, and since Mis Davis...just today at about 1135 hours [b]ASSURED[/b] me that our House leaders intend to KILL THE AWB in committee...well I guess that just sorta settles it in my mind. the case you cite about Illinois and Chicago, since Governor Blagojevich and Mayor Daley are both chief executives of a largely Democratically-controlled state and city, and thus protected by the Democratic majorities in the city and state legislatures and in the voting public at large, the comparisons you are inferring between them two and with congress are meaningless. The federal AWB will go away...that is a done deal. The states may if they wish, impose like bans...but they most likely will not stand up in a court. It's good to have Republican adults running the show now...just think what chance we'd have if AlGore had won? Anybody want to try that one? |
You're right...but when I posed that question to her...she repeated...IT AIN'T LEAVING COMMITTEE! Hastert and DeLay aren't letting that sumbich make it up off the floor. No way. And just what do YOU think the odds of an EO are on THIS subject? How 'bout slim and none...and slim's on his way out of town.
Quoted: All it would take is to tack it on to another popular bill as a rider and it will sail through. OR, GWB could use an executive order to make it permenant. View Quote His daddy comitted political suicide, by doing stupid things, if he repeats his daddy's stupid mistakes, Bush Jr. deserves to be put out to pasture. Could Bush Jr. do with an exec. order? I don't know, I think if it could've been done by exec order, Bill C. would've done it during his rein. |
Quoted: Today Miz LWilde and I met with our Congresswoman, Jo Ann Davis (R-VA). We discussed several topics including the AWB.............. Just thought y’all would like to know. [:D] View Quote Good post LWilde, and GOOD job to you and the wife!! That's the name of the game, to actually do something! [:D] I was surprised it, (AWB), was introduced as a "stand alone" bill. It has to go through both Senate and House Judiciary Committes I believe. I don't think it'll see a vote. This is just an attempt at diversion. The Dems. can't get any traction anywhere, so they're throwing ash's in the air. The insiders know this. The Re-authorization can still come up next year, by various strategies, which is, I'm sure you know, a Presidential election cycle.. Way to go bro. |
Quoted: I have spoken directly with all of my rep's in the Tulsa area, John Sullivan, Jim Inhofe, Don Nichols, and they have all assured me that this thing will never see the light of day. If it does see light in the end of the tunnel, it will be the republican railroad's headlamp about to run it down cold. FineSwine can credit HERSELF with one thing for sure, she and others like her cost Al Gore the whitehouse in the last election. I hope she's proud of her fine work. View Quote I went to high school with John Sullivan(Bishop Kelly). Was good friends with his little brother. John was a wild man in HS. He beat the crap out of an off duty cop as a senior. Police walked into the classroom and cuffed him in front of everybody. Hell of a wrestler back in the day. |
Quoted: I'm pretty sure the AWB is dead, since I decided to invest some money in prebans as a gamble. I even convinced the wife this would be a good investment. What'll I do now? [stick] View Quote Marvl, The re-authorization has been introduced as a "stand alone" bill. I don't believe it will see a vote on either floor. It can still come up next Congress, (election year). You are still in the game!![:D] |
God, I hope the Congresswoman is right. I know both my state Senators are against renewing the ban as well as many of my state's representatives.
[img][/img] [][b][red]NRA[/red][/url] [][blue]Life Member[/blue][/url] [][b][red]GOA[/red] [/url] [][blue]Life Member[/blue][/url] [][red]SAF[/red][/url] [][blue]Supporter[/blue][/url] [][red]SAS[/red][/url] [][blue]Supporter[/blue][/b][/url] |
Tom Delay's office called me asking for me to serve on a business committee. I said I would hold out until I see how the Republicans did on 3 items: federal judges, tax cuts and stopping AWB renewal. Was told AWB is dead per Delay and tax cuts coming.
Excellant news!
I said this months ago...our Republican congressman will lead the way in defeating this pos bill. Think of it this way...there's no way they're going to piss off the base again. Having said that...we must be vigliant and keep the pressure on. We out number the anti's 10 to 1 on this issue, if everyone votes. |
Just a thought, how many Politicians keep their word? Also the trials for the DC sniper pair will probably be in full course next year with the Media doing its thing NON STOP. You will hear daily about the Bushmaster "Assault" Rifle.
Quoted: Also the trials for the DC sniper pair will probably be in full course next year with the Media doing its thing NON STOP. You will hear daily about the Bushmaster "Assault" Rifle. View Quote Maybe then they'll explain how a ban on bayo lugs and collapsible stocks had ANYTHING to do with lessening the damage inflicted here. Or maybe then they'll have to explain how banning "high capacity" magazines would have had ANTHING to do with stopping the one-shot-one-kill modus operandi of the shooters. Or maybe they can explain how these killings would have been IMPOSSIBLE with a Remington 700 or a mini-14. Or maybe they can explain why one of the FIRST eyewitnesses who actually SAW the sniper and identified him as a [b]BLACK[/b] man was ignored by the [b]BLACK[/b] Chief of Poh-leeth in charge of the investigation. [b]Items from the new and improved "Assault Weapon" Ban:[/b] - pistol grip for "from the hip" shooting = DC SNIPER DIDN'T 'SHOOT FROM THE HIP' - bayo lug for drive-by bayonettings = NOT USED BY THE DC SNIPER - Collapsible stock for hiding the AR in your pocket = NOT USED BY THE DC SNIPER - flash suppressor for night shooting = NOT USED BY THE DC SNIPER - "high cap" detachable magazines for shooting 30 kids at once = NOT USED BY THE DC SNIPER - gun show "loophole" how most felons buy their guns = NOT USED BY THE DC SNIPER Oh yeah... I'd LOVE for them to bring the DC sniper shooting up at the same time the AWB is debated. |
Quoted: Quoted: Also the trials for the DC sniper pair will probably be in full course next year with the Media doing its thing NON STOP. You will hear daily about the Bushmaster "Assault" Rifle. View Quote Maybe then they'll explain how a ban on bayo lugs and collapsible stocks had ANYTHING to do with lessening the damage inflicted here. Or maybe then they'll have to explain how banning "high capacity" magazines would have had ANTHING to do with stopping the one-shot-one-kill modus operandi of the shooters. Or maybe they can explain how these killings would have been IMPOSSIBLE with a Rem 790 or a mini-14. Or maybe they can explain why one of the FIRST eyewitnesses who actually SAW the sniper and identified him as a [b]BLACK[/b] man was ignored by the [b]BLACK[/b] Chief of Poh-leeth in charge of the investigation. [b]Items from the new and improved "Assault Weapon" Ban:[/b] - pistol grip for "from the hip" shooting = DC SNIPER DIDN'T 'SHOOT FROM THE HIP' - bayo lug for drive-by bayonettings = NOT USED BY THE DC SNIPER - Collapsible stock for hiding the AR in your pocket = NOT USED BY THE DC SNIPER - flash suppressor for night shooting = NOT USED BY THE DC SNIPER - "high cap" detachable magazines for shooting 30 kids at once = NOT USED BY THE DC SNIPER - gun show "loophole" how most felons buy their guns = NOT USED BY THE DC SNIPER Oh yeah... I'd LOVE for them to bring the DC sniper shooting up at the same time the AWB is debated. View Quote |
1) 'They can't sign an extension'
Yes, they can... They can pass a bill that ammends the current AWB to expire in 2014 instead of 2004. 2) 'Bush will just use an executive order' Prohibition of domestic firearms is outside the scope of the power to issue 'executive orders'. The [b]ONLY[/b] way that it can be renewed/extended/replaced is [b]an act of congress (i.e. passing a law)[/b]. The [b]ONLY[/b] reason that it worked for [b]IMPORTED[/b] weapons in 89 was a prohibition on 'non-sporting IMPORTED weapons' in the 68 GCA. There is no similar language to permit an executive-order ban on anything made-in-the-USA (which is why the 89 ban is easily circumvented by adding US parts to make a 'US-made' gun)... |
One can only hope it is dead and the truth will be known Sept 14 2004.
As I have said for some time, there will be some period of time after the sunset of the AWB where there is nothing like it in effect. Don't worry about that, it is almost inevitable. A much bigger threat is the 2004 elections and what happens afterward.
Quoted: I still believe the current congress and president will simply sign an extension to the exhisting bill and carry on as usual, it is the easiest/safest thing for all involved to do. View Quote You don't understand. They cannot just "sign an extension." The law requires that they create a new bill, pass it through all the committees, pass floor votes in both houses of congress, and get the president's signature. This simply cannot happen with our current government. The AWB will sunset, as scheduled. Worry about the [b]next[/b] government (after the 2004 elections), not this one. |
The idea of an Executive Order keeps coming up discussions of the AW renewal. Does ANYONE really think there’s a chance in hell of GW using that?
He’s gone on record as saying that he’d sign a renewal of the law AS IT NOW EXISTS, which gives him an out if they happen to send anything up that is more restrictive and also gives him a talking point when the Dems starting tossing shit about gun control at him during reelection. The people that control the legislative process are of the Presidents party and have, by this thread and other statements, made it pretty damn clear that gun-control is a dead issue. They aren’t interested in pushing something that barely got by last time in a Democratically controlled House. The Dems are the only ones that keep this shit alive trying to whip up the masses with their hysterical bullshit and further slide to the left. The Repubs are smart enough to know that gun control is a vote loser for them. I agree that it’s not time to sit back and open a cold one. They could still try and shove this crap by in another piece of legislation or make another attempt later but I’m optimistic for the first time about it dying as it should. |
on September 15, 2004........I am going on a huge shopping spree[:D]
Quoted: on September 15, 2004........I am going on a huge shopping spree[:D] View Quote I am starting earlier than that. |
I’m certainly delighted with the direction of this thread and appreciate LWilde taking the time to start it.
However, sudden repeats of Columbine H.S. type scenarios could change the whole political landscape overnight. I well remember when gun control legislation was totally stalled in Congress in the early 1960’s. The assassination of JFK changed that – and the NRA, which was far more powerful back then than it is now, was simply steamrollered!! As the saying goes, it ain’t over till it’s over!! |
Quoted: Quoted: That's good news, but [b][red] I'll believe it September 15, 2004[/b][/red]. TS View Quote Well if every gunner contacts his/her Congressman or woman, and let them know they should not support the extension of the '94 AWB it should be in the bag. Remember if your Congresman gets 10 snail-mail letters or so, it is considered a "flood of mail." So does everybody knows what to do? Maybe a visit to the district office by a group of your fellow shooters would also help. View Quote I have and will continue to write, call and email my CongressCritter, Senators and President until September 2004. The more pressure we put on them the less likely they are to pass a renewal. I hope that it is true that the House leaders won't let it out of committee, but I won't take it for granted. TS |
Quoted: Quoted: on September 15, 2004........I am going on a huge shopping spree[:D] View Quote I am starting earlier than that. View Quote As am I Jim. Just get most of the domestice evil rifles now and when the ban sunsets then customize them the way you wan't. If a new AWB comes into existance then you can say atleast you alread have several evil gun's [;)] |
IMO the DC sniper case is a good one that shows the AWB doesnt do what its supposed to!
If it had worked like they wanted hwe woulnt have had An AR-15 the AWB was supposedly designed to keep Assault weapons out of the hands of criminals well it obviously didnt! Also it shows that the police cannot protect you. I also belive they may have admited that publicly during the whole deal im not sure. It shows that one crazy man can run around killing people at anytime if he wants and thier is nothing the police can do to stop it. |
... I'd be willing to bet that more AR15 lower receivers have been manufactured in the past 10 years then the 30 prior due to the AWB.
Quoted: I'm not saying that the House will or will not kill the AWB ban, but really, how does one single Virginia congresswoman speak out for the whole house and ASSURE anyone that it will be killed? She may want it killed and/or she may of said what she said just to make you feel good. Now if these words of ASSURANCE were to be said my large numbers of congressmen and congresswomen througout the U.S. then that would be more positive. Just to note- Illinois Gov. Blagojevich ASSURED us IL gun owners that he would stand to protect the rights of gun owners as he claims he was a sportsman himself. But if don't already know about IL politics, Gov Blagojevich isn't exactly stopping Chicago's Mayor Daley from spreading his anti-gun legislation including semi-auto bans here in IL. ASSURED is a very strong word. [b]ArmaLiter[/b] View Quote Blagovich is a POS crony of Schumer, Feinstein etc. Illinois is full of gun grabbing demoncrats! |
Quoted: That's good news, but [b][red] I'll believe it September 15, 2004[/b][/red]. TS View Quote Ditto. Until know a politician is lying when his mouth is moving. |
Quoted: Quoted: Why are you still reading this? Write your damn COngress Critter!!!!! View Quote Because Fineswine is my critter in Congreess..that's why. And Doug Ose is my Rep, also equally useless. Sgtar15 View Quote Yep, Feinstein. Plus Ellen "The UN must administer post-war Iraq" Tauscher in my congressmen. Clearly, this is a case where my letters will fall on deaf ears. I'm not writing this time. Well, maybe just to throw insults around. |
Quoted: "Bushy" had better realize that his job depends on the AWB going bye-bye! View Quote The problem is, if Bush signes it and re-news the Ban, what are you going to do?? I mean your options are to vote in a Dem, that will make the whole thing WORSE!!! I really, really hope that BS law goes away, however, I am not so sure it will. I hope I am wrong, but I am prepared for bad news. |
Quoted: I still believe the current congress and president will simply sign an extension to the exhisting bill and carry on as usual, it is the easiest/safest thing for all involved to do. View Quote How old were you in 1992 and did you follow the politics of the times? Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas... |
Quoted: Quoted: "Bushy" had better realize that his job depends on the AWB going bye-bye! View Quote The problem is, if Bush signes it and re-news the Ban, what are you going to do?? I mean your options are to vote in a Dem, that will make the whole thing WORSE!!! I really, really hope that BS law goes away, however, I am not so sure it will. I hope I am wrong, but I am prepared for bad news. View Quote Clearly you guys ain't reading the previous postings. It IS going away. It takes a proactive Congress to bring up a new bill. [b]It will NEVER get out of committee now that the Republicans control the committees of both sides of Capital Hill and the legislative agenda.[/b] THAT is one of the little consequences of voting for Republicans in the last two elections. Some of y'all might remember my rants on that...lots of you spoke out too. Now we see how important it is to get engaged and vote! Enjoy your no-ban world next September...I damn well am going to! [:D] [sniper2] |
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